

【作者】 姜兵

【导师】 包文彬;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 银行营业网点客户排队既是一个常见的现象,也是一个令银行管理者头疼的问题,但又是一个必须解决好的课题。解决排队问题的基本目标是权衡客户等待成本与银行增加资源引起的成本之间的得失。客户和客户满意贯穿于现代商业银行经营管理和市场营销活动的始终。如何在不增加或尽可能少增加银行运营成本的前提下,准确把握客户的主导需求,切实提高银行员工的服务效率,实现客户满意、银行获利的“双赢”目标是银行经营管理者孜孜追求的目标。本文首先运用市场抽样调查的方法,对客户的主导需求进行分析确定,然后运用统计的方法,对客户的到达率、银行一线员工的服务效率、可承受业务量等指标进行区间估计,进而运用排队论的原理,对各种情况进行了计算机模拟,从而得出基本结论及实施的具体措施:一是银行要通过业务分流来控制客户流,减少客户亲自到银行办理业务的次数,从而达到不排队或少排队的目的;二是银行要通过运用新技术、业务流程再造、加强培训等手段提高员工的业务素质。

【Abstract】 The queue phenomenon in the banking offices is either a normal or a boring issue that should be solved properly in order to keep the clientele resources. The basic goal to resolve queue problem is the appropriate tradeoff between the customer’s waiting (or time) cost and the banks’ increasing operation costs caused by enlarging the service capital. The management of the market occupation rate and satisfaction degree of customers are two core aspects of modern commercial bank management and marketing. How to improve the service efficiency in order to gain the win-win result of customer’s satisfaction and bank’s profit-making, with no or less increasing the banks’ operation cost is a issue faced by all the diligent bankers. This report begin with the sample survey in the market to analyze the magisterial or dominant demand of customers. Then the author uses some statistical methods to measure some key operating characteristics, including customers arrival rate, banking cashiers’ service rate and superior limit of business amount. To follow up, queuing theory and simulation experiment are used to get the final and feasible solutions: firstly, reducing the number of customer on the banking offices. That means through the modern business distribution such as phone banking and internet banking business, the customers can conduct the banking business at home or office, rather than going to the banking office and waiting. Lastly, banks should highlight the importance of improving the service rate of employees by using new technology, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and frequent training.

  • 【分类号】F830.4
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1286