

【作者】 于纪言

【导师】 王晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 火炮、自动武器与弹药工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代战争中制空权的争夺至关重要,机场封锁与反封锁之间的对抗越来越激烈,为了更有效地封锁敌方机场,本文对我国空军新一代子弹药——封锁雷弹技术进行了细致的研究。 在对国内外对机场封锁与反封锁现状分析的基础上,对机场目标进行了分析,提出了与侵彻子弹药相互配合、能够更有效地封锁敌方机场的封锁雷弹的系统概念,进行了系统原理设计,并对封锁雷弹的结构布局进行了研究。 为了更有效地实现对目标的毁伤,达到毁伤目标的多样性与毁伤目标的可靠性,设计了封锁雷弹的战斗部系统,系统采用大直径大锥角爆炸成型弹丸攻击机动车辆底部,采用周向三层小直径多爆炸成型弹丸和预制破片攻击轻型装甲和强行起飞降落的飞机等目标。 对封锁雷弹的声探测系统进行了算法分析,提出了适合于封锁雷弹具体使用特点的特殊角度探测法,使四点声定位技术应用于封锁雷弹的声定位中来,可满足在较近距离下(0~30m)的声测距定位的要求。 研究了封锁雷弹的多模起爆机理,将电容探测、声探测、实时重新分配自毁时间与能够区分出不同移动状态的加速度计防排方法有机结合起来,使封锁雷弹能够在不同目标、不同情况下采用不同的起爆方式,提高封锁机场的效率和可靠性。 为阻滞敌方排雷延长敌方排雷时间,设计了以加速度计为主要工作元件的电子防排系统,该系统可以在雷弹被触动或被搬动的情况下感知出雷弹的自身状态,判定自毁模式。该防排机理可以用于其它需要防排的场合,具有比较广泛的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Today the mastery of the sky is critical for the war, and the counterwork between blocking and anti-blocking the aerodrome is becoming more and more drastic. In order to blocking the aerodrome of the rival effectively, a new generation weapon, the blockage mine has been analyzed in detail in this paper.Based on the analysis of the domestic and international situation about blocking and anti-blocking the aerodrome, the following steps explain the process of this analysis. That is, analyzing the target of the aerodrome, putting forward the concept of the blockage mine which can block the aerodrome of the rival effectively, designing the theory of system, and studying the layout of this mine.In order to dynamite the rival target efficiently, the warhead of the blockage mine is designed, a special angle detecting method adapt to blockage mine is also proposed, the algorithm can meet the requirement of close acoustic localization.The theory of multi detonation modes for the blockage mine is presented in the paper, which make the mine can select corresponding detonation mode based on different target and condition. The efficiency and reliability of aerodrome blockage are distinctly improved.In order to prevent and postponed eliminate the mine, an electronical anti-eliminate system based on acceleration meter is also designed ,the system can determine the self- detonation mode by the status of the mine.

  • 【分类号】TJ412
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】306