

【作者】 杨志刚

【导师】 周君;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前医疗外科手术机器人已经成为国内外研究机构研究的热点。医学影像数据可视化技术是应用其中的一项关键技术,它的研究给医学领域带来了重大的变革。通过计算机可视化过程,可将原始获得医学影像数据(如CT、MRI数据等)进行重构,以直观、生动、形象地方式展现在人们面前,为病灶的准确诊断、制定行之有效的手术路径提供丰富的资料。因此,对医学影像数据进行重建的研究使医疗外科手术机器人系统更加精确可靠。 本文主要对以下内容作了详细的论述: 首先对医疗机器人的国内外发展状况,以及机器人辅助立体定向神经外科手术系统进行概述性描述,并介绍了其相关的关键技术。 然后分析了关于医学数字图像与通信标准(DICOM)包含的内容,阐述了CT图像轮廓提取的相关问题。CT图像的轮廓提取质量的好坏直接影响到图像的三维重建的效果。主要讨论拉普拉斯算子锐化、一种迭代求图像最佳分割阈值的算法,以及采用一种“探测准则”和“跟踪准则”进行轮廓跟踪和提取。 接着对关于CT图像轮廓线三维重建问题作了详细的讨论。介绍如何解决二维轮廓线重构三维形体的问题,包括单轮廓线之间的三维形体重构和多轮廓线之间的三维形体重构。在多轮廓线重建问题中介绍如何解决轮廓线之间的面片拼接、对应、分支等问题。 另外阐述了图像空间到机器人操作空间映射的原理,以及如何建立定位标记点坐标系来得到转换矩阵实现空间映射变换,提出一种方法。 在上述理论和算法的基础上,采用Visual C++开发环境和OpenGL图形库设计一个实验手术系统。包括系统的总体设计、数据结构设计及功能的详细设计。系统由路径规划模块和辅助操作模块组成。可以完成对CT图像进行轮廓提取、三维模型重建以及实现手术路径规划和手术导引等功能。

【Abstract】 In these years, medical surgery robot has become a research focus in many laboratories all over the world. Medical image data visualization is a crucial technology used in medical surgery robot that makes significant innovation in medical field. Via computer visualization, medical image data such as CT or MRI image can be reconstructed to 3D body. 3D image provides a vivid virtual circumstance in which operator is able to make a precise diagnosis and plan a valid operation path. Thereby researches in medical image reconstruction guarantee medical surgery robot system to be more precise and reliable.In this paper, the major works involved are as follows:At first, this article gives a presentation of medical robot developments and a brief introduction of robot aided stereotactic neurosurgery system and its related crucial technologies.Secondly, Presentations are given of DICOM and some theories relevant to contour extraction in CT images. The performance of extraction affects directly the quality of 3D-reconstruction body. Some implemental algorithms are improved and introduced.Thirdly, this article discusses some theories relevant to image 3D-reconstruction from serial 2D contours in detail. The emphasis is involved in contours tiling?correspondence and branching problems when to construct 3D objects from multiple branching 2D contours.Meanwhile, Presentations are given of image space coordinate to robot real coordinate mapping theory and how to implement this kind coordinates translation.Based on above some theories and algorithms, a experimental system is designed by Visual++ and OpenGL. The system includes two modules: path planning module and aided operation module.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】323