

【作者】 苏恒

【导师】 李亚军;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 产品形态作为一种媒介完全可以传达出自身的信息和意义,这种信息和意义不应只是功能上的,更应是情感上的,因此,对产品的语义进行研究显得越来越重要。因为当代设计师在设计产品形态时总是首先设法使用含有情感的隐喻性符号来传达丰富的产品内涵的。本文以隐喻概念为切入点,在深入阐释隐喻设计思想产生根源的基础上,对隐喻设计的语义层次进行了具体分析,并对隐喻设计手法做了多维的理性思考和系统的理论阐述。论文试图将符号学、传播学、语言学、美学、心理学等的相关理论纳入到对产品设计的研究之中,同时结合国内外产品设计的优秀范例,对隐喻性产品设计的特点和方法进行必要的梳理和论证,以建构隐喻性设计的基本理论框架。

【Abstract】 The form of a product, as a media, can completely deliver the information and meaning of the product itself, which are not only of function, but also of emotion. Therefore, the study of Product Semantics turns out to be increasingly important, since contemporary designers, at first, always tries to use those emotional-loaded metaphorical elements to indicate abundant connotations of the product. Starting form the concept of metaphor, this thesis gives out a detailed analysis of the semantic levels of metaphorical designing, based on a thorough interpretation of its origin, and at the same time does a rational consideration of multi-dimensions and systematic theoretical explanation of the metaphorical designing technique. Under the attempt of employing into the study of product design the relative theories of Semantics, Mass-Communication, Linguistics, Aesthetics and Psychology, etc. the present thesis also tends to make a necessary demonstration and testification of the characteristics and methodology of metaphorical designing, so as to establish a basic theoretical framework of it, through the illustration of some excellent examples of product design both in China and at abroad.

【关键词】 产品语义学隐喻形态
【Key words】 Product Semanticsmetaphorform
  • 【分类号】J50-05;H03
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1091