

【作者】 程真何

【导师】 都洪基; 李来福;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电气工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在重载、超高压、长距离交流输电线路中,采用串联补偿装置以缩短输电的电气距离,减少线路阻尼,降低线路电压降及减小输电角度,提高线路的传输容量。本文以阳城—三堡500kV送电工程为具体背景,对500kV超高压电网中串联补偿装置的优化配置进行了全面而深入的研究。 论文对串联补偿装置的安装位置和主接线的选择以及设备元件配置进行了深入的分析研究,提出了一个较为详细的串补方案。文章最后以东明—三堡500kV串补装置为具体考核试验对象,就区内、区外故障进行了仿真试验,结果表明完全满足系统及装置的配置要求。

【Abstract】 In the AC transmission lines of heavy load ,UHV and long distance, using SC equipment aims to shorten the electric distance, reduce the line damp, the fall of voltage and the transmission angle and increase the transmission capacity. This paper puts Yangcheng-Sanbao 500kV transmission project as the material background and makes a quite all-sided and embedded research on the SC equipment optimization.The paper discussed the selection of the installing situation and the main connection about the SC equipment and put forward a detailed SC scheme. In the end of this paper, some simulation of the SC equipment is made in order to testing the reliability of it. The result suggested that the scheme satisfies the requirement of the system and the SC equipment.

【关键词】 串联补偿500kV超高压优化研究仿真
【Key words】 SC/series Compensation500kVUHVOptimization ResearchSimulation
  • 【分类号】TM723
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】346