

Study on Wood Tenoner Modeling and Numerical Control Tenon Technology

【作者】 张云秀

【导师】 齐英杰; 马岩;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究实木榫建模与数控开榫计算机辅助制造技术。根据数据分析过程所得出的结果,研究开发实木制品数控开榫制造加工计算机辅助制造系统及虚拟制造技术。即以计算机支持的仿真技术为前提,通过对设计→分析→制造→装配→测试全过程的计算机建模和仿真来模拟产品开发、制造过程的实际运行,来确定实际产品开发以及制造过程可能出现的各种问题和解决方案,使产品的开发周期和成本的最小化,产品设计质量最优化,生产效率最高化。分析了数控开榫机的铣削原理,介绍了开榫用的各种刀具。总结了数控机床的控制原理和机械结构,设计了适用于普及型欧式木窗的多功能数控开榫机,使普及型欧式木窗的数控加工能够在相对经济的数控机床上进行,对微机系统总线和接口技术进行了研究,确定了接口卡设计方案,设计了数控开榫机的接口卡,绘制了接口卡原理图,并对其所用芯片进行了说明。

【Abstract】 This paper studies Wood Tenoner Modeling and Computer-aided manufacturing about numerical control tenon process. And according to the result from data analysis, we exploited CAM and virtual manufacturing on numerical control woodwork tenoned. In other words, with the precondition of simulation technology, we modeling and simulate the course of design, analysis, manufacture, fixing, testing to simulate the actual running of exploitation and manufacture, and then we confirm the exploitation of practical production and the problems and resolvent in the course of produce, which could make exploitation periods and cost of manufacture minimize, make design optimization, and make productivity tiptop. Based on the analysis of the milling theory of the mill-tenon machine, the cutting force and power are calculated. And the tenoner blades are introduced in this paper. In this paper we summarize control principle and mechanical configuration, and design mul-function numerical control tenoner used to machining Europe-fashion wood windows, making this kind of windows produced by the low-cost machine. With the research of computer system bus and interface technology, the interface card project is formed, card designed, principle drawings drawn, and chips illuminated.

【关键词】 实木数控开榫CAM模型
【Key words】 WoodNumerical controlTenonCAMModel
  • 【分类号】TG659
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】119