

On System of Environmental Administrative Contract

【作者】 宋丽平

【导师】 周玉华;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 环境行政合同最早产生于日本,在日本被称为公害防止协定。公害防止协定的运用极大地改善了日本的环境污染状况。现在,世界各国尤其是在欧美日等发达国家,行政合同在环境管理领域已得到广泛应用,并发挥着重要的作用。环境行政合同顺应了行政民主化的潮流,使相对人真正参与到了行政管理过程中,他们的意志得到了充分的尊重。由于相对人的合作,环境行政效率大大提高,成本大幅下降。但是,环境行政合同在实践中仍然存在很多问题,因此对环境行政合同进行深入的研究很有必要。 本文分为环境行政合同基本理论探析、中外环境行政合同制度的比较借鉴和我国环境行政合同制度的构建三个部分。在第一部分中,对环境行政合同的概念给予了重新的界定,并详细阐述了它与市场经济、行政民主化及可持续发展之间的关系。旨在进一步完善我国的环境行政合同理论。第二部分,在对一些国家的环境行政合同制度进行比较的基础上,找出可以为我国所借鉴的经验。第三部分从环境行政合同的程序、实体权利义务、违约责任及其救济方面构筑起我国环境行政合同制度的基本框架,尤其突出环境行政合同的救济制度,因为对此我国的法律法规中几乎没有规定。学者的研究对象也仅限于平等民事主体之间环境纠纷,环境行政合同纠纷未纳入研究的范围。最后,鉴于我国还没有统一的环境行政合同法,本文提出了关于环境行政合同的立法模式的建议。

【Abstract】 Environmental administrative contract produce in Japan, in which it is named pollution control agreement. The application of pollution control agreements improves the environment condition. Now Environmental administrative contracts are applied broadly ,especially in the developed countries in the world and they have played an important part. The environmental administrative contract is fit for the democracy current. It makes private party take part in the environmental management really and he is respected. With the cooperation of private party, the environmental administrative efficiency is improved, and the cost reduced. There are still many problems in practice, so it is necessary to study it farther.The paper includes three parts. They are analysis of the basic theory on environmental administrative contract comparison of the system of environmental administrative contracts in China and foreign countries establishment of the system in our country .In the first part a new definition to environmental administrative contract is given. The relations of environmental administrative contract and market economy administrative democratization sustainable development are explored in detail. The purpose is to improve the theory about it. In the second part, on the base of contrast of the systems of environmental administrative contract in foreign countries, some experience is provided for us. The third part structure our system of environmental administrative contract from some aspects ,such as procedure right and duty responsibility and remedy, especially the remedy system.It is because there are few items about it in, laws and regulations. The research object of the scholars is only environmental dispute between equal civil subjects, not including the environmental administrative contract dispute. Finally, the suggestion on the legislation pattern of environmental administrative contract is afforded, because of no law about it

【关键词】 环境行政合同制度
【Key words】 environmentadministrative contractsystem
  • 【分类号】D912.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】229