

ISSR Analysis of Populus SP Located in Northeast

【作者】 李绍臣

【导师】 杨传平; 姜静; 刘桂丰;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 杨树具有速生、轮伐期短、繁殖容易、材质好、杂交容易等优良特性,因而人们对它的栽培十分感兴趣,大量天然杂种和人工培育的新品种相继产生,致使杨属在分类上存在着相当大的混乱。因此在生产上和科学研究中常常出现同物异名、同名异物,品种混杂等现象,这对林业生产影响很大,尤其在良种的推广上造成了一定困难。传统的标记已明显跟不上对越来越多的自然选育和人工培育的品种进行鉴别的要求。为了解决杨树品种混乱的问题,本文利用ISSR分子标记技术,对东北主栽杨树的70个无性系的亲缘关系进行研究,结果如下: (1) 经过反复对比试验建立了适合于杨树的ISSR-PCR分析的反映体系和扩增程序,即在20ul反应体系中加入模板20ng、引物0.5PM、dNTP0.20mmol/L、Taq酶1.5U、Mg2+1.5mM,充分混匀后,94℃加热3min,使模板DNA变性,然后进入下列温度循环:94℃变性30s、56℃退火50s、72℃延伸1 min,共计30个循环。循环结束后在72℃延伸7 min,以保证DNA延伸彻底。 (2) 利用12个随机引物对70个品种杨的DNA样品进行了1SSR分析。共检测到132个位点,多态位点百分率在16.67%—59.85%之间,多态位点百分率最高的是荷兰杨,最低的是小×胡。 (3) 70种杨树分为两大类群,第一群是由9个样本组成的白杨派,其余品种构成第二群。而第二群又分为两个亚群,第一亚群又可分为4组,多数是由欧美杨各无性系组成的,第二亚群分为5组,多数由我国杂交育成的品种组成,同一系列的品种都能很好的聚在一起。 (4) 利用ISSR技术可以对基因组的所有序列直接分忻,不受环境的影响,在分子水平上利用DNA指纹图谱可对70个无性系进行品种鉴别,结果非常可靠。

【Abstract】 Populus is important tree. In this paper, ISSR marker technique is used to identify 70 clones of Populus that are planted in northeast China. The main results are introduced as follow:1. The best reaction program and amplification system for ISSR-PCR have been established to these materials, that is template DNA 20ng primer as RM dNTP0. 20mmol/L TaqDNAl.5U, Mg2+1.5mM.2. In this study, 12 arbitrary primers of ISSR marker are used to analyze genetic variation among 70 clones. 132 loci are detected in total. The percentage of polymorphic loci varies from 37.12%to 59.85%, in which the lowest percentage belong to P. xiaohei X P. euphratina and the highest one is P. X euram. cv. serotina de poilan.3. The cluster of 70 clones in genetic relationship is constructed on the basics of genetic distance. The result demonstrates that 70 clones are clustered into two groups, respectively. The first group contains all varieties of P. alba or P. tomentosa, the second group is divided into two subgroups, in which one is mostly composed of the clones from hybrid of domestic varieties, and the other is gathered with foreign clones of P X euramericana.4. The results proved that ISSR marker technique could be used to identify the clones of Populus.

【关键词】 杨树无性系ISSRDNA指纹图谱
【Key words】 PopuluscloneISSRDNA fingerprint
  • 【分类号】S792.11
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】247