

Detection and Analysis on Pathogenetic Nucleic Acids of 3 Viral Infections and Serum Antibody Levels Among the Farmed Fur Animals in Vaccinated Status

【作者】 王玉龙

【导师】 华育平; 张洪英;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎是毛皮动物人工养殖中经常发生的两种最为重要的病毒性传染病,狐狸脑炎则是主要发生于狐的一种病毒性传染病。这三种传染病在我国人工养殖毛皮动物种群中的流行已有数十年,历史上几乎所有饲养毛皮动物的地区或养殖场都曾经发生过。三种传染病均发生发展快,一旦流行,将出现很高的发病率和死亡率。每年的大批发病和死亡,不但给毛皮动物养殖场(户)造成了严重的经济损失,而且严重地影响和制约着整个产业的快速发展。近些年来通过疫苗接种免疫,这几种传染病得到了比较好的预防和控制,但因各种原因,每年仍有暴发、流行的情况出现。为了做到有效地、充分地预防和控制传染病的发生,就要求在诊断上做到快速、特异、准确、简便,及时了解疫病的发生和流行趋势。 本研究中,(1)从山东、黑龙江等地养殖规模在3千只以上的某些养殖场中,对已进行常规疫苗免疫接种毛皮动物群中进行采样;(2)对用于检测诊断的PCR方法进行了优化,同时对采集于疫苗免疫动物群的样品中犬瘟热病毒和狐狸脑炎病毒的核酸进行了特异性检测;(3)应用免疫酶测定方法检测分析了毛皮动物的犬瘟热病毒、狐狸脑炎病毒血清抗体效价,应用HA和HI试验检测分析大连、黑龙江等地养殖场的毛皮动物的细小病毒血清抗体效价。(4)进行保护性抗体水平分析,了解疫苗免疫保护效果,分析免疫失败原因;将近几年这几种传染病的流行情况与以往流行病史相结合,分析三种传染病的发生、发展、流行的原因和趋势。

【Abstract】 Canine Distemper and Canine Parvovirus Enteritis are the two most important viral infections commonly occur among farmed fur animals, while Fox Encephalitis is a kind of viral infection among foxes. It has been decades since the prevalence of these three kinds of infections among fur animals. They have occurred in almost every raising area and farm throughout history. All of these three infections occur and develop at a high speed. Once they prevail, it will be followed by high incidence rate and mortality. A great number of deaths can not only lead to severe economic loss for the owners, but also badly influence and restrict the development of the whole industry. Recently these infections are well prevented and better controlled than before, however, they still occur and prevail every year because of various of reasons. In order to prevent and control these infections, efficient, simple, rapid, reliable and specific diagnosis methods are required. Moreover, we should comprehend the occurrence and prevalent trend beforehand.In this study, we (1) sampled routine vaccinated animals from some farms which raise more than 3000fur animals in Shan Dong and Hei Longjinang provinces ect. (2) optimized the PCR protocol for detection and diagnosis, and at the same time give specific detection on nucleic acid in CDV and Fox Encephalitis virus from samples collected from vaccinated animals. (3) applied immunoenzymatic assay to detect and analyze serum antibodies titer in CDV and Fox Encephalitis virus; while applying HA and HI to detect and analyze serum antibodies titer in CPV. (4) analyzed antibody levels, comprehend effects of immunity, and analyze reasons of failure for immunity. Connecting prevalent conditions in recent years to prevalent history, try to analyze occurrence, development and prevalent reasons and trend of these three infections.

  • 【分类号】S852.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】246