
扎龙湿地恢复初期丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)与白枕鹤(Grus vipio)繁殖行为研究

The Breeding Behaviors of Red-Crowned Crane (Grus Japonensis) and White-Naped Crane (Grus vipio) at Initial Recovering Stage in Zhalong Nature Reserve

【作者】 孙岩

【导师】 邹红菲; 金煜;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年4月和2004年4~5月在扎龙国家级自然保护区,对野生、散养和野生+散养配对(B型)丹顶鹤与野生、野生+散养配对(B型)白枕鹤和不惧怕人为干扰的野生白枕鹤(A型)的繁殖期行为用扫描取样法进行观察,对鹤类领域用参照——坐标定位法进行定位,用测距仪测定鹤类繁殖期对人为干扰产生2级不同反应的距离。 繁殖行为观察结果表明丹顶鹤和白枕鹤在求偶期、孵化期和孵化间断期的行为具有较强的规律性,各类型配对丹顶鹤和白枕鹤繁殖各阶段行为模式无显著差异。造成其细节上有所差别的根本原因在于食物。觅食行为是丹顶鹤和白枕鹤整个繁殖期内除繁殖行为外的最重要行为,且其出现频率在一天中基本为均匀分布。野生丹顶鹤和白枕鹤警戒性最强,其次为B型丹顶鹤、A型野生白枕鹤和B型白枕鹤,再次为散养丹顶鹤。环境不同的年份之间丹顶鹤和白枕鹤繁殖期行为差异较大。枯水期湿地丹顶鹤和白枕鹤觅食行为较少,警戒性强;丰水期湿地丹顶鹤和白枕鹤觅食行为时间分配较多,警戒性相对较弱,游走、理羽和静栖行为时间分配增加。 野生丹顶鹤孵化期领域面积为1.826±0.247km2(n=2),散养丹顶鹤求偶期领域面积为0.970km2,孵化期面积为0.534±0.244km2(n=5),野生白枕鹤求偶期领域面积为0.668±0.025km2(n=2),B型白枕鹤求偶期领域面积为0.294km2,A型野生白枕鹤求偶期领域面积为0.328km2,食物资源的丰富程度是决定鹤类繁殖期占据领域面积大小的决定因素。求偶期丹顶鹤领域面积较大,进入孵化期后缩小。丹顶鹤领域面积大于白枕鹤。 鹤对人靠近的反应级别分为1级:持续警戒但并未离开;2级:快速向远离人的方向游走或飞走。野生丹顶鹤2级:415±107m;野生白枕鹤2级:289±59m;散养丹顶鹤在公共活动区1级:59±27m;散养丹顶鹤在公共活动区2级:7±4m;B型白枕鹤在公共活动区1级:33±16m;B型白枕鹤在公共活动区2级:14±7m;B型白枕鹤在领域内2级:234±48m;A型野生白枕鹤在公共活动区2级:102±44m;A型野生白枕鹤在领域内2级:147±52m。人为干扰对其正常繁殖行为影响极大,其中,人为捡卵直接导致孵化期的中断。

【Abstract】 In Zhalong Nature Reserve, the breeding behaviors of wild, captive and B (one is captive, the other is wild) pairs of red-crowned crane and wild, B and the A (unusual wild) white-naped cranes were observed in April 2003 and April to May 2004 using scan sampling method. The territories of the cranes were located by reference-coordinate method, and the distances of two level response of the crane to the human’s approach were measured.The results of breeding behaviors showed that various behaviors of red-crowned crane and white-naped crane during breeding season are regular. There were no obviously differences of the different cranes pairs in each breeding period. The most important reason of the different behaviors performances was food. The feeding behaviors were the most important behavior except the breeding behaviors in breeding period of the red-crowned cranes and white-naped cranes, and the frequency of feeding behaviors were well-distributed each day. The alertness of the wild red-crowned cranes and the wild white-naped cranes were the best, and then were the B red-crowned cranes, A white-naped cranes and B white-naped cranes, alertness of the captive red-crowned cranes were the worst. There were great differences of the behaviors between two years. The feeding, walking, preening and resting behaviors of the drought were less than waterlogging, at the same time the alert behaviors were more.The average size of occupied territory by wild red-crowned cranes in incubating period was 1.826+0.247 km2 (n = 2), captive red-crowned cranes in courtship period was 0.970 km2, in incubating period was 0.534+0.244 km2 (n = 5), wild white-naped cranes in courtship was 0.668+0.025 km2 (n =2), B white-naped cranes was 0.294 km2, A white-naped cranes was 0.328 km2. The abundance of the food was the key factor of the size of cranes’ territory. The area of the territory in courtship period was more than incubating period of the red-crowned crane. The size of occupied territory by red-crowned cranes was larger than white-naped cranes.The response of the cranes to human’s approach was regarded as two degree, 1: keep alert but did not go, 2: walking away quickly or flying. The results showed that: the wild red-crowned of 2 degree was 415+107m, the wild white-naped cranes of 2 degree was 289+59m, the captive red-crowned cranes in public homerange of 1 degree was 59+27m, 2 degree was 7+4m, the B white-naped cranes in public homerange of 1 degree was 33+16m, 2 degree was 14+7m, in its territory of 2 degree was 234+48m; the A white-naped cranes in public homerange of 2 degree was 102+44m, in its territory was 147+52m. There were great influences of the humen disturbance to thecranes’ breeding behaviors. The incubating period of the cranes were broken off by humen taking eggs for artificial hatching.

  • 【分类号】S863
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