
杨树烂皮病(Cytospora chrysosperma)微生态保健技术的研究

Research of the Microecological Health Technique on Popular Canker (Cytospora Chrysosperma)

【作者】 冀瑞卿

【导师】 宋瑞清;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 该论文采用菌物学及植物病理学的研究方法,对杨树烂皮病的微生态保健技术进行以下研究。 选用3个木霉菌株(Trichoderma viride 1,Trichoderma viride 2,Trichoderma harzianum)与1个毛壳菌菌株(Chaetomium sp.)对杨树烂皮病菌(Cytospora chrysosperma)进行拮抗培养,结果表明,Trichoderma viride 1对杨树烂皮病菌菌丝生长抑制效果最好,拮抗培养74h,其相对抑制效果达到11.49。 毒蘑菇菌株的培养特性及生物学特性的研究结果表明:(1)白霜杯伞(Clitocybe dealbata)、绒白乳菇(Lactarius vellereus)、厚环鹅膏(Amanita pachyolea)、珊瑚菌(Ramaria ephemeroderma)、冠状环柄菇(Lepiota cristata)、鳞柄白鹅膏(Amanita virosa)6菌株菌丝生长的最适温度为25℃,细鳞环柄菇(Lepilta clypelolaria)和鹅膏菌(Amanita sp.)2菌株菌丝生长的最适温度为20℃。(2)各菌株生长最适碳源,除珊瑚菌为麦芽糖,冠状环柄菇为木糖外,其它6菌株均为葡萄糖。(3)除白霜杯伞在无氮条件下生长最好外,其他7菌株生长最佳氮源均为蛋白胨。(4)各菌株生长最适pH值:鹅膏菌、厚环鹅膏、细鳞环柄菇、鳞柄白鹅膏、珊瑚菌为6.0,绒白乳菇和冠状环柄菇为7.0,白霜杯伞为7.5,均属于喜稍偏碱性环境的菌株。 毒蘑菇菌株与杨树烂皮病菌的拮抗培养结果表明:鳞柄白鹅膏、白霜杯伞、珊瑚菌、细鳞环柄菇4菌株对病原菌的菌丝生长都表现出明显的抑制作用。毒蘑菇毒素粗提液对杨树烂皮病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发抑制作用结果表明:鳞柄白鹅膏、白霜杯伞、白霜杯伞3菌株的毒素提取液对杨烂皮病菌不论是菌丝生长还是孢子萌发,都有明显的抑制作用;生长速率法抑菌率(0.5%浓度/1%浓度)分别为:17.3%/68.27%,20.4%/49.73%、16%/43.07%,与对照相比都达到显著水平;抑菌圈直径分别为:2.50cm、1.78cm、2.20cm也均与对照有显著差异;悬滴法分生孢子萌发抑制率分别为:97.50%、95.56%、96.00%。

【Abstract】 The microecological health techniques on popular canker (Cytospora chrysospermd) was researched by the ways of mycology and pathology.Inhibiting effects of 3 Trichoderma strains (Trichoderma viridel, Trichoderma viridel, Trichoderma hazerium) and Chaetomium sp. on Cytospora chrysosperma were studied. The results showed that the strain Trichoderma viridel has obvious inhibited growth on Cytospora chrysosperma, the relative inhibiting effect is 11.49 for 74h antagonistic culture.The results of culture characteristic and biological characteristic of toxic mushroom strains showed: (1) The optimum growth temperature of Clitocybe dealbata, Lactarius vellereus, Amanita pachycolea, Ramaria ephemeroderma, Lepiota cristata and Amanita virosa is 25C; that of Lepiota clypelolaria and Amanita sp. is 20C. (2) The optimum carbon source of Ramaria ephemeroderma is maltose; that of Lepiota cristata is xylose, that of other strains is Glucose. (3) Except Clitocybe dealbata growing best on no-nitrogen source, the optimum nitrogen source of other strains is peptone. (4) The optimum growth pH of Amanita sp., Amanita pachycolea, Lepiota clypelolaria, Amanita virosa and Ramaria ephemeroderma is 6.0; that of Lactarius vellereus and Lepiota cristata is 7.0; that of Clitocybe dealbata is 7.5.The results of inhibiting effects of 9 toxic mushroom strains on Cytospora chrysosperma showed that the strains Amanita virosa, Ramaria ephemeroderma, Lepiota clypelolaria and Clitocybe dealbata have obviously inhibited growth on Cytospora chrysosperma. The toxin extracts of strains Amanita virosa, Clitocybe dealbata and Ramaria ephemeroderma showed significantly inhibiting effects on either mycelia growth or spores germination of Cytospora chrysosperma. Inhibiting effect (concentration is 0.5%/1%) on mycelia growth is respectively 17.3%/68.27%, 20.4%/49.73%, 16%/43.07%; diameters of inhibitory zone are 2.50cm, 1.78cm, 2.20cm; the inhibiting rates of spores germination respectively are 97.50%, 95.56%, 96.00%.

  • 【分类号】S763.7
  • 【被引频次】3
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