

Studies on Detection and Reinforced Technology of Old Bridge

【作者】 张嘉恒

【导师】 张印阁; 李元诚;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着交通事业的发展,道路交通量愈来愈大,普遍发生桥梁承载力不足的情况,特别是20世纪60~70年代修建的桥梁,设计荷载标准较低,而且大部分公路桥梁仍在服役,已不适应交通量日益增长的需要,全部重建的思想不现实,也不科学,为此,迫切需要对旧危桥进行维修与加固。本课题对桥梁结构现场检测技术与评定及旧桥改造、维修加固技术进行了认真的研究,并进行了实桥验证。实践证明,采用适当的加固技术,对恢复和提高旧桥的承载力及通行能力,延长桥梁的使用寿命,以满足现代化交通运输的需要,是可行的。通过维修和改造旧桥,是消除交通安全隐患,提高公路通行能力和服务水平的有效途径,亦是检验公路部门管养水平的重要标准,对公路桥梁建设可持续发展将起到重大意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of career of communication, highway traffic is larger and larger, there is commonly short of bridge carrying capacity, especially in 1960s and 1970s, load standard of bridge design was lower, and large parts of highway bridges were in service, they could not meet the needs of increasing traffic, whole reconstruction for them was neither in reality nor in science, so, old and dangerous bridges are needed to be repaired and reinforced, urgently. The paper studies spot detection and evaluation of bridges structure and old bridge reformation, maintenance and reinforced technology, and tests for actual bridges, it is proved from practice that, it is feasible to adopt appropriate reinforced technology, restore and raise carrying capacity and traffic capacity of old bridges, prolong use life of bridges and meet the needs of modernized communications and transportation. It is an effective way to eliminate traffic safety hidden danger, raise traffic capacity of highway and service standard, and it is also an important criterion to inspect management standard of highway departments, so it will play a major significance for continuous development of highway and bridge construction.

【关键词】 旧桥检测与加固研究
【Key words】 Old BridgeDetection and ReinforcedStudies
  • 【分类号】U445.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】554