

Plan on Garden Plant Species of JiLin City

【作者】 马永吉

【导师】 卓丽环; 戚继忠; 丁浩鹏;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对吉林市区内各类型绿地中典型绿地的调查,分析得出了绿地树种构成,其中非生产绿地树种组成结构为:常绿树与落叶树的数量比为1:50,即常绿树占落叶树的2%;乔木与灌木的数量比为1:18.8,乔木占灌木5.3%;引进树种与乡土树种数量比为1:13.9。生产绿地中常绿树与落叶树数量比为1:23.7,即常绿树占落叶树的4.2%;乔木与灌木数量比为1:2.3,即乔木占灌木43.5%;速生树种与慢生长寿树的数量比为9.7:1,即慢生树占快生树的10.3%;彩叶树种占在圃苗木总数的13.6%;观果树种占在圃苗木总数的7.0%。在对吉林市城市绿化树种现状调查、分析基础上,根据植物生态学、风景学的理论,参照其它北方城市的树种规划,首次提出了吉林市树种规划中各树种的比例为:常绿树与落叶树数量比为3:7,即常绿树占树木总数30%;乔木与灌木数量比为7:3,即乔木占树木总数70%;速生树与慢生树数量之比为7:3,即速生树占树木总数70%;提出了适合吉林市城市绿化的骨干树种、基调树种、一般树种,以及树种规划的原则;城市绿化树种的分类规划。为适应城市绿化的发展,生产绿地也要调整生产苗木的比例:尤其是常绿树与落叶树的比例、乔木与灌木的比例、速生树种与慢生长寿树种的比例,是今后吉林市绿化树种储备是否充足、结构是否合理的关键。同时,加强引种栽培工作的研究,开发利用长白山植物区系的野生观赏树木资源。通过对树种现状调查与分析,对树种规划和景观配植进行研究的基础上,以期为吉林市的城市绿化建设提供科学依据,从而逐步建立多层次、多结构、多功能的城市绿地植物群落。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, we analyses the composing of greenbelt plant species through researching on all kinds of greenbelts in JiLin City.The ratio of evergreens quantities to hardwoods quantities is 1:50, namely, the amount of evergreens account for 2% hardwoods. The ratio of quantity of arbors to shrubs is 1:18.8. That is to say arbors is 5.3 % shrubs. The ratio of adventitious species to local species is 1:13.9. All of them are the structures of non-production greenbelt species.In production greenbelt, the ratio of evergreens to hardwoods is 1:23.7, which is corresponding to evergreens is 4.2% hardwoods. The ratio of arbors to shrubs is 1:2.3, namely, arbors is 43.5% shrubs. The ratio of fast species to slow species is 9.7:1. In another words, slow plant species is 10.3% fast plant species. Otherwise, color leaves species is 13.6% of the total nursery plants and the amount of fruit trees is 7.0% of the total nursery plants.In the thesis, we put forward the plant species proportion of plants plan in JiLin City, which base on the research on city greenbelt species actuality and theories of plant ecology as well as landscape knowledge. At the same time, we consult other plant plan in north city. The proportion is that the ratio of evergreens to hardwoods is 3:7, namely, evergreens is 30% hardwoods and the ratio of arbors to shrubs is 7:3, that is to say, arbors is 70% shrubs. In addition to this, the ratio of fast plant species to slow plant species is 7:3; means that fast plant species is 70% slow plant species. Accordingly, we put forward the principle of plants plan and make certain the plant species fitting for JiLin City. In order to adapt for city virescence development, production greenbelts also need proportional adjusting. Especially need to adjust the proportion of evergreens to hardwoods, arbors to shrubs, fast plants to slow plants. This is the key to enough virescence species and optimizes the plant species structure. At the same time, it is important to strengthen the research on plants species indraught and exploit wild enjoyable trees. Through investigating and analysis of actuality of plant species in addition to the research on plants programming and spectacle planting, we expect to provide scientific support for virescence of JiLin City. In this way, it is possible to found city greenbelt plants community in many layers, functions and structures.

  • 【分类号】S725.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】866