

The Study of Tissue Culture of Iomster Traditionen and Culture Young Plant in Factory

【作者】 孙永琴

【导师】 刘桂丰;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验采用几内亚凤仙(Blomster traditionen Leva)新几内亚凤仙的红色品种、深红色品种为试验材料,通过对其叶片外植体进行离体培养,从品种、基本培养基、培养基的激素组合、继代时间、继代次数、生根诱导基质、移栽基质、移栽时间及苗期管理等几个方面研究了新几内亚凤仙的愈伤组织形成和植株再生能力。 两个品种分别采用不同的培养基 在品种、培养基的激素组合、继代时间继代次数上的差异,不同移栽基质和移栽时间对几内亚凤仙组培苗移栽成活的影响,在此研究结果的指导下,探讨了几内亚凤仙工厂化育苗的技术、生产计划、生产成本、经济效益等简要的温室成苗的栽培技术和管理的要求。采用组织培养的方式进行快速繁殖新几内亚凤仙,进行工厂化育苗具有可行性和科学性,可以满足市场的需要,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The test is using Blomster traditionen as material of study, through culture flake of leaf left body of plant, We take a lot of test in the tissue culture about elementary culture medium, kinds of hormone in culture medium, time of re-culture, number of re-culture, medium of inducing root emerging , medium of transplanting , time of transplanting and management to young plant .We study the restoring tissue producing, the difference of the capacity of plant regenerating in kinds of hormone in culture medium , the difference in time of re-culture, number of re-culture, the influence of different kinds of transplant medium and transplant time to Blomster traditionen living. Using this result We studied technical level of culture young plant in factory, production made, production cost and economic accounting, management to young plant in greenhouse.Using the tissue culture propagate young plant of Blomster traditionen can breed many young plant promptly and got good economic profits.

  • 【分类号】S681.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】165