

The Study on the Transfer between Urban Rail Transportation and Conventional Public Transit

【作者】 张学尽

【导师】 马国忠;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 交通一体化是城市客运交通的发展趋势。一体化的客运系统要在运能上适应不同层次客运的需要,必须以各交通方式之间的协调衔接为前提。轨道交通与常规公交的合理衔接是交通一体化的关键环节,要充分发挥轨道交通的骨干作用及其整体效益,除了其本身合理的路网布局和建设规模外,与地面常规公共交通的有效衔接显得尤为重要。 本文针对国内各大城市纷纷建设城市轨道交通系统,发展综合客运交通体系时对轨道交通枢纽内的接驳换乘规划考虑较少,易造成乘客换乘不方便,轨道交通效率低下这一问题进行研究。以城市轨道交通枢纽为平台,探讨城市轨道交通与常规公交接驳换乘的规划原则、程序及方法,并对轨道交通枢纽换乘效率进行评价,作为未来轨道交通枢纽规划及换乘服务改善的参考。 论文首先对城市交通枢纽的分类和枢纽在交通网络中的作用进行研究,并对城市轨道交通枢纽接驳换乘设施加以分析说明。然后,根据常规公交接驳设施布局原则,分析影响布局的因素,探讨常规公交车站在轨道交通枢纽处的布局模式。 论文在分析影响接驳换乘规模因素和比较说明常规公交接驳换乘客流量预测方法的基础上,对常规公交接驳换乘规模进行分级,并简要的计算常规公交停车位需求。最后,采用数据包络分析方法(EDA)对轨道枢纽的换乘效率进行评价,运用输入输出指标体系和DEA评价模型,给出换乘效率、输入冗余率和输出亏空率以及运行有效性的评价分析方法,并以广州地铁枢纽为实例进行换乘效率评价。

【Abstract】 Transportation integration is the trend in urban passenger transport development. To meet the needs of different levels of passenger transport, the capacity of the integrated passenger transport system must have the cooperated joining of every transport mode as its prerequisite. The transport integration hinges on the reasonable joining of urban rail transportation and conventional public transit. In addition to the logical rail network arrangement and construction scale, the effective joining with conventional land public transit is especially important in order for the urban rail transportation to function as a backbone and to increase a total benefit.What is focused on in this paper is the fact that the planning of feeder and transfer in mass transit hubs is not fully taken into account, which results in the inconvenience for the passengers to transfer and the lower efficiency of urban rail transportation, when integrated passenger transport system and urban rail transportation system are developed continuously in many large cities in our country. Based on the urban transit hub, the planning principles, procedures and methods of transfer between the urban rail transportation station and conventional public transit are discussed, and the benefit in the process of this transfer is evaluated as a reference for subway station planning and transfer service improvement in the future.First, the categories of the urban rail transportation hubs and their functions in traffic systems, as well as the feeder and transfer facilities, are analyzed and described. Then, according to the principles of conventional public transit facilities planning, the factors affecting the planning are considered and the layout pattern of conventional public transit stop in the urban rail transportation hubs is discussed.In the basis of analyzing the factors influencing the feeder and transfer scale and comparatively explaining the method to prognosticatethe volume of passengers using conventional urban mass transmit during the process of feeder and transfer, its scale is classified and the need for parking space of conventional mass transmit mode is calculated in brief. Finally, the Data Envelopment Analysis (EDA) is adopted to evaluate the transfer efficiency of the mass transit hub, the evaluate and analytic method for transfer efficiency, import redundant ratio, export deficit ratio and operational effectiveness is presented using import and export indexes and EDA evaluation model, and Guangzhou mass transit hub is taken as an example to be assessed in transfer efficiency.

  • 【分类号】U12
  • 【被引频次】49
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