

The Modelling, Emulation and Application of the Typical Load Curve of Traction Transformer

【作者】 王杰文

【导师】 李群湛;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 牵引变压器是牵引变电所最重要的电气设备之一,它的运行状态直接影响到牵引供电系统运行的稳定性和可靠性。因此,通过研究牵引负荷得到建立牵引变压器典型负荷曲线的方法具有重要的意义。 本文对若干实际变电所的一天24小时负荷电流、电压数据进行记录整理,作为实际负荷过程。在实际牵引负荷过程及其统计规律的基础上,对电气化铁道牵引变电所主变压器进行温升计算以及寿命分析,建立牵引变压器典型负荷曲线。 研究的方法是:利用IEC354《油浸式变压器负荷导则》中温升计算公式建立变压器温升和寿命损失模型,从数理统计出发,用概率分布的观点,在实测负荷的基础上,寻找一条合理的典型负荷曲线,使之能够正确反映变压器运行的实际状况,同时通过计算得到牵引变压器绕组的最热点温升曲线和寿命损失。 本文通过统计大量的实测数据,计算得到了一些典型参数,并与书本上的经验值进行对比分析,同时验证了部分既有的典型负荷曲线的最热点温升,并对德阳、江油、太白、乌江、永川五个变电所实际负荷数据进行分析和计算,主要分析了变压器运行的经济合理性以及提高变压器实际容量利用率的可行性方法。 本文利用Delphi6.0开发了牵引变压器典型负荷曲线仿真软件Tyloca1.0,Tyloca1.0有可视化程度高、用户界面友好、输出结果详细明了等特点,可作为进一步研究开发的基础工具。

【Abstract】 Traction transformer is one of the most important electrical equipments in the traction substation. The status of traction transformers directly influences the stability and reliability of the traction power supply system. So the method of making the typical load curve of traction transformer is great significant.The twenty four hours’ current and voltage data of the some transformers in one day are noted and used as the actual load. This paper is based on the process of traction load and the rules of statistics. The temperature raise of the main transformer of the traction substation of electrical railway is discussed, and the typical load curve of traction transformer is made.The formula of temperature raise by IEC354 Loading Guide for Oil-immersed Transformers is utilized to make the model of temperature raise and life loss. Under actual load course, proceeding from mathematical statistics and the view of the probability, the typical load curve of traction transformer reflecting the actual load is gotted. At the same time, the temperature raise and life loss of the traction transformer are calculated.In contrast with the experienced values of the book, the typical parameters by calculating the actual data are analysed. At the same time the hot-spot temperature of the existing typical load curves of traction transformer are validated. And the rationality and the method of improving the availability of the traction transformer are analysed by calculating the actual load of traction substation of Deyang, Jiangyou, Taibai, Wujiang and Yongchuan.On the basis of Delphi6.0, Tylocal .0 is developed to analyse the typical load curve of traction transformer. Tyloca1.0 has a popular GUI, and has the characters of class’s hierarchy and opening, which makes it easy to expand, maintain and replant. And it will be the basic of futher studying.

  • 【分类号】TM922
  • 【被引频次】5
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