

The Revival and Development of Chinese Nongovernmental Economy

【作者】 邓斌豪

【导师】 徐文生;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文围绕如何认识中国改革开放以来民营经济在国民经济中的地位和作用以及如何发展壮大民营经济这两个核心问题,在界定了民营经济定义及其内涵和外延的基础上,论证了改革开放以来民营经济在中国恢复的历史必然性,认为解决就业问题是现实紧迫原因,而搞活经济,较快较好地发展各项建设事业是根本原因;同时农村经济改革的成功实践为民营经济的恢复和发展提供了宝贵经验和物质基础。然后论述了改革开放以来民营经济的发展历程、现状,预测了民营经济的发展趋势。论文重笔分析了民营经济在中国的地位与贡献,揭示出民营经济是推动社会前进的一个重要驱动力,民营企业主是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者。最后结合政治经济学的原理提出发展壮大民营经济对策。 近年来理论界对民营经济的研究取得了较多成果,但如何对民营经济进行准确定义;如何看待私营经济里的“原罪”和剥削现象;适应中国加入WTO,民营经济怎样进行制度创新以及如何看待民营经济在现在与将来怎样与社会主义和共产主义制度的融合问题仍然是理论界的研究热点和难点。对此,本论文的主要创意有:1.从经营主体和经济性质的角度界定了民营经济的定义,认为民营经济是民众经营的商品经济。2.农业上家庭联产承包责任制的推行是私人经营制的成功,破除了把私人经营当作发展资本主义的思想禁区,在观念上初步扫除了恢复和发展个体私营等民营经济的障碍。3.任何社会都没有绝对的公有制和私有制,因为即使达到了生产资料公有制的绝对程度,也不能改变生活资料的私有性质,而生活资料的剩余和在一定条件下向生产资料价值的转化是很难避免的。4.民营化作为发展国民经济的手段,和国有化一样,社会主义国家和资本主义国家都可利用。

【Abstract】 Centering around the two core questions of how to perceive the status and role of China’s nongovernmental economy in the period of reform and opening-up and how to further develop and reinforce such form of economy, the present study gives its definition, connotation and denotation of non-governmental economy, and testifies the historical necessity for its recovery in China since the reform and opening-up. To cope with employment for the time being poses a practical and pressing need for nongovermental economy, while the fundamental drive is to vitalize the economy and develop all kinds of causes in a rather speedy and healthy manner. Meanwhile the successful practice of economic reform in the rural areas provides precious experience and solid material basis for the recovery and development of nongovermental economy. Discussions are then made on the evolution, status quo and future of non-governmental economy since the reform and opening-up. Emphasis is given to the analysis of the status and contribution of Chinese private economies, snowing that private economy is key driving force to push the society forward and nongovermental economy owners are builders of the socialist causes with Chinese characteristics. In the end proposals are made on how to further develop and strengthen non-governmental economy, with reference to the basic philosophy of politics and economics.Much progress of study on Non-govermental economy has been made in the theoretical circle in recent years. However, how to more precisely define private economy, how to approach the "original sin" and exploitations within such economies, how to build new institutions in Non-govermental economy since China’s entrance into WTO and how to guide its integration with socialist and communist systems for the time being and in the future, remain core questions and difficulties for theoreticians. Recommendations of this paper include: 1, While the present definition for nongovermental economy is still controversial, this paper gives its demarcations in terms of the entity running business and the nature of the economy, believing that nongovermental economies are commodity economy run by the masses.2, The success of the joint contract and responsibility system for farmer families in agriculture is a success of the private economy system, which has broken the ideological insistence on regarding it as capitalism, and therefore clears the way for the stride of nongovermental economies. 3 No absolute public ownership or private ownership exists in any society, because even if the means of production are entirely public, the means of living remain private, and the excess of the means of living and their possible transformation into the means of production are hardly avoidable. 4 As a resort to develop national economy, privatization, like nationalization, can be utilized by both socialist and capitalist countries.

  • 【分类号】F121.23
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】391