

Design and Implemention of Internet Bidding System

【作者】 王坤雅

【导师】 唐慧佳;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 计算机应用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 电子商务是网络经济的重要体现。它以现代化信息手段代替传统交易过程中纸介质信息载体的存储、传递、统计发布等环节,从而实现商品交易、服务交易以及交易管理等活动的在线化。 本文以招投标系统为主线,详细介绍了招投标系统的分析、设计和实现过程。从企业的具体需求入手,对系统功能的设计进行了深入的分析。使用比较流行的UML工具,对系统进行建模。 招投标系统基于.NET平台构建。.NET框架是一种新的开发平台,该平台下的企业框架和模板提供了一个强大方式,使系统能够在Visual Studio.NET环境下提供结构性指导。本论文针对微软企业级模板分层实例进行分析和比较,结合系统的具体实现情况进行了实例分析。 论文以对传统招投标流程为基础,结合企业的具体需求情况,设计实现了招投标系统,软件经过测试,基本达到了预期的设计效果。 本论文的组织结构: 第一章作为论文的绪论,主要介绍论文选题的意义、选题背景等相关情况。同时对招投标系统的发展现状以及当前招投标系统的不足进行了阐述。 第二章主要介绍招投标的基本概念、流程以及主要的招标方式。同时根据企业需求,进行系统分析。 第三章主要介绍系统的建模和UML(United Modeling Language)建模语言。 第四章主要介绍系统开发的核心技术。 第五章主要介绍系统的具体实现。

【Abstract】 E-Business, which is an important show of the network economy, substitutes many parts such as storage, transport and static of the information carrier in paper traditionally with the modem information to realize the online exchange among the commodity, services and the management.The paper introduces the analysis, design and realization of the system. It starts from the concrete needs and deeply analyses the function of the system. At the same time it makes the modeling with the popular tool-UML (United Modeling Language).The system is realized with NET flat. . NET framework is a new development environment whose enterprise framework and template is a strong mode, which offers guidance in configuration. The paper studies the Microsoft Enterprise template N-tier example and gives the instance based on the system.On the basis of the flow of bidding, the paper designs and realizes the system that has passed the test and achieved the anticipated design effect.The Next is the paper’s framework:The First chapter is the introduction mainly about the meaning of the subject and the background. It also analyzes the present of the Web Bidding System and points the deficiency.The second chapter refers to the concept, the process and the main fashions of bidding. It also analyzes the system based on the needing of Enterprises.The third chapter refers to the system modeling and related tool-UML (United Modeling Language)The fourth chapter refers to the core technologies during the development.The fifth chapter refers to the realization.

【关键词】 电子商务招投标建模NET企业级模板
【Key words】 E-BusinessBiddingModelingNETEnterprise template
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】474