

Study on Disaster Treating of Railway Tunnel in Yang’an Line

【作者】 张文革

【导师】 何川; 唐林;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 阳安线横贯陕西省南部,西起宝成铁路阳平关站,东接襄渝铁路与西康铁路的交汇点安康站,为单线电气化Ⅰ级干线。本线于五十年代末完成初步设计,1965年重新勘测设计,1969年开始动工,1972年全线通车,1976年交付运营。阳安线既是我国的第二条电气化铁路,又是我国第一条一次性建成的电气化铁路。与襄渝线联通形成长江以北平行于陇海铁路的第二条东西向干线,与襄渝、宝成和西康铁路共同担负西南、陕南与华北及西北地区间的物资交流与经济建设任务,自建成运营以来,对川西北、陕南的工农业生产发展,资源开发和经济建设均起到了重要作用。 阳安线全线共有隧道147座,共计60807米,占全线总长的17.3%,其中短隧道115座,中长隧道31座,长隧道1座(为K259+566台子山隧道,全长3625.44米)。 本文作者对阳安铁路线隧道病害的现状进行了详细的观测和调查。对阳安铁路线隧道病害的发展状况、变化规律、分布特点、危害程度以及不同病害的产生原因进行了详细的分析。同时对不同的隧道病害劣化等级进行了评定。 针对隧道的不同病害,提出了整治方法。对各种不同的病害整治方法,进行了探讨和论述。对于隧道衬砌裂损和隧道渗漏水这两种常见病害的整治方法进行了较为详细的探讨和论述。 对隧道衬砌裂损的各种不同病害,分别提出了不同的针对性的整治方法。特别对目前采用比较多的喷射混凝土和锚杆加固进行了较为详细的探讨和研究。对各种不同的喷射混凝土和各种类型的锚杆作了详细的比较研究。同时对喷射混凝土和锚杆的不同施工工艺进行了一定的探讨。 对隧道渗漏水的各种不同情况,提出了不同的针对性的整治方法。对目前采用比较多的压注浆液和衬砌作防水层进行了较为详细的探讨和研究。对各种不同的压浆材料和防水层作法作了详细的比较研究。同时对新型压浆材料和防水层作法及施工工艺进行了一定的探讨。

【Abstract】 Yang’an line is from the western YangPinGuan Station of BaoCheng railway to the eastern AnKang Station which is the intersection of XiangYu railway and XiKang railway, and runs through the southern areas of ShanXi province. It’s a single main electric line which grade is I .Its design was completed in 1965 again which elementary design had been accomplished in the end of 1950’s and was started in 196.The line was open to traffic in 1972 and was taken to use in 1976.Yang’an line was the second electric railway in our country and the first one-off constructed electric railway also. Yang’an line was the second main transmeridional railway which was parallel to LongHai railway. It intercommunicates with the south and west areas, the southern areas of ShanXi and the northern and western areas of our country along with XiangYu railway, BaoCheng railway and XiKang railway together, and it is important to the development and exploitation of the western and northern areas of SiChuan province and the southern areas of ShanXi province.There are 147 tunnels in all in Yang’an line, its total length is 60807 meters, and the tunnels cover 17.3 percent. There are 115 short tunnels and the middling long tunnels are 31, among which there is a long tunnel which length is 3625.44 meters and it locates at K259+566.Observation and research to the tunnel disaster in Yang’an line had been done completely by the author, and analysis to the development, change, characteristic and cause of the tunnel disaster had been done detailedly. The assessment of destroyed grade had been completed also .Treatment schemes have been brought through which aims at different disaster. Discussion and statement on different schemes have been mentioned in the paper, and the detailed discussion have been done to the two kinds of common disaster which are lining crack and leakage.Different treatment schemes aiming at vary kinds of lining crack have been stated in the paper separately, and particular discussion has been mentioned to spray concrete and reinforced anchor which are in common use now especially.The detailed compare to different kinds of spray concrete and reinforced anchor has been discussed in the paper meanwhile, and the limited statement to different construction technique of spray concrete and reinforced anchor has been presented also.Different treatment schemes aiming at vary kinds of leakage have been stated in the paper separately, and detailed dissertation has been mentioned to grouting and waterproof layer which are in common use nowadays especially. The detailed compare to different construction technique of grouting and waterproof layer has been discussed in the paper also, and the limited discussion to different new types of grouting materials and construction technique of waterproof layer has been mentioned in the paper at the same time.

【关键词】 铁路隧道病害整治
【Key words】 railway tunneldisastertreat ing
  • 【分类号】U457
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】629