

Design and Construction of the Liquid Presses the Glide Formwork and an Integral Electric Lifting Scaffold for Highrise Building

【作者】 苏雄念

【导师】 吴培明; 蒲建明;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高层建筑由于层数较多,竖向结构布置上下变化不大,特别是进入标准层后,结构施工工艺重复较多,而高层建筑多为高层住宅或写字楼,开发商迫于资金成本的原因而要求的工期特别紧,承建商也出于降低施工成本的目的而尽量加快施工进度、减少模板及外架的周转,而液压滑动模板、整体电动升降外爬架施工技术是混凝土工程和钢筋混凝土工程中机械化程度高、施工速度快、场地占用少、安全作业有保障、综合效益显著的一种施工技术。因此,这些机械化程度较高的连续成型的施工技术,得到了广泛的推广和应用。 在高层建筑施工中推广使用的滑模技术有“液压滑模工艺”、“滑框倒模工艺”,“液压爬模工艺”。根据高层建筑结构特点,又开发了“一滑一浇法”又叫“逐层空滑楼板并进法”、“先滑墙体楼板跟进法”、“先滑墙体楼板降模法”等施工技术。最近,还研究开发了成套的滑模施工技术,如“高层建筑成套滑模施工技术”、“松卡大顶滑模施工成套技术”等,使滑模施工综合技术应用水平上了一个新台阶。 高层建筑的竖向结构主要是核心筒体、剪力墙、框架柱、框架梁是结构质量和工期进度控制的重点,这些构件可以采用滑模施工。滑模装置主要由三大系统组成,即由模板、提升架、围圈组成的模板系统,由主操作平台、上辅助平台和内外吊脚手架组成的平台系统,由液压控制台、油路和支承杆组成的液压提升系统。滑模装置的设计主要针对上述三大系统进行设计。 液压滑模施工的重点是抓住施工方案的选择、人员的组织培训、滑模装置组装与拆除、水平及垂直度的控制及纠偏、水平楼板交叉处的处理、以及安全质量的技术控制。 在建筑施工中,脚手架用量大,使用时间长,费用高,要求安全、适用、经济。随着建筑形式的多样化,促使脚手架朝装拆简单,移动方便,承载性能好,使用安全可靠的方向发展。在高层和超高层建筑的主体施工中,整体电动爬升脚手架有明显的优越性,它用料少,只安拆一次,爬升快捷方便,经济效益显著,是一种很有推广使用价值的高层建筑外脚手架,被建设部列入重点推广的10项新技术之一。 整体爬升外脚手架以电动葫芦为提升机,使整个外脚手架沿建筑物外墙或柱整体向上爬升。搭设高度依建筑物标准层的层高而定,一般取建筑物标准层4个层高加1步护身栏的高度为架体的总高度。外爬架采用双排脚手架,可以使用常规的钢管扣件脚手架,也可以是碗形承插式脚手架,搭设要求与常规脚手架的要求完全相同。架体最下一步为整个架体的承力析架,承力析架仍是整个架体的一部分,只不过在每个节间内都有斜腹杆,且上弦杆、斜腹杆均采用双管。承力析架两端坐落在用型钢制作的承力托上,用小25的花蓝螺杆将承力托的受力传到主体结构上,因此,承力析架、承力托斜拉杆及连接螺栓、电动葫芦挑梁与建筑物的连接螺栓、电动葫芦的起重量等等,是设计的重点。 电动葫芦的爬升速度一般为1 00二/min,故3m层高的标准层,每升一层架的时间仅为半个小时,可以安排在其他施工人员下班时的中午时段进行爬升,极为快速、安全。 整体爬升外脚手架在高层建筑施工过程中,由于塔吊、提升井字架、上人电梯、受料平台以及启动电压等等问题的影响,需要在设计的基础上作进一步的处理。 液压滑动模板、整体电动升降外爬架施工技术作为新的施工技术,它不仅是技术的革新,更重要的是能带来成本的下降,质量与效益的提高。

【Abstract】 High layer building because layer number than much, the construction arrange the top and bottom variety not very, especially enter the standard layer the empress, construction construction craft repetition than much, and the high layer building is much for the high layer residence or write floor, development the company force in the reason of the funds cost and the request’s work period purpose for specially tightly, contractor too come froming lowering the construction cost but as far as possible and quickly start construction degree of progress, reduce a kind of construction technique for of turnovering, but The liquid presses the glide formwork, an integral electric lifting scaffold start constructioning technique is concrete engineering with reinforced concrete engineering inside mechanizing the degree highly, start constructioning speed quickly, field ground take upping littlely, safe homework having guarantee, synthesizing the performance getting very bigly exaltation of template and outside.Therefore, these mechanize the higher consecution of degree the type’s construction technique, got the extensive expansion with apply.In the high layer building under construction expansion the glide formwork using using technique contain" The liquid presses the glide formwork craft"," the slid-frame forword-mold craft"," the liquid to press to climb the mold craft".Construct the construction characteristics according to the high layer, and again developped" a the slip is on sprinkling the method" again call" an layer empty slip floor plank and enter the method the "," first slip wall floor the plank follow the method the "," first slip wall floor the plank decline the mold method" etc. construction technique.Recent, returned the research to develop the set’s slip mold construction technique, such as" high layer building set slip mold construction big crest of card of technique"," pine slip mold construction set technique" etc., make the slip mold construction synthesize the technique applied level ascend a new step.The direct direction of the high layer building the construction primarily is a core reel , shear the dint the wall, frame the pillar,frame the beam is a construction quantity with the work period point for degree of progress controling, these pieces can adopt the slip mold the construction.The slip mold equips main be been lend support toed up by template, promote a template system for, rounding the turn to constitute, and be operated by lord terrace, namely by three greatest systems constitute, the platform mourn the feet hand the liquid for terrace system for constituting, from liquid pressing controling the set, oil the road with supporting pole constituting of to press to promote the system with inside outside.The design that slip mold equip primarily aim ats above three greatest systemses to proceeds the designs.The point that The liquid presses the glide formwork start construction is the buildup of the choice, personnel to hold tight construction project training, slip the mold equip to assemble and tore down, the control and corrective of the level and perpendicular degree deflection , level floor the plank cross a technique control for of handling, and safe quantity.In the building under construction, feet hand use to have great capacity, usage time long, the expenses is high, request safety, apply, economy .Along with the diversification of the building form, urge a toward pack the dismantle simple, move convenience, loading function good, usage safe and dependable direction development.In the corpus that high layer is with the the building of super-high layer is under construction, and the whole electricity move to climb to rise the feet hand the one of the 10 new techniques for high layer for superior for having obviously, it using the stuff littlely, only peaceful dismantle a time, climbing rising the fast convenience, economic performance large raising , is first kind very having expanding the use value building of outside feet hand, drive developments department be included inning the

  • 【分类号】TU974
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