

Study on the Mechanics Characters of the Fabricated Linings in the Subway Constructed by Open-Cut Method

【作者】 刘惠敏

【导师】 李志业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,许多国家都把构件预制化作为技术发展的一个重要标志。构件预制化的程度越高,技术水平也越高。同时构件预制化也是施工工厂化技术发展的必然趋势,是提高工程质量和加快修建速度的主要方法。 装配式衬砌在地下铁道明挖区间隧道中虽有一些研究和应用实例,而在我国研究、应用的实例很少。 在装配式衬砌技术中,接头构造及其设置位置不仅要考虑结构合理的受力状态,更要考虑构件的制造和安装的可能性,并要求减少构件的类型便于实现规模化生产。本文结合课题“广州地铁明挖区间装配式衬砌设计及施工工艺研究”,采用数值分析及模型试验的方法,对明挖装配式衬砌及其接头的力学特性进行了研究,并据此设计出了比较合理的接头设置位置及接头构造模型。 本文主要包括以下研究内容: (1)对预制装配式结构的型式进行选择。有四种比选结构型式:矩形断面板式结构、矩形断面肋式结构、直墙拱形结构和曲墙拱形结构。主要从结构内力、构件预制条件、现场装配条件、施工速度、防水效果以及经济性等方面进行比较。 (2)建立了接头试验模型,进行了接头试验,并建立接头抗弯刚度模型。对比了试验值与计算值之间差异,并分析了产生这种差异的主要原因。 (3)应用有限元法分析了接头设置位置及接头抗弯刚度的变化对整体结构内力的影响规律,并结合接头抗弯刚度模型设计出比较合理的接头设置位置及接头构造模型。

【Abstract】 At present, the component prefabrication is regarded as an important sign of the technology development in many countries and as an important way to improve the engineering quality and accelerate the construction.Although there are some study & application cases on the forecast technology used in the subway built by the open-cut method, it is scarcely used in our country.When the joint structure is been building and its position is been setting, it need consider not only the stress state of the whole structure, but also the feasibility of the fabrication and installation of the components. What’ s more, it should reduce types of the components in order to produce the components on a large scale.Based on the project of "Study on the Design of Prefabricated Linings and Construction Technics in the Subway Constructed by the Open-Cut Method in Guangzhou" , this paper analyzes the mechanical character of the joint and the whole structure by the model test and numerical simulation. After the discussion above, the sound joint setting position and structure are designed.The major finished work is followed:(1) Choosing the type of the whole structure. There are two rectangle structures and two arc structures to be considered. The primary aspects considered include the internal force of the whole structure, the conditions of assembly linings, the speed of the construction, the waterproof and the economic effects.(2) After the joint loading test is done, the theoretical evaluation method of the joint stiffness is given. Meanwhile, it compares the result of the test and the result of theory, analyzes the reasons of their difference.(3) By the FEM method, it analyzes the influence principle of the joint position and stiffness on the whole structure internal force. Combining the joint mechanical model, the sound joint setting position and structure is designed.

  • 【分类号】U451
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】276