

Choice of Political Ally of the Soviet Union and the Communist International in China and the Establishment of the First United Front between the CCP and the KMT

【作者】 胡云霞

【导师】 何云庵;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪20年代初期,在列宁有关民族和殖民地问题理论的指导下,共产国际、苏俄政府为了打破帝国主义对苏俄的封锁和包围,迫切需要在东方,特别是在与苏俄毗邻的中国寻找支持力量。于是关注中国政局、在中国寻找可以联合的政治盟友,成为这一时期共产国际对华工作的重点.由于中国政治局势十分复杂,共产国际和苏俄对中国的实际情况又知之不多,在选择政治联盟的活动时就存在着对中国政治舞台上活动的各派别进行一个比较、试探和选择的问题。共产国际最初曾把吴佩孚和陈炯明作为联合对象,实行接近吴佩孚、陈炯明而疏远孙中山的政策,还一度热衷于推动孙吴联盟。随着对中国各派政治力量和革命形势的逐步了解,共产国际逐渐放弃了联吴政策,选择了与孙中山领导下的国民党的联合,推动第一次国共合作的建立,揭开了轰轰烈烈的中国国民革命的序幕,开创了中国革命的新局面。由于苏俄、共产国际与中国革命建立了密切的联系,从客观上削弱了日本等帝国主义国家的在华势力和影响,提高了苏俄在东方的地位,缓解了日本在远东地区给苏俄带来的国家安全压力。 笔者利用新出版的《联共(布)与中国革命档案资料丛书》等新的史料,结合共产国际与中国革命关系的已有成果,对苏俄、共产国际在20世纪20年代初期对华政治盟友的选择过程中对华策略的演变过程和历史动因进行细致的梳理和考察,分析苏俄、共产国际苏俄、共产国际这一时期对华策略和活动与第一次国共合作的建立之间的内在联系,以及带给中国革命的深远影响。 通过对大量往来于苏俄政府领导人、苏俄外交人员、共产国际代表之间的文件、指令、报告等史料的分析,结合苏俄、共产国际在华的寻找政治联盟的活动以及与各方政治人物之间的试探和接触,可以发现:在20世纪20年代初期苏俄对华策略的双重性,即一方面试图改善中俄关系以打破外交困境和缓解国家安全压力;另一方面积极推动中国革命。尽管在与中国革命建立联系的初期阶段苏俄、共产国际在中国的活动经历了一番曲折,终于寻找到了合适的在华政治合作伙伴,将苏俄的国家利益与中国革命的利益以共产国际、苏俄援助下的国共合作的形式巧妙地结合起来,总的来说,苏俄、共产国际在这一时期的对华策略和推动国共合作的决策是成功的。

【Abstract】 In order to improve the diplomatic relations between the China and the Soviet Union and promote revolution in China, the Soviet Union and the Communist International tried to choose a political ally in China in the earlier stage of 1920"s. Because of the great complexities in Chinese political scene, it was very difficult in choosing the political ally for the Soviet Union and the Communist International. At the very beginning, the Soviet Union and the Communist International considered Wu-peifu and Chen-jiongming as their political ally. After a period of time, they realized that Sun-zhongshan and the Kumingtang was their true political ally in China. The Soviet Union and the Communist International did much to establish the First United Front between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kumingtang. By this way, the Soviet Union and the Communist International improved their diplomatic situation and resolved the national safeguard problem of the Soviet Union Successfully. The Great Revolution in China had made a great progress after the establishment of the First United Front between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kumingtang.On the basis some newly published historical materials, the relationship between the political policies of the Soviet Union and the Communist International in China in the early times in1920’s and the establishment of the First United Front between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kumingtang will be discussed in this thesis. It is found that the political and diplomatic policy of the Soviet Union and the Communist International to China had twofold task, the one is to strengthen the diplomatic relationship between the China and the Soviet Union, the other is to promote the revolution in the China.

  • 【分类号】D231
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】549