

In Search of Black Women’s Self: Toni Morrison and Her Sula

【作者】 赵智芸

【导师】 李翠云;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为迄今为止唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国黑人女作家,托妮·莫里森努力致力于保存和弘扬黑人文化,为二十世纪美国黑人文学树起了又一座丰碑。她以丰富的想象力和诗一般的语言生动地再现了非洲裔黑人在美国社会的生存境遇,揭示出蓄奴制和种族歧视对黑人的精神伤害从而造成其自我扭曲的罪恶现象,并深入探索了黑人未来的命运。 作为一名黑人女性作家,莫里森更多关注的是黑人妇女的爱与恨,欢乐与悲伤,幻想与希望以及黑人女性心灵世界的冲突,并以这一内在的冲突反映外在的黑白两种文化的错位和对立。她的主要笔触用来描绘当代黑人女性面对双重文化价值冲突时寻求自我的困惑与艰苦的探索。这种困惑与探索在莫里森的小说《秀拉》中做了更为深入,更具象征性的刻画。女主人公秀拉是一位一生无悔的寻求自我个性,挖掘自身价值,蔑视传统幸福,坚持精神世界始终完整的现代黑人女性,但她的结局仍是悲剧性的。莫里森认为,美国黑人“新”女性只有将个性根植于黑人传统文化,才能寻找到真正完整的自我。由此,我们可以看出,在种族,性别,阶级等多重压迫下,黑人女性的寻找自我之路虽然漫长和泥泞,但也是充满希望的曙光。 全文主要由四部分组成。第一部分介绍莫里森的家庭背景,生活经历以及当时的社会背景对她的影响。第二部分对莫里森的主要作品进行了回顾并对其作品的主题,特色和风格作了简要的分析。第三部分,也是论文的核心部分,通过对秀拉与社区的关系,秀拉与母亲外祖母的母女关系,秀拉与内儿的姐妹情谊,秀拉与社区男人四个层面的深入探讨,剖析了秀拉冲破种种压抑自我的巨大藩篱,始终坚持独立自主的个性的必要性。同时指出,秀拉只有将自我根植于本民族文化传统中,她的悲剧才能避免。第四部分试图针对以上文中所讨论的内容,提出作者本人对美国黑人女性寻找自我的一些尝试性途径,以期对中国女性也有所启示。

【Abstract】 Toni Morrison being awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize for literature makes her the first African American to be so honored and marks not only a personal triumph but also the recognition of the artistry of African American fiction and the validity of Black woman’s voice. With her magic imagination and poetic language, Morrison not only delineates the cruelty of historical slavery and white American’s continual denial of Black people, but also examines Black people with the pursuit of individual advancement in a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) nation and culture, and whether this is at the expense of their "blackness". In such way, she explores the future of modern Blacks.As a female Black writer, Morrison is preoccupied with love and sorrow, laughter and dreams, triumphs and failures, and inner conflicts of Black women faced with contradictions between two cultures. Much more, she probes the hardships and confusions when Black women pursue their selfhood within the confines of a sexist and racist society. In her novel Sula, Toni Morrison asserts an unprecedented black woman who resists traditional sociomoral constructs, and keeps her selfhood intact all along in life. However, Morrison also probes the causes of Sula’s tragedy and suggests a new black womanhood with both Sula’s freedom and Nel’s rootedness in the community.The thesis consists of four parts. Part one is an introduction to Morrison’s family and community background, her early experiences and its influence. The second part briefly analyzes Morrison’s seven major novels and the theme, characterization, and style of her novels. The third part, the core part of the paper, comments on Morrison’s controversial work Sula and displays how hard but crucial for a black woman to maintain her complete selfhood under the pressure of racism and sexism through the discussion about the relationships between Sula and Community, Sula and her maternal ancestors, Sula and her female friend Nel, Sula and men. The last part tries to suggest some more solutions for Black women’s further search for selfhood, which, I hope, can provide some inspiration to Chinese women.

【关键词】 托妮·莫里森《秀拉》黑人女性自我寻找
【Key words】 Toni MorrisonSulaBlack Womenself-quest
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】532