

Expounding the Construction of Contemporary Era China’s Mass Culture

【作者】 杜惠峰

【导师】 连自昕;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通常认为,大众文化源于西方,后扩散繁荣于世界各地。中国大众文化的兴起较晚,但其发展势头十分强劲。大众文化的发展繁荣已成为中国重要的文化现象,并引起了社会各界特别是学术界的广泛关注。中国大众文化的价值评价及发展方向成为社会讨论的热点之一。一部分学者认为大众文化的出现是文化的进步,其发展对中国的进步有积极意义,应予肯定并给予扶持;另一部分学者则认为大众文化对社会的发展进步有严重的负面影响,应予否定并加以限制。本文立足于中国大众文化存在的基本事实和一般现象,从中国大众文化的长远全局建设出发,试图站在时代的高度,通过对大众文化的产生、概念的解说,在客观分析大众文化本身的正负作用,全面评价既对立又统一的中国大众文化的基础上,牢牢把握“中国特色的大众文化”这一建设目标,从五个方面对中国的大众文化建设提出了建议。

【Abstract】 It is generally regarded that Mass culture originated from the west, and later is scattered about then become prosperous around the world. Mass culture in china arose late, but its tendency is very powerful. China’s mass culture’s prosperity becomes an important and paid attention to culture phenomenon. The evaluation of the mass culture and its developing direction become a hot issue in discussion. Some scholars regard that mass culture means culture in progress and has a positive effect on china’s advance. Therefore, it should be accepted and fully supported. While others regard mass culture may have serious negative effect on development of the society. So, it should be denied. This essay stands on the basic facts and general phenomenon of china’s mass culture, trying base itself on a level of the time, starting from the long-time and overall situational construction of china’s mass culture firstly explain how it come into being and what is its definition. Then by clutching tightly to "mass culture with Chinese characteristic" as the goal, The essay analyzes objectively the positive and negative effects of mass culture, and give suggestions from five aspects about china’s mass culture construction on the bases of unity of opposite in accessing mass culture.

【关键词】 大众文化当代中国建设
【Key words】 mass culturecontemporary era chinaconstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】384