

The Investigation on the Characteristic of Energy Dissipation and Damaged Accumulation for the Prestressed Concrete Frame Beams

【作者】 王仪

【导师】 袁建力; 樊华;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 水利水电工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着预应力混凝土技术的不断发展,由于其具有良好的抗裂性、耐久性等优点,预应力混凝土框架结构在大跨度多层建筑中的应用越来越广泛。然而,它在震区的推广,仍有较大的争议。尽管国内外学者对预应力混凝土框架结构和构件的抗震性能做了不少的相应研究,但是由于预应力框架结构应用历史短,工程震害经验少,其抗震性能的系统研究相对较少。因此,研究预应力混凝土框架的抗震性能,对于我国这样一个地震多发国家,具有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值。 本文在总结前人研究工作的基础上,结合江苏省留学回国人员基金项目《预应力混凝土框架抗震优化程序》,选取预应力混凝土框架中常用的单侧配置预应力筋梁作为研究对象,进行构件的低周反复加载试验,研究构件的耗能、刚度衰退、破坏荷载曲线等方面的特点,并重点研究单侧配置预应力筋梁的恢复力模型、承载力降低系数和破坏荷载曲线等,为工程技术人员编制预应力混凝土结构的电算程序提供模型参数。 本文围绕预应力混凝土框架梁的抗震性能,主要探讨以下内容: 1.工程中常用单侧预应力配筋梁抗震性能的研究,如不同预应力度构件在不同地震作用模式下的耗能能力,箍筋间距对构件在不同地震作用模式下耗能、承载力、刚度、极限承载力的影响等; 2.通过加载制度的设计,使加载制度不仅能模拟地震作用从小到大的一般过程,还可以模拟地震作用到达峰值后不同的下降过程,以了解构件在不同地震作用下的滞回特性,特别是破坏特征; 3.除获得构件恢复力模型的一般特征值外,还确定了不同延性系数下构件承载力降低系数、卸载退化刚度及破坏荷载曲线。 研究结果表明,预应力度PPR和箍筋间距设计合理的预应力混凝土框架梁,具有与普通钢筋混凝土框架梁相近的抗震性能,可以在中等烈度地震区工程建设中采用。同时本文提出的恢复力模型可以反映构件在不同地震作用模式下的耗能、 扬州人学硕J..学位论文承载力降低等特征,并且提出了预应力混凝土梁构件的破坏荷载曲线。

【Abstract】 With the technology development of the prestressed concrete, the prestressed concrete(PC) frame structures are widely used in large-spanned multi-storey buildings due to its excellent crack resistance and durability. However, there is a lot controversy for its application in the earthquake area for the short application history of the prestressed frame structure, the less experience in the engineering seismic calamity, and the relatively less systemic research on its seismic behaviour even though the specialists in world wide make a graet deal study on it. Therefore, to investigate the seismic behaviour of the prestressed concrete frame, it exists the significant academic meaning and application value for our country where seism happens a lot.This article based on the research of other specialists, combining the project Seismic Analysis Optimizer of the Prestressed Concrete Frame of the fund for the scholars who study and return form abroad, choosing the normal prestressed beam in which the single side prestressed tendon is deployed as the research objects, making the low-cyclic reversed loading tests for the precast concrete members, investing the character of the energy dissipation, stiffness degeneration, and the curve of failure load, provides the restoring force model for the engineers programming the prestressed concrete structures.Based on the seismic behaviour of the prestressed concrete frame beam, it explores the parts below:1. The research of the seismic behaviour of the normal beams where the single side prestressed tendon is deployed, says the ability of energy dissipation for the distinct members under the different earthquake models and the impact of the energy dissipation, bearing capacity, rigidity, and ultimate bearing capacity of members forthe spacing of stirrups under the different earthquake models. 2.By designing the loading history(procedure), it simulates not only the generalprogress of the growing earthquake action, but the different declining progressafter the peak earthquake action so as to learn about the hysteretic behavior on thedifferent seismic action, especially the failure character. 3.Not only obtaining the general character number of the restoring force model ofthe members, but ascertaining the declining coefficient of bearing capacity, thestiffness degenerate of unloading curve, and the failure curve on the differentductility factors.The research shows that the seismic behavior of the prestressed concrete beam of the appropriate spacing of stirrups and the degree of prestress is closed to that of the common reinforced concrete beams and it can be applied in the seismic area of middling intensity. Meanwhile, the restoring force model in this article can reflect the energy dissipation and bearing capacity decline of the members on the distinct earthquake model and put forward the failure load curve of the prestressed concrete beams.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU378
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】265