

【作者】 周徐兵

【导师】 徐林祥;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国世纪之交的基础教育课程改革之前,价值观教育一直从属于德育,缺乏明确的理论基础和具体的实施途径。随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的推进,“情感、态度和价值观”与“知识和能力”、“过程和方法”一起被列为语文课程目标设计的三大维度,因此,从理论与实践两个方面对语文课程的价值观教育进行研究就显得尤为迫切。虽然建国以来语文教育界一直把“文以载道”作为语文教育的基本原则之一,许多优秀的语文教师如于漪、魏书生、欧阳代娜等也把教书育人看成语文教育的双翼,对价值观教育的某些方面进行了有益的探讨,积累了不少经验,但是这些宝贵经验还有待系统化,中学语文课程价值观教育的理论建构与切实途径还有待进一步研究。 本文运用思辨的方法,辅之以经验总结,以中国古代价值观教育的历史经验、现代中学生价值观教育的实际情况和西方价值观教育的理论模式为参照系,在对中学语文课程中的价值观教育进行初步界定的基础上,对当前中学语文课程中价值观教育的研究状况进行了简要述评,对中学语文课程中价值观教育的辩证关系进行了深入探讨,对中学优秀语文教师价值观教育的经验进行了系统总结,力图为中学语文课程中的价值观教育提供初步的理论建构。在此基础上,立足语文学科的学科优势,提出了适合中学语文课程的价值观教育的三种途径:养成的途径、辨析的途径、体验的途径。并根据价值观教育属于精神层次的教育的特点,提出了质性的评价方式:日常生活的观察、语文作品的分析和成长记录袋评价。同时,还深入到中学进行了实证研究,研究结果表明:中学语文课程中的价值观教育对于提高中学生的语文学习兴趣、促进中学生价值观的发展有一定的现实意义。全文包括概念界定、研究述评、理论建构、实施途径、评价方式和实证研究六个部分,初步形成了中学语文课程价值观教育的体系,兹分述如下: 引言:从总体上界定中学语文课程价值观教育的根本特征:中学语文课程价值观教育在价值观教育的内容上与整个价值观教育包括其它课程中的价值观教育是基本相同的,其根本特征在于通过言语活动来进行价值观教育,有着体现语文学科特征的表现形式。 第一章 中学语文课程价值观教育的基本界定:中学语文课程价值观教育是整个价值观教育的一个组成部分,本章采取逐层缩小的方法对中学语文课程价值观教育进行了初步界定。 第二章 中学语文课程价值观教育的研究述评:应该说价值观教育的重要性在近十年才逐渐凸现出来。本章初步勾勒了近十年中学语文课程价值观教育的理论、内容和途径的发展轨迹。 第三章 中学语文课程价值观教育的理论建构:中学语文课程价值观教育的理论建构需要一个开放的理论背景。本章简要介绍和分析了我国古典语文教育中的价值观教育传统、中学生价值观教育的研究现状和西方价值观教育的理论和方法,探讨了中学语文扬州大学硕士学位论文课程价值观教育中几对辩证关系。 第四章中学语文课程价值观教育的途径举隅:中学语文课程价值观教育的途径应该说是丰富多彩的。本章只是从养成、辨析和体验三个方面进行了初步探讨,并列举了案例作为佐证,以期收到抛砖引玉的效果。 第五章中学语文课程价值观教育的评价方式:良好的价值观教育离不开能够促进学生发展的形成性评价。价值观教育属于精神层次的教育,不同于一般知识和技能的教学,不适宜采用测试等量化评价的方式进行评价,因而,我们提出了质性的评价方式:日常生活的观察、语文作品的分析和成长记录袋评价。 第六章中学语文课程中价值观教育的实证研究:为了检验上述价值观教育理论和方法的可行性,我们深入到中学进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,本研究对于提高中学生的语文学习兴趣和学习质量、促进中学生价值观的发展有一定的现实意义。 结语:畅想中学语文课程价值观教育的前景:价值观教育应该融合在语文教育中,深入到中学生的心灵里,赢得广大中学生的喜爱,成为中学生成长的“精神家园”。

【Abstract】 Values education has always been subordinated to moral education before our country’s course reform of basic education at the turn of the century, and lacks the definite theoretical instruction. With the further development of the course reform of basic education, educations of emotion, attitude and values are raised to the agenda of Chinese education as one of the three latitudes of Chinese curriculum standard for senior middle school, which urgently requires research on the two aspects of theory and practice to the values education of Chinese course. Since the foundation of the state, the idea of "indicating moral in articles" has always been regarded as one of the basic teaching principles during the Chinese teaching practice. Many outstanding Chinese teachers such as Yu Yi, Wei Shusheng, Ouyang Daina, etc. also regard imparting knowledge and educating people as a pair of wings of Chinese teaching. They have carried on some respects of values and accumulated abundant experience. These valuable experience urgently demands systematizing in order to construct the theory and deepen the practice of values education in Chinese course of senior middle school. This thesis attempts to do the preliminary try in this aspect.This thesis takes China ancient historical experience, the modern senior middle school students’ reality, the western theory mode in values education as the frame of reference. Based on the tentative definition of values education in Chinese course of senior middle school, it carries on the brief review to the research status of values education in present Chinese course of senior middle school and probes into its dialectical logic synthetically, trying hard to offer a preliminary theoretical construction for values education in Chinese course of senior middle school. Meanwhile, according to the discipline advantage of Chinese, three comparatively concrete vales education ways that suit Chinese course are proposed: way of formation, way of differentiation and analysis, and way of experience. The good values education cannot be separated from the forming evaluation that advances students’ development. Values education belongs to the education of the spiritual level, which is different from the teaching of general knowledge and skills and not suitable for adopting such quantitative evaluation ways as testing, etc. Therefore, we have proposed the following qualitative evaluation ways: observation in daily life, analysis of Chinese works, and growing-up records. We also did some action research in senior middle school. The study result shows that values education of Chinese course has some practical significance in elevating students’ learning interest and improving their values development. The whole thesis has formed a tentative system of values education of Chinese course in senior middle school, including the following six aspects: concept defining, research review, theory construction, implementing ways, evaluating strategies and action research.Introduction: Defining the basic characteristic of Chinese values education in seniormiddle school, which at its content is basically the same with the whole values education including values education of other courses. Its basic characteristic lies in carrying on values education by speech activity, the form of showing the characteristic of Chinese course.Chapter One: Defining basically of values education of Chinese course in senior middle school, which is one part of the whole values education. This chapter gives a tentative definition of values education of Chinese course in senior middle school through the way of dwindling.Chapter Two: Research review of values education of Chinese course in senior middle school. The importance of values education has come out in the past ten years. This chapter tentatively sketches the theory, contents and ways of values education development in senior middle school during the past ten years.Chapter Three: Theory construction of values education of Chinese course in senior middle school, which needs an open

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1139