

【作者】 王宏根

【导师】 吴周文;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 汪曾祺一再强调“我追求的不是深刻,而是和谐”,所以说“和谐”是对汪老最好的注释。本文就是从“和谐“这一点出发,分析汪曾祺和谐观形成的原因,以及在创作过程中和谐观的体现。文章分四部分: 第一部分:和谐的审美理想及其审美品格的生成。分析汪曾祺接受和谐观的内在因素和外在条件。首先,从美学的角度探讨中西方对和谐观的理解以及中国儒家思想对汪曾祺的影响。其次,从个人经历出发,考察汪曾祺最终选择和谐观的原因。最后总结出和谐观的审美形态在汪曾祺小说中的表现内容:“平民化”的选材取向、“世俗化”的审美标准以及“净除火气”的处理方式。 第二部分是文本考察之一:审美理想的哲学向度。考察和谐观在汪曾祺小说中的思想表现方式,阐述汪曾祺小说的社会意义。这一部分又分三部分:1、人与社会的关系。汪曾祺希望他的小说能肩负起道德教化的作用,能“有益于世道人心”,因此他的小说强调了道德教化的作用,在人与人之间的关系上,希望有“知音”间的默契,在人与社会的关系上,希望每个人都能成为一个为社会所认可的“君子”。2、人与自然的关系。汪曾祺希望有一个物我交融,物我合一的理想精神境界。3、人与人自身的关系。这是汪曾祺心目中人的最高境界,在他笔下,无论是落魄文人,还是普通百姓都活得从容自在。 第三部分是文本考察之二:多种整合与文本创造文本考察,从艺术形态上看汪曾祺和谐观的体现。这一部分又分四个方面:1、语言探索。汪曾祺将书面语言、民歌韵律、文言句式以及民间方言融为一体,形成自己独特的语言风格。2、对传统小说技法的吸收。坚持“要回到现实主义,回到民族传统。”的汪曾祺从古代小说技法中寻找资源,中国古代的叙事方式、体式和描写手法被他运用到现代小说的创作当中。3、西方小说创作方法中国化的努力。汪曾祺主张把外来影响和民族传统溶合起来,纳外来于传统。在创作上他自觉地将西方的意识流和心理描写方法进行改造,使之符合中国人的欣赏习惯。4、小说与散文、诗歌、绘画之间的整合。汪曾祺力图打破小说与诗、散文、戏剧的界限,形成诗化、散文化的小说。另外,他还将绘画的技法运用到小说的创作中去,形成独特的“画意小说”。 最后是结语,客观分析汪曾祺在实际创作中与他所追求的和谐观相矛盾的方面,主要包括:“金刚怒目”的一面、人物纯化不够以及他未能更加全面、深入地学习西方文学等。

【Abstract】 Wang Zeng-Qi emphasize time and again" me pursue do not be deep, but is harmonious " so say " harmonious " is for the best note that Wang. " harmonious " is the start point of this paper, The article analyses the reason that harmonious sight forms to Wang Zeng-Qi, as well as in creation course harmonious the embodiment of sight. Article divides into 4 part:The first part: The generation of harmonious sesthetic ideal and its sesthetic morals. Analyse to Wang Zeng-Qi accept external condition and the inner factor of harmonious sight. First, from the angle of aesthetics discuss the Chinese thought of the Confucianist as well as the understanding of the side of Chinese and Western for harmonious sight for Wang Zeng-Qi influence. Secondly, from personal experience investigate to Wang Zeng-Qi the reason of selecting harmonious sight eventually. Summarize the sesthetic form of harmonious sight finally in Wang Zeng-Qi the expression content in novel:" common people melt the common customs " select material orientaton , " melt" sesthetic standard as well as the handling of" exclude temper completely " way.Second part is one of text investigation: The philosophy of sesthetic ideal to degree. Investigate harmonious sight in Wang Zeng-Qi the ideological expression way in novel, elaborate to Wang Zeng-Qi the social meaning of novel. This part again divides into 3 minutes: 1 the relation of person and society. Wang Zeng-Qi hopes his novel can undertake morals religion the role that melts , can " is helpful for society popular feeling ", therefore his novel have emphasized morals religion the role that melts , on the relation between person and person, hope to have the tacit agreement between " bosom friend ", in person the relation with society on, hope that everybody can become a gentleman that approves for society. 2 the relation of person with nature. Wang Zeng-Qi hope have a thing me blend , thing me join a ideal spiritual extent reached. 3 the relation of person and themselves. This is Wang Zeng-Qi the highest extent reached of person in mind, under his pen, no matter being in dire straits , scholar or ordinary people lives comfortable calmly.The part of 3th is the 2 of text investigation: It is various to suit with text creation text investigation, from artistic form see to Wang Zeng-Qi’s embodiment of harmonious sight. This part again divides into 4 aspects: 1, language is explored. Wang Zeng-Qi will written language, the meter of folk song, the sentence type of classical Chinese as well as nongovernmental dialect melt for one body, form the language with unique self style. 2 for traditional novel skill the absorption of law. Insist" will return to realism, return to national tradition ". Wang Zeng-Qi seek resource from ancient novel skill law, in body type and the narrative way after ancient times with describe skill quilt him utilize the creation of modern novel among. 3 western novel creation method Chinese effort. Wang Zeng-Qi view outside influence and national tradition dissolve to suit, fit to be more outside than tradition. On creation, he carries out western stream of consciousness and the psychological method of describing voluntarily to reform , makes it accord with the appreciation habit of Chinese. 4 novel and prose, poem and drawing between suit. Wang Zeng-Qi trid hard to break poetry and the limit of novel, prose and drama, form poetry to melt , prose the novel that melts. Additionally, he still utilizes the skill law of drawing, form in the creation of novel " unique drawing Yi novel".It is knot language finally, objective analysis Wang Zeng-Qi the harmonious aspect with conflicting sight in actual creation that pursued with him, include mainly: Figure purification and one side of" warrior glaring eyes " is not enough as well as him could not more overall, further learning western literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】896