

【作者】 汤利军

【导师】 金玉;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一.问题提出 我国新一轮基础教育体育课程改革已经全面展开,体育与健康课程标准即将全面取代现行的体育教学大纲,为什么要用新的体育健康课程标准取代原体育教学大纲?新体育课程标准的实施对体育教学提出了哪些要求?体育教师怎样才能适应这些新的要求?这些都是值得我们认真思考和急需解决的问题。 二.研究方法 本文研究通过文献资料法,历史比较法,逻辑分析法 三.结论 1.通过对我国体育教育百年历史进程的回顾分析出:我国原有的体育教学大纲还存在一些结构性问题:课程结构过于强调学科本位、内容过多、缺乏整合;课程过于注重运动技能传授,忽视学生积极主动的学习态度形成;教学内容存在着“难、繁、偏、旧”;课程实施过于强调接受学习、机械训练,忽视学生的个体差异和需求,很少倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勇于实践,获取新知识的能力;课程评价过分强调运动成绩过于注重甄别,没有充分发挥评价促进学生发展、教师提高和改进教学实践的功能;课程管理过于集中,不能满足课程对地方、学校及学生的需要等等。这些问题的存在导致了体育课程的目的和任务不能很好完成,也不利于学生的全面发展和体育水平的提高,我国的体育课程改革势在必行。 2.通过对国外几个代表性国家基础体育教育的改革与发展趋势的分析,表明世界各个国家的共同发展趋势:体育课程目标的设置向着健康化、终身化、多元化的方向发展;重视传授体育卫生保健知识、技能和方法,使学生具有一定的体育文化素养;课程内容健身化,关注学生的健康发展需要,反映终身体育的要求;体育教学评价:注重过程性评价和个体评价,评价内容多元化。从世界其他国家的体育教育发展历程及趋势来看,我国的体育课程改革势在必行。 3.通过对我国新的《标准》与原体育教学大纲的比较分析,揭示出我国原体育教学大纲存在的问题:教育理念陈旧;目标设置模糊、空洞;教学内容规定较扬州大学硕万卡学位论文为死板;评价过分注重绝对性评价,忽视学生的个体差异,评价标准与教学目标脱节,不能促进和鼓励学生的体育运动。说明了新的体育与健康课程标准优越于原体育教学大纲,说明我国的体育课程标准取代体育教学大纲是历史发展必然,是我国基础体育教育与时俱进的必然结果。 纽.通过对我国基础体育与健康课程标准分析表明新《标准》具有以下特点:先进的教学理念:注重终身体育态度的形成与体育能力的培养,突出增进健康的目标,强调以学生发展为本,通过体育培养人格,育体与育人相结合。体育与健康课程目标特点:多维的目标设置,目标统领内容,注重体能的增强和体育知识和技能的掌握,重视心理健康和社会适应水平的提高,强调正确的体育态度和人生态度。体育与健康课程内容特点:课程内容呈现多样性、选择性和指导性,体育与健康教学内容的有机结合。体育与健康课程学习评价特点:定性与定量评价相结合,绝对性与个体性评价相结合,教师评价与学生评价相结合。研究认为我国体育教学面临的新任务:体育教学应具有现代的教学思想,“健康第一”的思想,自主体育的思想,关注个体差异的思想,育体与育人相结合的思想;体育教学应该确立可达成的体育教学目标;体育教学应具有优化的、切实可行的教学内容,考虑地域差异等;体育教学在组织上应体现出有效性和自主性;体育教学的方法应体现出科学性与实效性;体一育教学的效果应该体现出高效率等等。 5.通过对我国基础体育与健康课程标准新变化的分析,指出了我国体育教师为了适应这些新的变化所要采取的行动:体育教师的职业观,要从职业型“教书匠”转变成事业型。‘教育家,,,;从单纯从事运动技术教学的教练员,转变为通过体育教学促进学生全面发展的的教师:体育教师的师生关系观,要从传统的“师道尊严”转变成新型的伙伴关系、朋友关系;从决定学生应该学什么、怎样学的管理者,转变为是学生学习的合作者、引导者、和参与者;体育教师的教学观,要从“为教而教”转变成“教是为了最终达到不需要教,’;教师的责任观,要从为学生的学习负责转变成为学生的一生负责;体育教师课程观,要从被动的执行者转变为体育课程的研制和开发者;体育教师的发展观,要从只习惯于固有教学模式教学的体育教师转变成与时俱进的体育教师。

【Abstract】 I:IntroductionThe reform of the PE curriculum in fundamental education in China has begun All-round, and the criterion of PE and health curriculum is to replace the present PE teaching syllabus in the near future. As a result, why is there a need of replacement? What are the requirements of conducting the criterion of PE and health curriculum? How can PE teachers adjust themselives to these new requirements? The above questions are worth of prudent consideration and urgent solution.II, MethodologyThe literature and data collection method, the historical comparison and conparative method, and the logical analysis used are employed in this study.III. Conclusions1. By means of reviewing a hundred years physical education process, there are some structural problems with our nation’s previous PE teaching syllabus. For example, the course structure excessively emphasized on the subject itself and its contents was tedious for lack of conformity. The course paid excessive attention to teaching movement skills but ignored the formation of students’ active learning attitudes. The course implement excessively emphasized on receiving learning and mechanical training but ignored students’ individual differences and needs. The course evaluation excessively emphasized on movement achievements and discrimination but the evaluation functions of improving students’ development and teaching practice were not brought into play. The course management was excessively centralized and could not meet the needs of the course to local, school and students. All these existing problems cause the purpose and the task of PE course not to be successfully completed, which is not favorable for students’ comprehensive development and improvement of PE level. Thus the reform of PE course is imperative under the situation.2. Through the analyses of the reform and development trends of physical education in fundamental education in a number of representative countries, it is showed that the common tendency of all countries in the world is the setting of PE curriculum goals developing along fitness, life-long, and multi-levels direction. The content of thecurriculum tends to be more physical training-like and more attention is converted into the student’s health development needs. All the goals are trying to reflect the needs of life-long physical education and highlight the process evaluation and individual evaluation and the multi-level evaluation of the PE content. All the goals are emphasizing the instruction of PE health and protection knowledge, skills and methods and the quality of PE culture of their students. Attribute to the development of China’s physical education and other countries’ in the world, the criterion of PE’s replacement of the PE teaching syllabus is an inevitable outcome of the historical development and China’s physical education’s keeping up with the times as well.3. Analying the new Criterion and the former PE teaching syllabus, in which the problems existed; that is, the conception of education are out-of-date, the vague goal-setting, the stereotyped teaching content, the overdue emphasis on the absolute evaluation, the ignorance of the student’s individual differences, the disconnection of the evaluation criterion and the teaching objectives. All the above shortcomings will not enhance and encourage the student’s sports activities. In doing this, the explanation of the criterion of PE’s replacement of the PE teaching syllabus is an inevitable outcome of the historical development and China’s physical education’s keeping up with the times as well is fully expounded.4. Through the analyses of China’s criterion of PE and health curriculum, the following features of the new Criterion are discovered: the advanced teaching and learning theory, that is, paying attention to the formation of lifelong PE attitude and training of PE ability, showing the purpose of enhancing health, emphasizing on the student-centered basis and combining physical education with human education. The study sugges

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】584