

Studies on Biological Characteristics of Ustilago Esculenta

【作者】 韩秀芹

【导师】 曹碚生; 江解增;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 茭白(Zizania latifolia Turcz)为多年生水生宿根性草本植物,无性繁殖,原产中国和东南亚。与黑粉菌(Ustilago esculenta P.Henn)共生后,在适宜条件下茎尖数节快速膨大,形成产品器官——肉质茎,是营养丰富的健康蔬菜。 本论文以江苏省内5个茭白主栽品种的7个类型的灰茭为试验材料,对其中的黑粉菌厚垣孢子进行培养,在探讨黑粉菌厚垣孢子适宜培养条件的基础上,分析了黑粉菌不同菌态的主要矿质元素原子百分比,比较了相同品种茭白经多年异地种植后其黑粉菌的差异,并对厚垣孢子培养形成的菌落在相同条件下连续多次培养,还测定了黑粉菌培养菌落分泌激素的含量。结果表明: 不同茭白品种内黑粉菌适宜繁殖温度与肉质茎膨大温度基本吻合;pH5-7适宜黑粉菌生长;茭白黑粉菌培养试验可以采用PSA培养基;黑粉菌的不同培养形态的元素含量百分比差异存在明显差异,各元素的含量百分比随着培养时间的增长有缩小的倾向。 同一品种茭白在不同地点、不同选种技术种植多年后,分离田间灰茭内黑粉菌,在不同温度、pH值、培养基配方下培养,黑粉菌菌株的菌落生长速率和主要元素的含量百分比均存在一定程度的差异,采用不同选种技术而形成的差异比采用相同选种技术形成的差异明显,因此,在茭白种植过程中,强调年年选种是必要的。 相同品种茭白黑粉菌连续多次培养,24℃条件下,生长速度加快明显;28℃条件下,生长速度加快不明显。说明黑粉菌比较适于在24℃条件下生长,适宜高温生长的黑粉菌属于选择、进化后的产物。随着培养次数的增加,不同品种茭白的黑粉菌生长速率的差异有逐步缩小的倾向,这与茭白生产上采取相同选种方法可缓慢地使不同品种的采收期差异缩小的现象基本吻合。 黑粉菌在PSA培养基上培养后也能产生激素,黑粉菌培养菌落分泌的激素中,Z+ZR与IAA含量较高且相近,但与共生体相比,则Z+ZR相对较少,且没有GA4, 扬州大学硕士学位论文2说明GA;是由菱白植株产生,而刺激肉质茎膨大的Z+ZR有部分来源于植株与黑粉菌的共生。

【Abstract】 Zizania latifolia Turcz, which originates from China and Southeast Asia, belongs to perennial aquatic vegetables and reproduces asexually. Under the feasible condition some segments of stems swell quickly after accreting with Ustilago usculenta and become swollen gall that is a kind of healthy and nutritious vegetable.With the five main breeds of Zizania latifolia Turcz in Jiangsu province as the experimental materials and the culture of chlamydospore, the present paper probed into the biological characteristics of Ustilago usculenta and generated the results as follows.The most feasible temperature for the multiplication of Ustilago usculenta and the swell of the stems was almost the same; under the condition of pH5.0 to pH6.0, the difference among the growth rates of Ustilago usculenta of the different colonies was not significant; the insignificant difference between the growth rates of Ustilago usculenta under the condition of PSA medium and Zcapek medium indicated that the Ustilago usculenta could be cultured by PSA medium or Zcapek medium; the atom% of Ustilago usculenta cultured under different conditions was apparently significant and the quantity of each element decreased with the increase of the culture period.Ustilago esculenta in Zizania latifolia were collected from different places with different selection techniques. Their growth rate was measured respectively under different temperature, pH and culture mediums. Also the X-EDS analysis by SEM was dealt. The results showed that there were differences in the growth rate and the atom % among experimental materials. The differences between different selection methods were more obvious than one selection method. Therefore, it was essential that we should emphasize the selection techniques in cultivation.Under the condition of continuous culture, the increasing growth rate with temperature of 24 centigrade was faster than the one with 28 centigrade. This showed that 24 centigrade was better for the growth of stilago esculenta, and that Zizania latifolia Turcz that grew with high temperature resulted from selection.Ustilago esculenta could produce hormone cultured by PSA medium. The quantity of IAA and Z+ZR were almost the same; compared with the intergrowth, the quantity of IAA was more than the one of Z+ZR, and Ustilago esculenta could not produce GA4. This result showed that Z+ZR largely depended on the symbiosis of plant and Ustilago esculenta, while GA4 was only from plants.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S436.45
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】255