

Effect of Fertilization on the Yield and Qualities of Chinese Cabbage and Study of Nitrate Accumulation

【作者】 黄立华

【导师】 周米平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文通过采用二次饱和D—最优回归设计(311B方案),对氮磷钾肥配施以及有机肥和化肥配施与大白菜高产优质之间的关系进行研究,旨在保证大白菜高产的前提下,通过各种肥料的配套施用来提高大白菜Vc含量,同时降低硝酸盐的含量,探索出一条适合于吉林省无公害大白菜生产的施肥模式。本论文试验于2003年6月至10月在吉林农业大学科学试验站进行,对不同施肥处理的大白菜分别进行了产量、维生素C含量及硝酸盐含量的测定,并建立各自的施肥模型,由此得出大白菜高产优质的最佳氮磷钾肥配比和施用量。 大白菜施肥试验表明,不同品种大白菜在施肥后,无论产量还是品质均好于不施肥的对照处理,在氮磷钾肥科学的配比和合理的用量下,施肥可以使大白菜产量提高30%以上,Vc含量和干物质均有大幅度增长,而硝酸盐含量明显下降,因此,真正的高产优质大白菜应该科学施肥,而不是不施肥。 通过采用二次饱和D—最优回归设计(311B方案),建立了能表达施用氮磷钾肥与大白菜产量、Vc含量以及硝酸盐含量之间关系的数学模型,经检验各模型可靠。通过对各模型频率分析分别确定了最佳施肥范围和施肥配比。 通过对施肥与产量、Vc含量、硝酸盐含量的关系模型的分析表明,在同时满足高产、优质和安全这三项指标的情况下,大白菜磷钾肥的最佳施肥区间基本一致,而氮肥的差异较大。在要求高产时,绿星80大白菜的最佳施肥量为纯N244.4~288.3kg/hm2、P2O5150.2~188.9kg/hm2、K2O148.2~181.3 kg/hm2;五福菜王大白菜的最佳施肥量为纯N2O2.4~249.9kg/hm2、P2O5151.8~187.4kg/hm2、K2O149.4~180.1kg/hm2。在要求优质时,绿星80大白菜的最佳施肥量为纯N193.2~231.7kg/hm2、P2O5111.3~145.8kg/hm2、K2O140.5~181.6kg/hm2;而五福菜王大白菜的最佳施肥量为纯N2O8.9~250.2kg/hm2、P2O5119.8~155.3kg/hm2、K2O135~170.2kg/hm2。在较低硝酸盐含量时,绿星80大白菜的最佳施肥量为纯N112.3~153.7kg/hm2、P2O5158~189kg/hm2、K2O128.6~164.5kg/hm2;五福菜王大白菜的最佳施肥量为纯N95.6~149.8kg/hm2、P2O5172.4~205.3kg/hm2、K2O136~179.2kg/hm2。如果在保证磷钾肥最佳施用量的情况下,适当提高氮肥的用量,既可达到高产和较高的Vc含量,又不会造成大白菜体内硝酸盐的过度累积,即不超过国家限量标准(≤1440mg/kg),这样既可以保证食品安全和较高的营养物,又可保证相当高的产量及农民的经济收益。通过试验得出绿星80大白菜的氮磷钾最佳施肥量为纯N245~265kg/hm2,P2O5158~188kg/hm2,K2O150~165kg/hm2,N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.68:0.62,此时预测产量为119620kg/hm2、Vc含量为272.14mg/kg、硝酸盐含量为1051.67mg/kg;吉林农业大学硕士学位论文施肥对大白莱产t和品质的影响及硝破盐累积的研究而五福菜王大白莱的氮磷钾最佳施肥量为纯NZ10一230kg/耐,P刃5170一19okg/耐,K2o150一18okg/hInz,N:PZos:KZo二1:0.52:0.75,此时预测产量为巧o59okg/hInz、ve含量为276 .92mg/kg、峭酸盐含量为1021.52啊/kg。 不同大白莱品种试验表明,氮磷钾肥合理配施对大白菜高产优质具有相同的趋势,但不同品种间在产量和品质方面存在一定的差异,不同品种大白菜对氮磷钾肥具有不同的效率,这可能是由遗传特性所决定的。因此在大白莱实际生产中,在考虑高产的同时,一定要尽量选择对于降低峭酸盐累积和提高vc含量等具有良好遗传性质的品种。 有机肥与氮磷钾化肥配施试验结果表明,氮磷钾肥与腐熟有机肥适当配施,在满足养分最佳配比的情况下,不但会显著提高各品种大白莱的产量和vc含量,而且还会适当降低稍酸盐的累积,同时提高大白菜的干物质积累。具体施肥量应根据大白菜品种和土壤肥力差异而定。 通过不同品种大白菜稍酸盐累积量和梢酸还原酶活性的试验表明,大白莱体内稍酸盐含量与峭酸还原酶活性具有很大的相关性,峭酸还原酶作为一种底物诱导酶,是促进大白菜体内峭酸盐转化的一个关健因子,可以作为大白莱体内峭酸盐累积的一项指标。但其机理并未明确,因此有关稍酸盐累积与稍酸还原酶活性之间的关系,今后还有待于进一步深入的研究。 通过对大白莱贮藏和腌渍试验表明,大白莱虽然从生长到收获,其峭酸盐累积现象较为突出,但按照人们对秋白菜的食用习惯通常存储一段时间,大白菜的峭酸盐含童会有明显下降,并基本达到了国家标准中的熟食限量标准,但一般不宜生食。而胳清后的酸菜中虽然硝酸盐含量有大幅度下降,但亚稍酸盐含量上升的趋势不容忽略,将酸菜切洗后,峭酸盐和亚峭酸盐含量虽都有明显下降,但亚稍酸盐含童仍大于。.13Ing/kg的限量,这对食用人群的安全构成一定的危害。因此从饮食营养安全的角度,建议业方地区应减少对酸菜的食用,或通过食品工作者的努力研究出更好的腌渍条件,以避免亚峭酸盐对人体健康带来的直接危害。随着人们生活水平的提高,对大白菜品质的要求也越来越高,这就要求我们必须推广和应用科学的施肥方法,控制氮磷钾肥的比例和用量,生产

【Abstract】 The paper take advantage of quadratic saturation D optima design (311B project), and study on the effects of combined application of N,P and K on the yields and qualities of Chinese cabbage, and the effects of combined application organic manure and chemical fertilizers. The purpose is to heighten the content of Vc and lower nitrate content by fertilization under the condition of satisfying the yield of Chinese cabbage, and explore an ideal fertilizer applied model which cut out of product no hazard Chinese cabbage in JiLin Province. The experiment of this paper was carried out in the JiLin Agriculture University from June to October in 2003,We measure the yield, the content of Vc and nitrate content of Chinese cabbage with different fertilization and build up fertilizer applied model and come into the optimum rates of N, P2Os and K2O which gave high yields of Chinese cabbage with good qualities.The results of experiment showed: the yields or qualities of Chinese cabbage which be applied fertilizers are all better than CK, It can improve 30 percent on the yield of Chinese cabbage by combined fertilization. The content of Vc and pure substance all increase too much, but the content of nitrate descend obviously. So the Chinese cabbage which are high yields and good qualities should be applied fertilizers.The extent of P2O5 and K2O are same basically under the condition of satisfying high yield and good qualities of Chinese cabbage by the equation between fertilization and the yield, the content of Vc, nitrate content, but nitrogen is different. By the experiment , think about the optimum economic utility and not exceed the limit of danger ( 1440mg/kg),Obtain the optimum extent of Chinese cabbage GS80 is N245 ~ 265kg/hm2 , P2O5158 - 188kg/hm2 , K2O150 ~ 165kg/hm2 , N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.68:0.62, the forecast yield is 119620kg/hm2, the content of Vc is 272.14mg/kg, and nitrate content is 1051.67 mg/kg; and the optimum extent of Chinese cabbage WFCW is N210~230kg/hm2, P2O5170~ 190kg/hm2, K2O150~ 180kg/hm2, N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.82:0.75, the forecast yield is 150590kg/hm2, the content of Vc 276.92mg/kg, nitrate content is 1021.82 mg/kg,The same tendency was showed in the yields and the qualities of Chinese cabbage GS80 or WFCW by combined fertilization, but there are some differences onthe yields and quality between them on the same condition of water and fertilizers, it is probably determined by the gene. But to any kind of Chinese cabbages, there is probable a contradiction between high yield and good quality. So in the actual production, we must select some kinds whose good genetic characters.The experiment showed, combination of organic manure and N, P2O5 and K2O not only can increase yield ,but also can improve qualities of Chinese cabbage. The ideal rates of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers are 1:1 ~ 1:2.The nitrate content and NR have too many correlations in the Chinese cabbage by the experiment of the different kinds of Chinese cabbages. NR is an inductive enzyme, it is from gene impart to express needing induction of NOs’.So NR is an important factor accelerating nitrate conversion. But the more profound research need carry out on the aspect in the future.The experiment show: after the Chinese cabbages have been preserved or stored up for a long time, the content of nitrate accumulation has been descent too much. It has been measured up the national criterion about taking away. But nitrite content increase too much and exceed 0.13mg/kg.The people should lessen to eat the preserved Chinese cabbages. With standard of living improved, more and more demands on good qualities of Chinese vegetables, the Chinese cabbage which been applied fertilizers will not endanger the people’s health as long as eating appropriately.

  • 【分类号】S634.1
  • 【被引频次】7
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