

Salary-reward Motivation Mechanism of the Plateau Oil Production Division

【作者】 简好学

【导师】 史耀疆;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高原采油厂隶属中国石油青海油田分公司,组建于1983年6月,目前管理着大大小小6个油田,现有员工1500多名,油水井近1000口。1999年青海油田公司全面进行资产重组和股份制改造的框架要求下,高原采油厂的管理体制也发生了较大的变化。随着新体制的建立,高原采油厂依旧沿用原计划经济的管理模式,己不适宜新形势的需要,目前,高原采油厂只所以会出现诸如人员流失,员工积极性不高,生产效率低下等影响企业改制成败,乃至影响企业生存和发展的一系列不良现象。笔者认为最核心、最关键的问题就是分配机制不合理,激励机制比较僵化,很有必要对高原采油厂现行的激励机制进行改革。 本文从高原采油厂的背景出发,分析了高原采油厂薪酬激励机制的现实情况,通过与目前国内外比较先进的激励机制模式的比较,指出了目前高原采油厂薪酬激励机制存在的不足之处。本着理论与实践相结合的原则,笔者谨慎的提出了一套旨在解决激励机制不灵活的措施,并且能处理好新老激励模式之间的冲突和矛盾,本文就完善了高原采油厂的激励机制问题,提出了五条具体的改革措施,即实行岗位等级工资制、业绩合同考核制、年薪制、整体薪酬计划以及弹性福利制度,并提出了相关的解决措施…… 笔者认为,通过薪酬分配制度的改革,必将改善高原采油厂薪酬激励的有效性,能够激发员工的积极性和工作热情,全面提升企业竞争力。

【Abstract】 Established on June of 1983, the Plateau Oil Production Division (here after referred to as POPD) is now subordinate to PetroChina QingHai Oil Company, having the employees of above 1,500 and managing 6 smaller and bigger oilfields with the number of producers and injectors being about 1,000. Under the condition of assets restructuring and stock system transforming, some changes in the managerial system of POPD has taken place, but in general, POPD still utilizes the management mode of the planned economy, which is not suitable for the new circumstances. At present, there exists some bad phenomena such as outfluxing of personnel, lack of enthusiasm and low working efficiency of employees, etc, which adversely affects the reform, the development and even the survival of an enterprise. Now the writer deems that the most critical problem is the unfair salary-reward allocation mechanism, that the motivation mechanism is ossified and that the reforming of the present mechanisms for POPD is necessary.Based on the background, this paper analyzes the current situation of salary-reward motivation mechanism of POPD and by comparison with domestic and overseas advanced motivation mechanism points out the shortcoming of said mechanism of POPD. In accordance with the principle of practice combined with theory, the writer prudently brings forward a series of measures which can both improve the mechanism and cope with the contradiction and conflict between the old and the newmotivation mechanisms. With a view of improving the present mechanism of POPD, this paper puts forward 5 concrete reform measures, namely the post wage scale system, outstanding achievement contract assess, annual wage system, whole salary-reward plan and changeable welfare system, with some relevant measures provided together.It can be concluded that by means of the reform of salary-reward allocation system the motivation mechanism of POPD would be much more effective, that the enthusiasm of employees would be much wanner and that the vying power of our enterprise would be promoted greatly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】240