

Employee Training Design of Qinghai Petroleum Administrative Bureau

【作者】 江智明

【导师】 刘秉扬;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着企业改革的不断深化,作为青海油田存续企业的青海石油管理局主业与辅业分离、辅业改制,建立现代企业制度,为使企业能够持续稳定地的发展,并在激烈的市场竞争具有强大的竞争力,强调“以人为本”、“人才强企”管理思想,通过培训增强员工素质,开发员工潜能,为可企业持续发展提供人才保障。 本文首先结合员工培训的相关理论、经验方法及企业员工培训的案例分析,比较国内外企业员工培训的步骤程序和方法模式,吸收先进培训经验方法。其次,通过对青海石油管理局员工的学历结构、专业技术职务结构、员工技术等级结构、岗位工种及其数量结构等企业人才资源状况的调查分析,并结合青海石油管理局的企业战略、企业文化及其员工培训体系机构和实施能力,提出了员工培训基本思路,即在原来职工学历教育的基础上,进一步加强员工培训开发力度,大力加强企业经营管理、专业技术、生产操作和国际化等“四支人才”队伍建设。再次,通过对各类人才具体的现状分析、培训目标、培训内容、培训方法及培训考核研究,做出“四支人才”队伍培训方案研究设计。最后对企业员工培训效果的评估与反馈进行构思。 本文的创新之处是在较为全面系统调查的基础上,能够结合企业文化和企业战略对企业员工培训方案进行设计,其现实意义是一个好的企业员工培训方案的设计,是企业培训工作的有效实施的保障,有利于企业人力资源开发,提升企业文化管理,是企业永葆青春的“源”动力。

【Abstract】 As the business enterprise is reformed deeply, the continuously existed enterprise of the Qing Hai Petroleum Administrative Bureau in Qing Hai oil field offers the assistant service for the oil and gas production. The Qing Hai Petroleum Administrative Bureau as the continuously existed enterprise is separated from the main industry. And the assistant industry system is reformed and modern business enterprise system is established in order to keep the business enterprise stable, and make it have the mighty competition ability in the vigorous market. Management thoughts of "making people the center" , "strengthening the enterprise by talented person" is emphasized .And the talented person guarantees is provided by strengthening the employee’ s character and developing their talent by training.First, related theories, experience method , analysis of the training examples are used . Then the employee training procedure and model of domestic and international business enterprise is absorbed in this thesis. The next, the pducational background, professional technique degree, employee technique grade, the post kinds and its quantity construction are analysesed. The business enterprise strategy, culture and employee training system organization and the performing ability of the continuously existed enterprise in the Qing Hai Petroleum Administrative Bureau is investigated and combined. On basis of this originally diploma education, the employee training way is put forward. That is to enhancethe employee training development and strength the training of the * four talented persons", as the business enterprise management , profession , produce operator, internationalization human resource and etc. The third, training project design of the "four talented persons" is put forward by analyzing the concrete present condition in various talented person, training target, training contents, training method and trainings testing research. Finally, the valuation and feedback of training result in the business enterprise has been outlined.The new point in this thesis is as the follows: A good employee training design of business enterprise is designed, contacting with the enterprises culture and strategy. The practice sense is that a good employee training project can make a business enterprise training work be carried out effectively, the employee’s training of the business enterprise also benefits to human resource developing, promoting the corporate culture management in the business enterprise. It is a "resource" that keeps business enterprise developing forever.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】825