

【作者】 张保风

【导师】 贾平凹;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 二十世纪的中国文学与传统文化以一种隐形继承或是显性承传的方式保持着密切的关系。新时期以来中国作家致力于重新挖掘与整理中国传统文化。儒道文化、地域文化以及五四文学所开创的国民性批判传统得到较多的表现与关注。 贾平凹是新时期以来中国文坛的一位重要作家。在一种民族背景中进行“人”的探问与思索是他追求的作品境界。对当下人们的生命力、社会精神状态,对民性、人性的关注与思索常常成为他吸纳传统文化的重要视点,并由此进行了自我风格的创造化追求。 他关注道家文化中“天人合一”的和谐氛围及其对生命、生命力的重视与肯定。儒家的忧患意识、社会责任感以及国民性批判精神也常常潜隐在含混朦胧的道家文化氛围中曲曲折折地得以传达。他以民间视角进入地域文化以及神秘文化之中,既呈现出民间真实的生活样态及审美情趣,也流露出对民性、人性的思考,以及国民心理顽疾的揭露与批判。 在叙述方式上,受诗化思维的影响,贾平凹运用传统意境手法,使其小说中充盈、流动着诗的气息,形成了诗化、散文化的特征。而家乡秦地的方言则为他半文半白的话语方式提供了丰富的营养和巨大的启示。在贾平凹的文学实验中,对传统文化的吸纳与创化既取得了一定的成功,同时也存在着一些不足。它们都为中国当代文坛提供了宝贵的启示与经验。

【Abstract】 The Chinese literature of the 20th century keep a close relation with the Chinese traditional culture in a recessive way or apparent way. The Chinese writers have been devoted to reviewing and exploring Chinese traditional culture since new period. Confucianism, Taoism and the criticism of national quality have been more concerned.Jia Pingwa is an important writer of the Chinese literary world since new period. When he enter the traditional culture human’s vitality, the social states of people’s mind and the nature of nation are more concerned by him. He pay a close attention to the harmonious atmosphere and definite of vitalities of Taoism. The Suffering consciousness of Confucianism and criticism of national quality have been often transmitted in dim Taoism culture. He enter region culture and mysterious culture at an folk angle. They show not only the true life and aesthetic flavor but also the thinking and criticism of humanity.In narrating he use the traditional artistic conception tactics, so that his articles have the characteristics of poem and prose. The dialect offer abundant nutrition for his half literary and half colloquial language style. In his literary testing there are both success and failure. They all offer valuable enlightenment and experience for Chinese literary world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】202