

【作者】 鱼涛

【导师】 白永秀;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的发展,我国医药产业也有了长足的进步,这同时也给承担我国医药商品流通主渠道责任的国有医药公司带来了巨大机遇和莫大的挑战。在这个瞬息万变的环境中,在这机遇与挑战并存的变革时代,经验式的营销模式效力正在逐步弱化,传统的营销观念和营销手段已显得不再适应。作为国有医药公司的一份子,陕西省医药保健品新特药站营销创新是迎接新时代的挑战的现实选择,是企业发展战略的核心和实施重点。要想使企业经营长盛不衰,保持旺盛的活力,就必须在营销创新上付出坚持不懈的努力。因此,营销创新的研究具有十分重要的意义。 本文首先通过对营销创新体系建设的探讨,将营销创新相关理论具体应用到陕西省医药保健品新特药站经营管理中,提出了药品营销过程中的创新理念,进一步完善了营销创新体系;其次对营销创新项目的开发和具体运营进行了分析和研究,规范了营销创新项目的开发和运营过程,文中介绍的案例——“陇马陆胃药片项目”的案例就是陕西省医药保健品新特药站营销创新的具体应用;最后对陕西省医药保健品新特药站营销创新项目的评价和营销创新项目的风险管理进行了研究,对营销创新项目的评价西北大学MBA学位论文摘要和风险管理进行了具体规划和设计,得到了一些实际操作性强的数学模型、工作流程、管理表格等具有实用价值的工具,使营销创新工作更加系统化和规范化。本文是理论与实践相结合的产物,也是笔者在日常营销管理过程中的工作总结。

【Abstract】 With the development of the market economy, the pharmaceutical industry of China has been making great progress, which has brought about lots of opportunities and challenges for the state-owned medicine companies as the principal channel mainly responsible for medicine circulation. In the constantly changing environment and facing challenge and opportunities from the restructuring times, the sales pattern formed by experience is gradually weakening while the conventional marketing idea and means have become awkwardly in meeting demand from the market. Marketing innovation is the realistic choice for the health-care products of Shaanxi Province, one of the state-owned medicine companies to meet challenge from the new times and also the core and implementing focus of the developing strategy of the health-care products of Shaanxi Province. To keep the health-care products of Shaanxi Province with long-term prosperity and vigorous energy, the continuing effort for marketing innovation must be paid. And so, the marketing innovation for the health-care products of Shaanxi Province is of great significance.Through discussing the innovation system of marketing, put the relating theory on marketing innovation into practice of the management of the health-care products of Shaanxi Province and at the same time, have evaluation on marketing innovation and venture management of the health-care products of Shaanxi Province studied. The paper has been made from the combination of practice and theory and also the experience conclusion of the author onmarketing. The case introduced into the paper- " promotion of stomach tablet with brand Longmalu" is the example on marketing innovation practice of the health-care products of Shaanxi Province. With marketing innovation theory appropriately put into practice of the management of the health-care products of Shaanxi Province, the innovation idea for medicine marketing of the health-care products of Shaanxi Province has established. And with unique visual angle, the author has concretely analyzed the venture management and marketing innovation of the health-care products of Shaanxi Province, and the practical tools such as management table, working process and mathematics model, etc. have been got, which will make the marketing innovation more systematic and normative.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【下载频次】204