

【作者】 尹小玲

【导师】 段建军;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 话语理论是福柯学术思想中的重要组成部分,它是在福柯对结构主义语言学和结构主义文论批判的基础上形成的。“话语”被福柯界定为一种实践活动。在它的生产和流通过程中,外部排斥原则、内部净化原则、主体控制原则始终发挥巨大的作用。由此,也可见出权力是制约话语的最根本因素,掌握权力也就意味着掌握了话语权。而文学文本是在话语中获得意义的,话语是有关特定主题和对象,意味着特定规训与策略的一整套内在统一、相互关联的表述,它为个别文本提供思考与言说的假设、规训与期待。因此,本文采用个案分析的手法对文学文本中的话语关系以及文本产生的话语背景进行分析,以从中发现参与话语形成的各种话语主体的自我身份认同危机,从而探求掌握话语权与失去话语权或屈从于话语权威的个体之间的关系,并由此发现话语关系中处于边缘地位的“他者”的生存状态,进而寻求走出边缘的途径。 正文分为四个部分,第一部分主要论述福柯的话语理论,探求话语控制原则中的权力机制。第二部分以具体的文学文本为分析对象,剖析文本中呈现的掌握话语权与失去话语权的个体之间的复杂关系。第三部分在个案分析的基础上追溯个别文本产生的话语传统,从中探求失去话语权与屈从于话语权威的“边缘”个体的“他者”地位以及生存状态。结语综合全文,寻求走出边缘的途径:从终极意义上说,个体要摆脱话语权威的桎梏,实现风格化的审美生存;从现实层面上说,要消解话语霸权,争夺话语权。本文力图找到福柯的话语理论与文学、与个体生存状态的契合点,以期引起对沉默的“他者”的关注。

【Abstract】 Discourse theory is an important part of Foucault’s academic thought, which is constructed on the basis of his criticizing structuralism linguistics and literature theory. "Discourse" is defined as a kind of practical activity by Foucault, and in the course of its production and circulation, outside repelling principle, inside purifying principle, subject controlling principle play an important role all the time, from which the fact that power is the most ultimate factor of controlling discourse can be concluded. In other words, grasping power means grasping discourse. Moreover, the literature text obtains its meaning in discourse, and discourse is a whole set of inherent unifying which has relevance to specific themes and subjects and provides assumption, rule and expectation for specific text’s thinking and expression. So the paper studies the discourse relations in literature text and discourse background that the text is produced by means of analyzing case in order to find self-identities crisis of different subjects who participate in discourse formation, thus seek and grasp the correlations between subjects controlling discourse power and those losing discourse power or submitting to discourse power. At the same time, we can find the existence state of "the other" who lies on the fringe and then go in quest of the way to go out of the fringe.The main body is divided into four parts: Part one focuses on Foucault’s discourse theory and explores the power mechanism in discourse controlling principles. Part two analyzes the complicated relations between individuals controlling discourse power and those losing discourse power in literature texts. Part three traces back to the discourse tradition that the specific text is produced and explores the existence state of "the other". Part four tries hard to probe the way to go out of the fringe in order to arouse human beings concerning individuals’ existing situation.

【关键词】 话语话语控制话语权边缘他者
【Key words】 DiscourseDiscourse controllingThe power of discourseFringeThe other
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I0
  • 【下载频次】389