

【作者】 蔡静

【导师】 莫丹谊;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事上诉审程序是刑事诉讼错误纠正机制的核心部分。文章以上诉审程序的功能和局限性、上诉审程序和初审程序的关联性为视角,通过对两大法系主要国家和地区上诉审程序的考察,以及对我国上诉审程序的评析,就我国现行上诉审程序的改革提出初步的建议。 文章共四万余字,分为四个部分: 第一部分为概述。文章首先对上诉审程序的概念和特征进行了界定、说明。其次,对上诉审程序的功能予归纳,认为上诉审程序具有救济、统一法律适用和维护司法权威的功能。最后,分析了上诉审程序的局限性,即延缓了最终结案和增加诉讼成本,并且针对上诉审程序的局限性列举了国外主要的解决办法。 第二部分为上诉审的结构。作者通过剖析上诉审审理与初审审理的关系,即上诉审的结构,阐释初审审理对上诉审的程序设计有重大影响。该部分对上诉审的结构加以分类论述:第一,就事实审与法律审而言,从审级制度的模式入手,总结分析了划分事实审与法律审对两大法系国家和地区法院职能的影响,指出两大法系关于审级独立、区分事实审与法律审、注重高审级法院尤其是最高法院发挥统一法律适用功能的观念和制度,值得我国借鉴。第二,就复审、续审与事后审而言,从事实救济能力、对第二审程序效率的影响和一审程序的影响三方面进行简要比较,并就这三种程序结构的适用条件予以分析,说明我国目前尚不具备实行事后审的条件,而应采取复审制。 第三部分为上诉的提起。文章主要从比较法的角度,对下列三个问题进行阐述,并提出完善的建议:一是上诉的要件,包括适格的上诉人、针对准许上诉的裁判、具有上诉利益以及在上诉期间内提出上诉,其中重点论及了上诉利益。二是符合上诉要件的上诉行为会产生诉讼法上的效力,即中止效果和移审效果。三是上诉的提起程序,包括上诉的提起方式、提起法院和原审法院对于上诉的审查。 第四部分为上诉审的审理与裁判。作者主要从比较法、以及初审与上诉审的关系的角度,探讨了以下三个问题:一是上诉审审查的范围。这一问题又涉及三个问题:上诉审审查的范围是否限于初审法院所裁决的事项,上诉审能否提出新证据,上诉审审查的范围是否受上诉请求的限制。其中,重点针对我国第二审的全面审查原则,从法理合理性和实践合理性两个方面予以评析,说明我国第二审法院的审理应以上诉请求为限。二是上诉审的审理方式。分析了我国关于第二审审理方式上,立法与实践相颠倒的问题及.其原因,并提出相应的改革建议。三是上诉审的裁判,包括上诉不加刑原则对上诉审裁判的限制,以及上诉审的裁判种类。

【Abstract】 The procedure of criminal appeal plays an important role in the error-correction of a criminal action. This article analyzes the functions and shortcomings of the procedure of a criminal appeal, the connection between the procedure of a criminal appeal of the legal systems of the Civil Law and the Common Law , comments the procedure of a criminal appeal of China and provides preliminary suggestions on how to reform the current procedure of the criminal appeal of China.This article consists of four parts, which are as long as about forty thousand words.Part I is an overview of the procedure of a criminal appeal. This article, first of all , provides the author’s definition and characteristics of the procedure of a criminal appeal. Then it summarizes the functions of the procedure of a criminal appeal, which are as follows: the functions of relieving ,the function of unifying the application of laws and the function of safeguarding the dignity of the laws. Finally part I analyzes the shortcomings of the procedure of a criminal appeal, i.e., delaying the ending of a case involved and increasing the cost of a action ,and lists some solutions to the above-mentioned shortcomings according to experiences abroad.Part II is about the structure of the procedure of a criminal appeal. The author analyzes the relationship between the procedure of a criminal appeal and the procedure of its first trial , i.e., the structure of the procedure of a criminal appeal, explains how the procedure of the first trial influences its procedure of an appeal through the following two aspects: firstly, as to the relationship between the trial of facts and the trial of laws, the influence of distinguishing the trial of facts and laws on two major legal systems is analyzed, holding that independence of trial grade, difference of trial of facts and trial of laws, unity of laws of higher courts, especially the highest court are to be absorbed into China. Secondly, as to the retrial, continuation of the trial and post-trial, the author makes a brief comparison among relieves by facts, and influences upon efficiency of the procedure the second and firsttrials , analyzes the prerequisites of the above-mentioned procedural structure, concludes that a post-trial is impractical at present in China and re-trial is to be introduced.Part III deal with how the appeal is conducted . Before putting forward its suggestions, this article covers the following three points: ﹑rerequisites of an appeal, including the qualified appellant, sentences which are allowed to be appealed, interests in an appeal which is stressed by the author in this point and time during which appeals are to be conducted; ゛ctions of appeals which agree with the prerequisites of an appeal will lead to effects of stopping the former sentence and transferring the case to a higher court; ?procedures how an appeal is put forward , including the ways an appeal is conducted, the courts an appeal goes to and the review of the former court.Part IV covers the judgment of an appeal and its sentence. The author discusses the following three points through comparative laws and relationship of the first trial and the appeal trial :(1) what is reviewed in an appeal, which includes , whether an appeal is limited to the sentence of the first trial, whether new evidences can be allowed , whether an appeal only deals with the request of the appellant; (2)the ways how an appeal trial is conducted, analyzing the problems in the laws of China and putting forward the author’s solutions; (3)the judgment of an appeal trial, including the limitation of the principle of no more severe punishment in an appeal trial to the judgment of an appeal trial and the types of the judgments of an appeal trial.

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】2
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