

【作者】 陈龙环

【导师】 郭晓彬;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 侦查, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 违法侦查行为的存在历史久远,不分国界。它的客观性和普遍性是促使笔者选择该论题的直接动因。顽疾经常被用作违法侦查行为的另一昵称,它总是与侦查相伴相随。为了创建法治国家和顺应与国际接轨的趋势,法制化必然成为侦查运作的指导思想。对此,众多侦查学的理论学者和实践者已有了深刻的领悟,并已在行动中加以贯彻。然而,违法侦查行为的存在是多种因素共同促成的,单一的或是局部的调整是无法真正地实现侦查行为的法制化。而整体性的变动总是障碍重重。理想与现实的偏差、甚至于背离总是难免的,对此我们应当做理性的分析,而不是盲目悲观,毕竟立法者和实践者的思想和行为都是积极的。本文以相对狭小的篇幅勾勒了违法侦查行为的粗各轮廓,并旨在此基础上提出遏制违法侦查行为的法律对策(对策是多方位的体系,在选题时已进行了限定)。在整体认识和法律对策之间,笔者从法理的角度对违法侦查行为遏制的必要性进行探索,以期为上述两个方面起到衔接作用。全文约五万字。除引言外,由三部分构成。 第一部分:对违法侦查行为的整体认识,它也是论述其它部分的出发点。由五个部分组成。(1)对违法侦查行为进行了界定,该界定是以侦查行为的内涵为基础的。即违法侦查行为是指侦查主体在办理刑事案件过程中,违反法律规定所进行的专门性调查工作和有关的强制性措施。在此基础上以违法侦查行为的构成要素作为切入点,从行为主体、行为方式、行为内容和行为目的四个方面对违法侦查进行较为详细的阐述。(2)以不同的标准对违法侦查行为进行分类,以期从多角度形成对违法侦查行为的全面了解。这些标准主要包括了违法侦查行为的实施侵犯公民重要权益与否、实施目的、所侵犯权利的属性、公开与否以及有无主观过错。除此之外,文章还对以立案与违法侦查行为实施的时间关系作为标准的分类进行了否定性评价。(3)违法侦查行为的正确判定并不总是容易实现的,误区的存在在所难免。笔者着重提及利定时应注意的三个事项:一是侦查行为是否违法在不同的时空可能有不同的定论,并以刑讯逼供和讯问时律师在场权作为实例进行论证;二是未严格遵守侦查期间的违法侦查行为是人们眼中的盲点,经常被忽略。三是诱惑侦查以其充分的实践合理性得到诸多国家的青睐,我国亦不例外。但这实践合理性并不等同于现实合法性。(4)对产生违法侦查行为的法律原因进行剖析。鉴于文章篇幅的限制,对违法侦查行为产生原因的论述也限定在法律方面。具体包含了五个方面:侦查行为法律固执的不缜密;侦查行为的监督机制不为;犯罪嫌疑人的辩护权为得到充分保障;证据制度不完善以及对违法侦查行为实施主体的惩治力度不够。(5)简j心遨法侦查行为的危害,以进一步印证本文选题的合理性。它们主要包括了侵害人权;钧洲吏侦查工作理性发展的缓漫;削弱司法召洲言力,冲击法律权威。 第二部分:从法理的角度对违法侦查行为的遏制进行了探讨。该部分是第一部分和第三部分的桥梁,起着承上启下的作用。这不仅是对违法侦查行为深层次的认识,而且也为违法侦查行为法律对策的制定提供理论上的指导。文章从两个视角对遏制违法侦查行为到断示了法理胜的思考。该部分由二部分组成。(1)‘‘程序正义是实现实体正义的必由之路,,。侦查是刑事诉讼活动的组成部分,而侦查行为是侦查成为现实的载体一在对“重实体,轻程序”立法和实践反思的基汗出上,人有l已经把目光投向了程序本身,较为合理地调整了实体和程序之间的关系。在我国长期实行‘顺查中心主义”的现实背景下,从程序的角度重新思索侦查行为是完全可行的。文章从四个方面对该视角进行详细论述。其一,正义是司法的主旨,侦查亦是如此。文章援引了罗尔斯的正义分类,并习争程序主义定位为“纯粹的程序正义”。其二,在该观汽的基础上,对程序正义和实体正义的关系进行了重新阐述。其三,提供了支撑该观点的认识论基础,即“法律真实观,。其四,文章得出了只有合法侦查行为才能真正实现程序正义和实体正义的结论。从反面钱扣正了遏止违法侦查行为的必要胜。(2)“目的正当性和手段正当性的融合,,。手段和目的的论述模式是常见的,它同样也适用于对违注月贞查行为的论述中。人们对程序和实体的关系定位有“实体优先论,,、‘‘程序优先锣以及“两者并重论”。即了尧是时程序作用最为漠视的“实体优先论”的主张者也剐巴两者的关系描述为‘‘程序是实现实体的手段,,,其它两种观点的主张者在重视程序的同时,更是没有忽视程序对于实现实体的作用。该部分具体从两个方面进行阐述。首先,笔者在介绍目的一一手段模式的基础上,引进了“附带性后果”的概念,使得不同模式之间的优劣评阶成为可能。其次,论述了目的正当性和手段正当性融合的必要性。非正当手段或者不能达到正当目的;或者是能够实现正当目的,但其附带性后果无法承受。在以上的阐述中,笔者以违法侦查行为作为实例进行谈行正。 第三部分:违法侦查行为的法律对策。由二部分组成。(l)对违法侦查行为的法律对策进行了整体上的才冤迷,以期提供一个全貌式的轮廓。(2)着重

【Abstract】 The subject of the thesis is illegal acts of criminal investigation. The entitlement of the thesis is named as illegal acts of criminal investigation and its policies .The reason why I am keen on the subject is that illegal acts of criminal investigation exists objectively and it is of obvious harm . Though it is impossible to restraint illegal acts of criminal investigation absolutely , effective measures should be taken in order to ensure that investigation can be enforced as lawfully as possible . It is fundamental and crucial for investigation to be carried on legally , since investigation is indispensable to criminal procedure and doctrine of statutory procedure is the soul of criminal proceeding . The author provides a systematic introduction to illegal acts of criminal investigation and elaborately set forth corresponding legal policies . The article consists of three parts.Part I : Comprehensive introduction to illegal acts of criminal investigation , which is the foundation to the other two parts . It includes five sections . In section one , the author defines the concept of illegal acts of criminal investigation . After that , four elements of the concept are analyzed so as to further explain the definition . The four elements comprises subject , way , content and goal . In section two , illegal acts of criminal investigation is classified from various angles in order to obtain a more direct demonstration . Reasonable judgement on illegal acts of criminal investigation is not always easily realized . Section three enumberates three special situations which are prone to conflicting conclusions . In section four , the author explores legal causes which bring about illegal acts of criminal investigation . Section five briefly describes the harm of illegal acts of criminal investigation so as to demonstrate the significance of the thesis.Part II : Exploring the necessity of restraintingillegal acts of criminal investigation from the viewpoint of jurisprudence. THE second part is further recognition of the first one . Meanwhile , it provides theorical guidanceto the third one . The part consists of two sections . Section one is decribed as "No procedural justice , no substantive justice ". The proposition is founded on the Theory of Justice , by Rawls . In Rawls’ three classification, criminal procedure is ascribed to "pure procedural justice " . In section two , the model of"goal -means" is invoked. Based on the analysis of the model , the author reaches a conclusion that legitimate goal can be achieved only through legitimate means . In other words , illegal acts of criminal investigation can not lead to procedural justice , let alone substantive justice .Part III: Concrete legal policies against illegal acts of criminal investigation . Compared with the two said ones , the part is of practice . The part includes seven sections which will not be listed one by one . In the following content , the author briefly introduces leading spirits that dominance the establishment of legal measures . Firstly , pefect legislation is the prerequisite for lawful investigation . Whether or not investigatory action is enforced legally can be evaluated by virtue of perfect statute . Secondly , investigation is not carried on in a vacuum . But for necessary material guarantee, the collection of evidence can not go on at all , Thirdly , punitive and relieved measures are also effective to restraint illegal acts of criminal investigation . The exclusion of illegal evidence can eliminate illegal acts of criminal investigation which aims to obtain evidence . Moreover , the fact that the subject of illegal acts of criminalinvestigation should be imposed on various liabilities can more or less wipe out subjective inducement to investigate illegally .

  • 【分类号】D915.3
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