

【作者】 张玉成

【导师】 戴勇才;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 累犯制度作为一项基本的刑罚制度,是认定和处理累犯的一项重要制度。我国的累犯制度自1979年刑罚典规定以来,至今已有25年之久,其中各项规定少有变动(只是1997年刑法典将累犯前后罪的时间间距扩大为5年)。而这25年以来,我国的社会、经济生活都发生了惊人的变化,作为一项法律制度的累犯制度,其中的许多规定已经远远落后于现实社会的发展需要。另一方面,上世纪90年代理论界对刑罚一系列宏观问题,如刑罚的目的,刑罚的正当性根据等进行了热烈讨论,取得了一系列的理论成果。这些理论成果对我们研究具体的刑罚制度具有很强的理论指导意义。鉴于以上两点原因,我选择了《我国累犯制度研究》作为论文题目,希望通过借鉴刑罚理论研究取得的新成果,来改进和完善我国的累犯制度。全文共分四部分: 第一部分,累犯制度概论。作为对研究对象——累犯制度的一个概括性介绍,主要内容有关于累犯的概念由来,累犯概念的多义性理解。由其中刑法上的累犯概念引出累犯制度的概念,论证了其在刑法中的体系性地位。追溯了累犯制度的理论渊源及其历史沿革,最后介绍了累犯制度的类型划分。 第二部分,累犯构成条件。累犯制度由两部分构成:一是累犯构成条件,二是累犯处遇原则。本部分从微观入手,具体分析了普通累犯和特殊累犯的构成条件。其中以普通累犯构成条件为重点。将构成普通累犯的六个条件逐一展开分析论证,分别是:主体条件、主观条件、时间条件、罪次条件、刑度条件、法域条件。结合了现实社会发展的需要和刑罚理论研究获得的成果。具体说来就是根据现实社会需求,以刑罚理论研究获得的成果为指导,对各项条件进行了客观求实的分析评判,指出其缺失、落后的所在,然后加以适当补充,如建议增加关于单位累犯的规定;将明显违背现代刑罚理论精神、不合时宜的加以舍弃,如建议将未成年人排除在累犯主体之外;但是对其中科学合理的部分还是应该加以继承和完善,如建议在主观条件中继续坚持故意犯罪这一原则的同时,适当引进犯罪人人格因素的评定。特殊累犯构成条件,文章仅选取了四个方面,即罪质条件、刑度条件、主观条件和时间条件。重点在于介绍特殊累犯不同于普通累犯构成之处。并提出我国特殊累犯制度适用范围过于狭窄,不符合现代社会同犯罪作斗争的需要。建议在遵循“特殊累犯要求前后罪为同一类型犯罪”这一原则下,扩大特殊累犯制度的适用范围,将累犯率高的毒品犯罪、淫秽物品犯罪纳入到特殊累犯的适用范围。 第三部分,累犯处遇原则。这一章主要论述了三个问题。一是累犯从重的合理性根据,在对各类观点进行了理性评论后,文章提出累犯从重的根据是立足于累犯犯罪行为之社会危害性之上的人身危险性,呼应了现代刑罚目的在于“报应优先,兼顾功利”这一学说.二是关于累犯从重的标准问题。文章驳斥了主张对累犯加重处罚的说法,主张“应当从重”处罚,并对从重处罚的标准给出了具体解释。三是关于累犯不得缓刑、假释。文章认为适用缓刑的条件与累犯的构成条件直接冲突,缓刑要求犯罪后“确实不致再危害社会”,而累犯J洽哈是“再次危害社会”,人身危险胜较大,所以累犯不得缓刑是合理的。而规定累犯不得假释却有失科学。因为假释的本质条件是“在服刑期间必须确有悔改表现,不致再危害社会”。累犯虽人身危险性较大,但是经过刑罚的部分柑于,完全有可能达到“有悔改表现,不致再危害社会”这一假释条件。所以文章主张应当给予累犯以假释机会,鼓励其积极改造,争取早日出狱。但是鉴于累犯较强的人身危险性,在对累犯适用假释时应当有别于初犯。 第四部分,累犯制度疑难问题探析。制度的生命在于实施。制度的实施是研究制度的最终落脚点。该部分是累犯制度两个构成部分的具体运用。(一)在累犯认定方面,主要有两个问题,第一,缓刑期满后又故意犯罪能否构成累犯,文章认为缓刑期满后原判刑罚不再执行是一种刑罚运用,不可等同于刑之执行,所以缓刑犯不具备构成累犯的条件。另外,累犯制度针对的是那些人身危险性大的再犯者,而缓刑的适用条件却是要求较小的人身危险性,所以,从累犯制度设立的初衷来看,缓刑犯也不宜认定为累犯。第二.假释后又故意犯罪能否构成累犯?文章认为在假释考验期内再犯新罪应根据规定实行数罪并罚,不能按累犯计。(二)在累犯处遇方面,第一,关于数罪累犯应该如何处罚,文章认为应在累犯所犯的数罪中,只对符合累犯条件的犯罪从重处罚,一对不符合累犯条件的犯罪仍处正常刑罚,然后按数罪并罚原则决定执行的刑罚。第二,判决后发现累犯情况的处理,建议我国刑法增加相关规定,借鉴国外立法,弥补立法漏洞。

【Abstract】 Recidivism provisions play an important role in identifying and penalizing recidivist . It’ s has been 25 years since the recidivism provisions were first formulated in the Criminal Code of 1979,and almost no any change has taken place except the length of time between the two crimes committed by recidivist has been extended to 5 years. The recidivism provisions a little lagged judicial practice , theory and advanced legislation overseas because of not been amended for couple decades .Several aspects of recidivism provisions ,such as subjective element, subject element ,rules of penalty , scope of application and categories of recidivism should be completed in order to improve the equity of legislation and judicial justice. The thesis is composed of four parts:Part one, entitled by The Survey of Recidivism Provisions. This part give a general disicription about the definition of" Recidivism" and its several meanings , explain what is recidivism provisions , trace back to its theory origins and historical development , and then present the categories of recidivism provisions.Part two, entitled by Research on the Constitution of Recidivism Provisions. This part include constitution of common recidivism and special recidivism. The constitution of common recidivism is made up of subject element, subjective element, time element, amounts of crimes and judicial scope. The constitution of special recidivism provisions is made up of crime character, crime degree, subjective element and time element.Part three, entitled by Rules of Penalizing Recidivist. The thesis presents the rational basis of giving heavier penalty to recidivist, Recidivist should be penalized heavilier because of his dangerous personality which is based on the harm to scocietythat come from the offence he committed . Referring to the standards of penalizing recidivists, the thesis arguing that recidivists should be given heavier penality than those who fast committed the same offence .and explain the standards of how to penalize recidivist. At last, the thesis refute the opinions that recidivist can not be release on parole or on probation.Part four, entitled by The Difficulties of Application of Recidivism Provisions . On how to identify and penalize recidivist, the thesis presents two examples separately, In the aspects of identifying recidivists, the thesis argue that those who has been released on parole can not be identified as recidivists; Those who is on probation and commit crime again can not be take as a recidivist but if his probation period is over, it is possible that he can be take as a recidivist. In the aspect of penalizing recidivist, the thesis expounds on how to penalize those recidivist who commit not only one crime and gives suggestions about how to deal with recidivist that is found out after judgement is made. At last, the thesis gives some detailed analysis scientific demonstration and reasonable suggestions.

  • 【分类号】D924.1
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