【作者】 李淑梅;
【导师】 吴春燕;
【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 无效合同的认定及其处理是合同法理论和司法实践中的重要问题。我国《民法通则》、《合同法》对无效合同的确认标准和处理方式做了原则性规定,但在理论和实务中仍存在一些模糊的认识和作法。论文通过理性分析,比较借鉴其他国家、地区的立法体例,深入地探讨了无效合同的概念、认定标准及其处理几个问题,更加清晰地划清相关问题之间的界限,以期完善合同无效制度,从而适应我国市场经济发展的需要。本文从四个方面对合同无效制度进行了的探析。 第一部分:结合现实中一些实例和数据,分析了我国合同无效制度的现状,说明我国合同无效制度的立法取向和制度价值。大陆法系和英美法系对无效合同的概念形成了各不相同的观点。在比较借鉴的基础上,分析了我国现行立法的相关规定。无效合同是否属于合同,在我国法学界存在两种不同的观点。一种观点为否定说,即认为无效合同因其具有违法性,不属于合同范畴;另一种观点为肯定说,即认为无效合同在形式上已具有双方当事人的合意,只是合同法对合同行为予以评价后所做出的合同分类中的一种,属于合同范畴。笔者认为无效合同属于合同,在此基础上分析了它的特征,并对合同成立、生效、无效、不成立之间的关系展开了讨论。 第二部分:合同无效的认定问题是正确处理合同无效的前提和基础。不同国家、地区在不同的历史时期对合同无效原因的规定是不同的,文章对大陆法系国家和英美法系国家合同无效原因分别进行了探讨。我国《民法通则》、《合同法》也做了相关规定,合同的有效要件主要有以下三方面:合同主体应具有相应的缔约能力,合同当事人意思表示自愿真实,合同内容不违反法律和社会公共利益。合同无效的原因主要体现在《合同法》第52条的五项规定中,文章对这五项规定作了具体详细的分析。 第三部分:无效合同的处理包括程序处理和实体处理。程序处理中涉及确认合同效力的机关、监督管理程序和诉讼程序几个方面。其中,对诉讼程序,则从诉讼当事人的确定、诉讼结构及举证责任的分担、合同无效时效规则的适用三个层次论述。实体处理中,文章比较分析其他国家不法原因给付的法律效果的两种立法体例后,又从我国现行立法着手,对我国无效合同的三种主要处理方式:返还财产、赔偿损失、追缴财产做了详细评析。返还财产在民法理论上的依据,各国立法和理论存在不同的观点;返还财产的范围仅限于原物及因原物所产生的革息;返还财产在实践中还受到一定的限制。赔偿损失的理论依据学术界存在多种学说,笔者分两种情形来分析,不同的情形中其请求权的蜘出也不一样。赔偿损失责任以辛}偿损失为原则,范围主要是信赖利益的损失.追缴财产是较为严厉的贵任形式,分两种形式:收归国有和返还集体、第三人.两种形式均需符合一定的条件才能适用。其中,收归国有是公法上的救济手段,而返还集体、第三人则属于民法上的救济手段。
【Abstract】 To cognize and deal with the void contract is a very important problem in legal study and practices. However, there are some general principles on the cognizance and dealings in General Principles of China’s Civil Law and Contract Law, there are still quite a lot ambiguous thinks and doings in legal study and practices. In this article, the author talks about the definition, criterion for cognizance and others problems, and gives the division of related problems on the base of analyzing and comparing the legislation institution of other countries. By doing so, the author tries to perfect the void contract ’institution to adapt the market economy in our country. This article is divided into four parts.In the first part, the author focuses on the today’ s circumstance of void contract in China after a detailed analyze of practical cases and data to illustrate the legislation goal and background. Indifferent legal system, such as Civil Law countries and Common Law countries, there are quite different institutions of void contracts. After a comparison, the author studies the related stipulations in China’ s contract law. Whether the void contract is a contract is still doubtful. There are two quite contrary views on it in China’ s legal study circle. The author thinks that the void contract is a contract in fact for it has the characteristics of a contract. And also, the author discusses the relations between the formation of contract, effective or not, lawful or unlawful, etc.In the second part, the author tells us that there are different criterions on how to cognize the void contract in different countries or regions. There are the following: the formation of contract, the body of contract, meaning expression, lawful or not. The author gives a detailed analysis on all of them.In General Principles of China’s Civil Law and Contract Law, there are similar terms. This article classifies them into three categories after a generalization. They are: (1) the limitation of body’s ability of signing a contract; (2) the false expression of willingness; (3) the violation of present law or public interest. The reasons of causing a contract void are presented in the item 52 of Contract Law. In the following parts, the author gives a detailed analysis to them.The third part tells us how we should deal with the void contract. One is procedural dealing, and the other is bodily dealing. In the procedural dealing process, the problems like who has the authorization of confirm a void contract and supervision of contract are involved. While in bodily dealing process, the author begins with today’s legislation in China after a comparison of two kinds of unlawful giving in other countries. Then the author gives a detailed statement on three ways of dealing with void contract in China: property returning, compensation of damages, and property recalling.In the forth part, the author talks about the stipulations on void contract in China’s law system, which is quite unpractical, and cause many problems in practices. To perfect China’s institution on void contract, reduce the sphere of void contract, must have the aim of contract as the goal. Taking all parties’ willing into consideration, and leaving the voidance of contract as the way of remedy should be a basic principle. In the end of this article, the author thinks that in the Item 52 of Contract Law, which stipulates void contract is illogical, and gives particular analyses. At last, the author points out contract law should try its best to maintain the freedom of contract and safe transaction.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 西南政法大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】D923.6
- 【被引频次】7
- 【下载频次】1174