

【作者】 陈海彪

【导师】 吴春燕;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代初,按揭由中国香港传入中国内陆。随着我国住房制度的改革,按揭作为一种购房融资担保形式,一经引进便显示了其强大的生命力。但是,按揭在我国毕竟还是新生事物,现行调整按揭的法律法规或无明确规定,或仅在一般意义的房地产抵押或商品房担保贷款层面予以规制,这就给实际操作带来很大不便,而且也容易产生纠纷。法律滞后影响了国家在宏观上的调控,全国范围内缺少完善统一的管理办法导致实务中的问题甚多。一方面,各方面当事人尤其是贷款银行的权益难以得到有效保护,商品房按揭在我国并没有得到有效发展;而另一方面,住房制度改革的深入使住宅消费成为世人所关注的热点问题,商品房按揭在其中所能起到的突出作用又使其备受瞩目。学术界虽然对普通房地产抵押贷款已经有充分探讨,但对商品房按揭的法律机理、运作机制等探讨却并不多,甚至目前对于商品房按揭的法律性质还没有一个较为一致的看法。本文从现实的角度出发,结合英美法系中的按揭理论以及大陆法系中的让与担保理论,分析我国商品房按揭中存在的相关法律问题。全文共分四部分,约三万五千字。 第一部分 按揭制度的渊源与发展。这一部分主要介绍了英美法系按揭制度的历史渊源、发展与变革,以及我国香港地区房屋按揭制度的现状与发展,为进一步探寻我国商品房按揭法律问题提供理论基础。 第二部分 中国大陆商品房按揭的法律性质与效力研究。这一部分介绍了我国商品房按揭有期房按揭与现房按揭两种类型,笔者对目前学理界和司法界有关商品房按揭的法律性质的各种学说做了深入分析,认为期房按揭与现房按揭在担保法律性质上是相同的,其区别仅在于作为按揭担保标的物的形态不一样。笔者认同大陆法系中的让与担保制度也可以作为我国商品房按揭法律规制的理论基础的观点,而且从理论上对我国商品房按揭担保所应具有的内、外部法律效力进行了分析。并指出:按揭担保内部效力是指在按揭人与按揭权人之间形成的权利义务关系;外部效力表现为按揭期间商品房按揭对当事人以外的第三人所产生的权利与义务。 第三部分商品房按揭法律关系研究.这一部分从动态的角度对一商品房按揭法律关系进行研究,并对商品房按揭设定过程中涉及到的各项法律关系的进行分析,笔者认为商品房按揭法律关系与商品房按揭所涉的法律关系是两个问题,其中商品房按揭法律关系应当仅是一种担保关系,其当事人是按揭人(购房人)与按揭权人(银行)。同时,笔者对按揭法律关系的变动作了理论分析,并且对按揭担保物权的设定、按揭权的实现等各方面提出了一些立法建议。 第四部分商品房按揭贷款制度中的风险与防范措施.商品房按揭贷款制度中是否能有效转移、分散银行的风险关系到商品房按揭制度的良性发展,甚至关系到一个金融市场的稳定。分析商品房按揭贷款中银行面临的风险,从而采取合适的防范措施以保障银行的债权,可以更好地提高银行按揭贷款的积极性,以便进一步推动房地产市场的发展。

【Abstract】 In the 90th of 20 century, mortgage comes into mainland from Hong Kong. With the revolution of the commercial building .As being a financing guarantee of housing, mortgage is revealing the validity itself since it appears. However, being a new thing in our country, the rules of mortgage, up to today, are not perfect, which leads to be inconvenience and dispute, and gives rise to many questions: on the one hand, the rights of bank are especially short of protection besides other clients, on the other hand, housing spending has been a lot top our country, mortgage of commercial building is taking an active effect in it .The experts have been discussing charge of real estate loan, they have not studied the mechanism and operation of mortgage of commercial building ,and have a divergence with the nature of it .In this article ,the author analyses the question of mortgage of commercial building in our country on the basis of comparing the theory of mortgage in common law system with the theory of alienation surety in Roman law system. There are four sections in this article and about thirty thousand words in it.Section one: Origination and development of mortgage system. In this section, the author mainly introduces the history, evolution and revolution of mortgage in common law system, at the same time, the author states the present conditions and improvement of mortgage of housing in Hong Kong, and provides a theory base to the mortgage of commercial building our country.Section two: Legal nature and force of mortgage of commercial building in china. In this section, the author divides the mortgage of commercial building into two kinds of pattern such as mortgage of anticipative commercial building and concrete commercial building. The author points out that there is no more different between mortgage of anticipative commercial building and concrete commercial building except the modality of guarantee subject matter, and agrees that the rule of alienation guarantee in civil law system can be a basic theory of mortgage of commercial building in our country. Meanwhile, the author analyses the interior and exterior validity of mortgage, and claims that the interior validity of mortgage of commercial building is relationship of rights and responsibilitiesbetween mortgagee and mortgager. While the exterior validity of it is the rights and responsibilities of the third part excluding theSection three: Legal relationship of mortgage of commercial building. In this section, the author analyzes the all sorts of relationship of law with respect to mortgage of commercial building, and thinks the legal relationship of mortgage of commercial building is obviously different from the legal relationship involved by mortgage of housing. Legal relationship of mortgage of commercial building is only a relationship of surety which clients include purchaser and bank. Meanwhile, the author analyses the change of legal relation among mortgage, and gives some proposals about establishment of security interest, and realization of mortgage right from legislation.Section four: Risk and protective measurement of mortgage of commercial building. How to transfer and disperse the risk of bank is not only relevant to mortgage of commercial building but also the stability of currency market .The author thinks that it is important to analyze the risk of bank in mortgage of commercial building, which we can take some protective measurement to protect the creditor right of bank.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】384