

【作者】 杨前明

【导师】 沈萍;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国建筑行业工程款拖欠问题非常严重,其影响已不限于建筑行业本身。立法的特别关注表现在《合同法》第286条,但因其规定过于原则而缺乏可操作性,在实践中它没有起到防止工程款拖欠大量发生的作用。而作为司法解释的最高人民法院的有关批复又不可能超出法律界限而与之相冲突,因此,总体上看,我国现行立法对建设工程承包人权益的保护有很大缺陷。近些年学者对于建设工程承包人权益的关注主要体现在集中分析《合同法》第286条所规定的权利的属性上,而立足于法律之公正、秩序、效益价值及实践之可操作性基础上的研究承包人工程款权益保障问题的文章则极其少见。 本文认为,造成工程款巨额拖欠的真正原因在于现行有关法律法规的不健全。承包人垫资并非造成工程款拖欠的真正原因。首先,发包人往往在建设资金未能有效落实的情况下开工建设;其次,工程竣工后,即使发包方违约未付清工程款,却仍可即使取得该建设工程,而法律没有赋予合同相对人即承包人相应的制衡权利。因此应该通过立法创设相关制度,完善承包人工程款权益保障机制: 第一,通过设立开工前建设资金审验制度和开工后的建设资金监管制度,完善建设资金监管法律体系,保证建设资金的有效落实和专款专用。 第二,明确垫资承包(施工)的合法性,使专用于工程建设的垫资款作为工程款受到法律明确保护。 第三,修改相关法律,规定不动产留置担保制度,使承包人工程款权益得以更加便捷有效的途径实现。在此基础上,选择以下方式之一加以规定以全面保障承包人对工程款享有优先受偿权:(1)对不可留置的工程,立法明确规定不动产法定抵押担保制度,既保障承包人工程款优先受偿,又保证工程的社会经济效益不受影响。(2)继续完善承包人优先权立法,参照我国已有的特别优先权形式,再创设一个建设工程优先权制度,详细规定其内容和实现方式,以保障建设工程承包人工程款的优先受偿。

【Abstract】 It is very serious that the project reward being in arrears in the industry of construction in our country, the influence of this problem is other than the construction industry itself. The special attention of legislation manifestoes on the article 286 in the "Contract Law" whose sense of principal of stipulation is too strong to be lack of manipulation, thus in real practice, it cannot take effect to prevent the lots of project reward from being in arrears, the supreme people’s court, as the judicial interpretations, whose relevant replication cannot go beyond the law limitation and conflict to it. Totally to see, the current legislation of our own country has drawbacks on the part of protection of contractor’s right and interests in construction project. The attention of scholars’ writings in recent years are deficient to this point mainly present on the property of stipulation rights on the article 286 in the "Contract Law ", and on basis of law’s just, order, beneficial value and manipulation.The article holds that the true reason of project reward being in arrears is current law and regulations imperfect rather than the contractors fill up the money. To begin with, anti-contractor often goes into operation under the fact that construction funds don’t put into effect. Moreover, the contractor has not corresponding right of making balance to which the law endowment, the man can still acquire this construction project forthwith even though the other party default and might fail to pay in full for the project after completing. Thus relevant institution should be set up by legislation in order to consummate the protection mechanism of contractor’s project reward right:Firstly, guarantee the construction fund to ascertain effectively and special fund use for special purpose by way of perfecting law system oftaking change of construction fund through creaturing examine and approve system before going into operation and system of watch and control construction fund after it.Secondly, make clear the legitimacy of contracting and fill up money which special used for construction project as project fund to safeguard explicitly.Finally, amend pertinent law and stipulate means of assumption of real estate detainment in order to fulfill nimbly to rights and interests of project fund of contractor, on the basis of which to select one of the following ways to ensure the priority of repayment right of project fund of contractor: (1) Legislate explicitly to stipulate real estate legal mortgage right about project undetainment, not only ensure the preference of repayment right of project fund of contractor, but also the social economic benefits of project cannot be affected . (2) Continue to perfect the contractor’s priority legislation and refound a system of construction project preference consulting china’s extraordinary priority form, prescribe in detail its contents and the way of realization in order to safeguard the preference of repayment right of project fund of contractor.

  • 【分类号】D922.29;D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】218