

【作者】 张承先

【导师】 谭宗泽;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的发展,我国法治也逐渐完善了,依法治国深得人心,公民的权利意识变得越来越强烈起来。公民权利也越来越得到重视。建设社会主义法治目标提出,标志着我国法治建设进入一个新阶段。 一个精神正常的人因其反社会行为,可以不经法院判决而被劳动教养限制长达3年的自由。为了规避刑事诉讼法对侦查期限或者强制措施的限制,一些公安机关可以先将犯罪嫌疑人劳动教养,在犯罪嫌疑人劳动教养过程中,借用劳动教养期限进行侦查使劳动教养制度成为变相的收容审查制度。在法治背景下,这些做法与法治精神是相违背的。劳动教养为什么能这样呢? 从理论的思考到实践的叩问,劳动教养就象一座巨大的冰山渐渐浮现在我眼前。我为它卓越有效的社会控制功能拍案叫绝的同时,又为它对公民权利的漠视而深表遗憾。本文试图以公民权利保护为切入点,从劳动教养的历史与现状、理论与实践小心求证出劳动教养的不正当性并提出废除劳动教养的观点。当然,废除的只是制度而不是功能。对行政处罚体系和刑事处罚体系进行适当的改造后,它们完全可以满足劳动教养的社会控制功能。 本文的结构可分为四大部分,共四章。 第一章对劳动教养进行了简单的历史回顾,阐述了劳动教养产生的理论基础。劳动教养以马克思主义为指导,以中国传统文化和西方矫正技术为方法论依据。劳动教养创建在新中国成立之初,在当时特殊的时代背景里,劳动教养为巩固新生的政权起了非常重要的作用。 第二章在历史的演变中考察了劳动教养的法律性质。劳动教养一方面强调教化作用,另一方面它又带有强烈的应急色彩,所以它的性质也众说纷纭。对劳动教养性质的把握应从其历史演变过程着手,它的性质是不断变化的。在当下,劳动教养是一种混合处罚,它以刑事处罚的手段达到行政处罚的目的。这种模糊状态的性质不符合法律的精神。 第三章是本文的重点部分,它以公民权利的保护为视角考察了劳动教养的法理基础。劳动教养在我国社会秩序维护方面,起过巨大的作用,这是个任何人都不能否认的事实,它有社会功能的合理性。但由于太关注自身的社会功能,故其法理基础非常脆弱,经不起任何推敲。它没有遵循现代公法通用的实体正义原则和程序正义原则,甚至和《宪法》精神相违背,也和国际人权公约的部分内容相抵触。自然,在维护社会公共秩序的同时对个人权利的保障就不够重视。在处理个人和社会两者之间关系时,正义的理念应该是:公民权利和个人自由的价值是第一位的;权力和秩序是服从于、服务于这一价值的,是第二位。当劳动教养的社会控制功能和公民的基本权利发生冲突时,保护公民的基本权利就应放在第一位。这样,劳动教养的存在就值得考虑,要么改革完善它,要么废除它。因为在个人自由和权利日益受到重视和尊重的时代,任何和法治精神相违背的事物都不能再存在下去。 第四章提出要废除劳动教养,但要继承其合理功能。这样,就要对现行惩罚体系进行改造,重构我国惩罚体系。我国现行的三级惩罚体系没有法律理论依据的支持,因为劳动教养对象的构成要件和罪犯及治安处罚的行为人是相同的;同时,劳动教养的期限和部分有期徒刑期限重合,所以我国惩罚体系实际上是二级。废除劳动教养从技术上来说是可行的,只要对《刑法》和((j台安管理处罚条例》稍加改造就完全可以满足劳动教养的功能。一方面将《治安管理处罚条例》上升为《治安法》,仍然保持原来的处罚种类,只是将拘留最高期限由于15天改为30天,并且由治安法庭采取简易程序审理;另一方面在刑罚制度中设立轻微罪制度,取消刑法中的定量因素,将犯罪分为重罪、轻罪、轻微罪三种,对轻微罪采取有限前科制。通过这样改造,劳动教养对象就完全可以被《刑法》和《治安管理处罚条例》所吸收。 结语在总结全文的同时,对我国维护社会公共利益和保护公民权利两者之间提出了期盼和希望。

【Abstract】 From theoretical perspective to practical inquiries, the system on reeducation through labor is like an iceberg emerging into my view. While I strike the table and shout bravo for its fruitful social control function, I feel sorry about it overlooking the civil rights. This thesis begins with the protection of the civil rights, tries to argue about the irrationality of the system on reeducation through labor from its historical and present, theoretical and practical perspective, and the author proposes the view of abolishing the system on reeducation through labor. Of course, the function of reeducation will be left. After we reconstruct the administrative sanction system and the criminal sanction system in a proper way, they could completely satisfy the social control function.The thesis is composed of four chapters. On the basis of going back to its historical record simply, the author addresses the theoretical basis producing the system on reeducation through labor in the first chapter. The system on reeducation through labor is guided by Marxism with Chinese traditional culture and western rectification technique as its foundations. The system on reeducation through labor was developed at the beginning of new China being born, it played an important role in consolidating the new government under the special times background.The second chapter reviews the legal nature of the system on reeducation through labor in its historical evolution. The system on reeducation through labor focuses the education function, and on the other hand, it possesses some color of strongly meeting the emergency, therefore there are various ideas about its nature. Our understanding of its nature should begin with its historical evolution. Its nature is changing. At present, the system on reeducation through labor is acombination of sanctions: it serves the administrative sanction purpose by way of criminal sanction. The obscure nature doesn’t accord with the sprit of law.The third chapter is the emphasis in this thesis. It reviews its legal principles from the perspective of protecting the civil rights. The system on reeducation through labor played an important role in keeping the social order, which could never be denied with its remaining social-functionally rationality. It cares too much for its on social functions, therefore it lacks the support of legal principles, and it can not afford any pondering. It can not follow the justice of entity and procedure generally accepted by modern publ ic law, and i t even violate the spr i t of Chinese Constitution and some articles in international human rights treaties. Naturally, it can not put enough emphasis on protecting civil rights while protecting the social order. When dealing with the relationship between individuals and the society, we should bear in mind the concept of justice: the value of civil rights and individual freedom should be in the first place; and the power and order which should is in the second place should obey and serve the value. When there are conflicts between its social control function and the civil rights, protecting the civil rights should be placed first. Therefore, the existing of the system on reeducation through labor is worth consideration. We may reform it or abolish it because in the era of more and more recognizing and respecting the rights, we can not bear any thing violating the rule of law. The author proposes in the fourth chapter that the system on reeducation through labor should be abolished, but its reasonable function should be left. Therefore, the existing sanction system should be rebuilt. Chinese existing three-class sanction system lacks support originating from the legal theory because the objective requirements of the system on reeducation through labor are the same as criminalsand the public security punished, and at the same time its time limit is the same as some time limit imposed on some kind of imprisonment with set term. Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China and Regulations on Public Security Administr

  • 【分类号】D926.8
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