

【作者】 栾桂秀

【导师】 谭宗泽;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 利益构成多样化、利益主体多元化导致法的利益内涵的复杂化,公共利益也有其特定的主体和内容,基本涉及经济秩序和社会公德两方面,公共利益在不同社会关系领域或不同法律部门各有侧重,各有其不同表现。笔者认为公共利益(即公益)应该有两层含义:第一层为社会公共利益,即为社会全部和部分成员所享有的利益;第二层含义指国家利益。公共利益与个人利益间是共生与冲突的辩证关系,主张社会公共利益保障只是为了对个人利益的适度限制,而不是否定个人利益和个人权利。公益诉讼历史悠久,并为许多国家所重视,原指保护公共利益的诉讼,除法律有特别规定外,凡市民均可提起。 随着现代国家职能的强化,行政争议日益增多,行政诉讼也随之发展起来。同时随着行政权的日益扩大,损害公共利益的行政行为日益增多,为限制行政权的扩张,许多大陆法系国家和英美法系国家开始在行政诉讼领域引入公益诉讼制度。在我国社会经济生活中,同样存在大量国家利益、社会公共利益受侵害的现象,却由于现行公益诉讼的缺失,无法通过保护利益方式中最有效的方式——诉讼来维护国家利益、社会公共利益。 我国十五大“依法治国”伟大方略的提出,为依法行政奠定了坚实基础。面对世界一体化的进程,公共利益日益凸显其重要性,以维护公益为基本价值之一的行政公益诉讼制度就显得尤为必要,并具备了操作的现实可能性。为了在保护行政管理相对人合法权益的同时,维护公共利益,促进行政主体依法行政,我国有必要改革行政诉讼制度,建立行政公益诉讼制度。行政公益诉讼概念有四个主要含义,其中最本质的内涵与特征是行政公益诉讼的目的在于维护公共利益,而非提起诉讼当事人一己的个体利益。不仅检察机关可以代表国家提起行政公益诉讼,公民、社会团体及其他组织也可针对损害国家利益和社会公共利益的行政行为提起行政诉讼。唯有如此,才能做到由国家机关、社会组织和广大公民共同用法律手段通过司法程序维护社会公共秩序、公共利益。笔者希望通过本文对行政公益诉讼的分析和探索,能为我国行政公益诉讼制度的建立尽一份绵薄之力。 本文试从以下三个部分对我国建立行政公益诉讼制度进行分析和探索: 第一部分为行政公益诉讼制度的理论根据,主要从公益的含义、公益与私益的关系、公益在法律中的体现及保障、行政公益诉讼的含义、行政公益诉讼制度产生的理论基础、行政公益诉讼制度建立的现实依据即必要性和可行性方面着手分析。 第二部分为行政公益诉讼制度的比较与选择,主要介绍了大陆法系和英美法系主要国家的行政公益诉讼制度,分析了我国行政公益诉讼的缺失,进一步证明了建立行政公益诉讼制度的必要性。 第三部分为我国行政公益诉讼制度构建中的主要问题。主要分析了三个方面,分别是:行政公益诉讼受害范围的构想以及行政公益诉讼的典型适用;提起行政公益诉讼的原告资格的广泛性,其中重点介绍了社会团体的原告资格和检察机关的公诉人资格;行政公益诉讼的程序保障,重点强调两个方面的内容:一是要保障诉权的实现,二是要保障行政公益诉讼效益,防止滥诉。主要包括强化行政公益诉讼程序意识、将行政公益诉讼纳入法律援助范围、放宽原告资格起诉条件的审查标准、行政前置程序的设立、诉讼费用的承担、行政公益诉讼的激约机制六个方面。关于行政公益诉讼的举证责任,笔者认为与一般的行政诉讼无根本区别,即行政机关为其行为的合法性负举证责任,所以不在此文展开论述。

【Abstract】 The diversification of the interests and the pluralism of subjects result in the complexity of connotation of the legal interests.Public interest has specific subjects and its context, which involves economical order and social ethics in the main. Dating back to its history, a lot of countries attach importance to the public welfare litigation. As state power strengthens, the administrative disputes increase and the administrative litigations also grow rapidly. Meanwhile, along with the extension of the executive powers, the administrative actions of damaging public interests unceasingly emerge. In order to restrict the expansion of executive powers, some countries begin to draw into public welfare litigation system in the administrative field of Continental law system and Anglo-American law system. In the economic life of our country, a number of state interests and public interests have been infringed upon due to the drawback of the public welfare litigation. However, these interests have not obtained effective remedies. Because of the significance of the public interests, the construction of the administrative public welfare litigation system is very necessary, which is provided with the realistic possibility.The administrative public welfare litigation has four major meanings, among which the most essential meaning and characteristic is that the purpose of the administrative public welfare litigation lies in safeguarding the public welfare, not the personal interest of the contesting party who institutes a proceeding. Only by establishing the administrative public welfare litigation system can state organization and social organization and numerous citizen together safeguard social public order and public welfare through the judicial procedure.The thesis, which is divided into three parts, researches on the establishment of the administrative public welfare litigation system in our country.The first part deals with the theoretical basis of the administrative public welfare litigation system, involving the field of the definition of the publicinterest, the connotation of the administrative public welfare litigation, and the theoretical foundation and the realistic criteria of the administrative public welfare litigation system.The second part studies on the comparison and selection of the administrative public welfare litigation system. The part mainly talks about the administrative public welfare litigation system in the major countries of Continental law system and Anglo-American law system, and analyses the drawback of the administrative public welfare litigation in our country.The third part analyses the major problems in constructing the administrative public welfare litigation system, which includes the field of the scope of accepting cases, the qualifications of the plaintiff, and the procedural guarantee.

  • 【分类号】D925.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】502