

【作者】 韦加速

【导师】 李培泽;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文论证了以下几个观点: 一、在故意杀人罪犯罪形态中提出:(一)故意杀人罪中止犯的处罚原则应为一律免除刑罚。而不是没有造成损害的,免除刑罚;造成损害的,减轻处罚。理由:a.我国刑法第24条第2款规定:“对于中止犯,没有造成损害的,应当免除处罚;造成损害的,应当减轻处罚。”其中的“损害”从量上讲应当是指刑法分则中的危害结果,即作为其他犯罪构成要件的、可以独立成罪的危害结果;从质上讲应当包括非物质性危害结果。b.第24条第2款规定的中止犯不应以中止犯的行为性质定罪,而应以其实际上所符合的犯罪构成要件的罪名来定罪,即以其它罪名来定罪。否则就是张冠李戴,就不能准确量刑,就有悖于罪刑相适应原则。总之,根据对刑法第24条第二款规定的“损害”的分析以及罪名的分析,本人认为:只要损害符合其它构成要件,可以独立成罪,就可以直接以其所构成的犯罪定罪处罚,而不以中止犯的罪名定罪并处罚。所以故意杀人罪中止犯一律应当免除刑罚。当然确需处罚的,可以定其它罪名或给予相应的行政或者民事处罚。(二)首先作了理论介绍,介绍了客观未遂论、主观未遂论以及折衷未遂论,并且对它们进行了评说,驳斥了客观未遂论,认为故意杀人罪未遂犯只是存在过而非存在着客观危险性,而处罚存在过客观危险性的故意杀人未遂犯的根据,还是行为人的人身危险性,这就又不得不依靠主观未遂论,但是主观未遂论又存在许多缺点,因此,本人提出了修正的未遂论,提出了行为方式这个行为的下位概念。即认为:故意杀人罪未遂犯的处罚依据在于为了防止行为人再次实施该种故意杀人行为方式,即为了防止行为人再次以同样的方式杀人,而处罚故意杀人罪未遂犯。本人从行为人的犯罪心理、行为定势以及量刑上加以认证。 二、在故意杀人罪共犯问题上提出: 两人以上共同谋议实行杀人犯罪,参加谋议的成员即使未参加实行行为,也应当作为故意杀人罪帮助犯或者教唆犯(共犯)负刑事责任。根据:将两人以上共同谋议实行杀人行为分成两个不可分割、构成统一整体的两个部分:共同谋议行为部分和实行行为部分。参加谋议但未实行犯罪的行为人在共同谋议行为部分实际上实施了帮助和教唆行为,因为在共同谋议过程中他或他们起到了使已有犯罪意图并实行犯罪的行为人犯罪决心更加坚定的心理辅助作用(帮助作用),或者起到了鼓动、激将、劝说甚至命令本无犯罪意图而后实行犯罪的行为人的作用(教唆作用),因此就是说他或他们在整个共谋共同实行杀人行为中实施了帮助或教唆行为,就应当作为故意杀人罪帮助犯或教唆犯(共犯)来负刑事责任。若将整个两人以上共同谋议实行杀人的行为分裂开来,将共同谋议作为独立的共同犯罪预备阶段,那么就会放纵罪犯,就有悖于罪行相适应原则。 三、在故意杀人罪罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪问题上提出:(一)“安乐死”行为不应定故意杀人罪,而应在妨害社会管理秩序罪中另立新的罪名,来给它定罪。根据:首先从浸犯的客体上看,故意杀人罪侵犯的客体是他人的生命权,这是故意杀人罪区别于其它犯罪的本质特征,而安乐死行为没有侵犯他人的生命权。生命机是一种权利、一种自由,行使不行使由患有不治之症、濒临死亡的病人自己决定,而安乐死行为只是帮助病人不行使生命权,并没有违背病人的意志,谈不上侵犯病人的生命权,只能说安乐死行为人在帮助病人不行使生命权时危害了社会牙U益,因此,安乐死行为侵犯的客体不是病人的生命权而是社会牙d益。而妨害社会管理柳字罪实际上是指按照同类客体理论进行犯罪客体分类后,不宜列入其它各类犯罪又符合本类犯罪构成的妨害社会秩序的行为,所以安乐死行为不宜列入其它各类犯罪,宜列入妨碍社会管理秩序罪。而且这样体现了立法的预见性。(二)行为人预谋先杀人后当场劫取财物或者抢劫过程中突起犯意杀人尔后当场劫取则.物的,定抢劫罪;抢劫行为过后,如果行为人出于灭口、报复等动机而杀人,那么就定故意杀人罪和抢劫罪,数罪并罚。

【Abstract】 this article points out these points of view: No. oneOn the formation of crime of murder, firstly the damage means the result of another kind of crime, that is to say. It is the result of a kind of crime which exist alone what’s more, it include spiritual result we should punish the defendant according to the crime he defy directly rather than crime of stoppage For this , the author suggest that the law should be changed. Namely, the punishment of the break of murder should be exempt, but not that there is no damage there is no punishment or that if the damage is not large the punishment should be alleviated, secondly the reason of the punishment of the fail of murder is the danger of the second same mode of murder, namely to avoid the second same mode of murder, the fail of murder should be punished. This article firstly analyses all kinds of theory on the reason of unfinished crime and then point out changed theory . The author think that the reason of punishment of unfinished crime lie in the way that , the defendant commit crime and the reason, rather than the defendant. So to avoid the way and result the law should punish the defendant.No. twoOn the accomplice of murder, the author thinks that in collusive co principals, although the crimes have not taken part in the action, they should be punished as accessory or abettor. That is to say , in collusive co principals of murder, although the crimes have not taken part in the action, they should be punished as accessory or abettor of murder.No. threeOn the boundary line of murder. Firstly this article think that euthanasia commits a crime, but it shouldn’t be regarded ashomicide. We should set a new crime in the chapter of crimes of obstructing the administration of public order, Because it don’t obstruct other’s right of living, but it obstruct the public order, and it maybe result in the abuse of Jurisdiction. Moreover, Setting a new crime for euthanasia is an foresee ability of legislation. Secondly if defendant formerly intends to kill the sufferer then take away property or suddenly intend to do this, he commits murder; only if the defendant kill the suffer to keep the sufferer silent or revenge himself on the suffer and so on after the time of robber, Should be punished according to the two crime--murder and robbery.

  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】619