

【作者】 王梓臣

【导师】 刘湘廉;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一个刑法专业术语,“情节”一词,出现的时间不长,在世界范围内的应用也不广。尽管我们不否认历史上另外一些术语所涵盖的内容和所起的作用与“情节”相同,而且,这些术语现在仍然存在,将来也不会消失,但是,“情节”语词的真正出现是在现代的中国刑事法律规范中。然而遗憾的是,它却没有真正发挥作用,或者说,没有完全正确地发挥作用。究其原因,是因为我国理论界还没有形成一套完整实用的情节理论体系,而国外更是缺乏相关的理论。国内已经出现的有关理论,不可否认有许多可取之处,但是,也存在诸多的缺陷和谬误。这一方面与立法规定的不完善有关,另一方面更与理论界对情节犯理论建构思路联系。对刑法中情节的理解和运用,已经是立法、司法实践部门甚至普通守法者都不得不面对的问题。因此,有必要在理论上对刑法中的情节进行深入系统的研究。 论文的第一部分从宏观上对刑法中的情节予以界说和介绍。本部分从界定刑法中情节的定义开篇,我国刑法理论各种论著对“刑法中的情节”所下的定义极不一致,诸定义虽然不同程度地揭示了情节的重要特征,但均有不完善之处,值得商榷。笔者认为,“情节”是具有双重结构的概念,行刑情节更不应被忽略,“情节”一词的本体意义也要注意,从而给出自己的观点:用以评价行为人或其侵害行为,体现行为的社会危害性和行为人的人身危险性,并影响定罪、量刑和行刑的事实情况。然后对刑法中情节的特征从五个方面进行了阐述。 论文的第二部分力图从理论上对刑法中情节的具体类型予以解读和重构。刑法的情节虽然是一个多层次的复杂系统,但是,笔者仅仅从刑法中情节的作用或功能的角度、情节是否为法律所规定、刑法对情节的内容和形式是否做出了具体规定、情节对刑罚适用的结果是否产生必然影响、情节反映的是行为人的主观恶性还是客观危害社会性、情节出现的时间顺序、情节由刑法典哪部分规定等七个角度予以分类讨论,重点分析理论上争议比较大又具有重大实践意义的几种情节类型。 论文的第三部分是刑法中几种情节的适用性分析,限于篇幅,着重论述了具有重大理论和实践意义的三种情节类型:一是量刑情节,重点分析了多种量刑情节并存时的适用原则,涉及多个同向量刑情节和多个逆向量刑情节的适用;二是酌定情节,重点分析其法律根据、内容以及它与法定情节的关系;三是概括性情节,重点分析其存在根源、是否符合罪刑法定原则以及对其创造性解释的限度。 论文的第四部分论述的是情节犯的有关问题。首先,对情节犯概念做出概述,从三个方面来把握:一是情节犯成立的首要标志,二是情节犯中的“情节”内容,三是情节犯的主观要件。其次,归纳情节犯在立法上的七种表现形式. 论文的第五部分论述的是刑法中情节的若干立法完善,总共述及四个方面:第一,分析“显著轻微情节”的立法缺陷,建议在适当的时候对刑法第13条犯罪概念进行修改,对“情节显著轻微,危害不大的,不认为是犯罪的情况”由立法掌握;第二,分析取消多幅度情节必要性和可行性,重构现行刑法关于“从重,,、“从轻”、‘喊轻”及“免除处罚”的规定;第三,讨论酌定情节法定化的必要性、可行性和途径;第四,分析情节犯规定的立法缺陷,评述情节犯的立法理由,对于完善我国情节犯立法,现实地提出四条可行性建议。

【Abstract】 As a special term in criminal law, the word "circumstance" is a new thing. It is true that there are similarities between the content and action of "circumstance" and some other terms. These terms exist still today and will not disappear in the future. "Circumstance" appeared firstly in today Chinese criminal law, but it does not work truly and completely. The reason is that there is not a complete and utility theory of the circumstance. Though they have some use, the old theories also have much more faults and shortfalls. As the reason is concerned, one is the laciness of legislative provision; the other is the wrong method of study. How to understand and use the circumstance in criminal law is a question that the departments of legislation and justice have to face. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a thorough and system study.The first part of the paper analyses the circumstances in criminal law wholly. At first, this part make a definition of the circumstance, points that it can be divided into two levels, emphasizes that the execution circumstances can not be ignored, and then makes a conclusion. At last, it makes an analysis on five characters of the circumstances in criminal law.The second part is aimed to analyze specific types of the circumstances. Its major assignment is not to make a class, but to find questions s and dissolve them. The part does not choose all of the circumstances from. As the importance is concerned, the parts classify the circumstances into seven groups by different criterions. These respects are action of the circumstances, qualities of it, forms of it, etc.The third part discusses how to apply the circumstances in act. As the amount of the paper cannot be too large, three types of circumstances are involved: The first is the applicability of circumstances of penal discretion, the second is the applicability of discretionary circumstances, and the third is the applicability of general circumstances.The fourth part of the paper states the questions about the offense by circumstances. The part makes a bound of offense by circumstances, generalize the types of it in legislation,.The fifth part is to make suggestions for the legislation. There are four aspects needed to be improved. First, the part analyses "obvious slight circumstance"; Second, it suggests that the circumstance of many ranges should be abolished; Third, discretionary circumstances should become lawful circumstances by and by; Fourth, it appraises the lawmaking reason of offense by circumstances and makes several pieces of applicable suggestions.

  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】4
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