

Study of Traffic Control Based on Linux’s Model and Application on the Campus Network

【作者】 郭献力

【导师】 郭文明;

【作者基本信息】 第一军医大学 , 生物医学工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络技术的快速发展和普及,园区网得到了迅速的发展,几年来一些大学、医院、公司等都建立了自己的局域网。特别是对于校园网来说发展更为迅速,各种新型业务不断涌现,譬如像视频教学、视频点播、远程教育等多媒体的应用很是普及,网络正在从以前的单纯传送数据向可传送语音、图像等多媒体教学的趋势发展。对于相对的有限带宽和大流量的业务,很容易造成网络拥塞,已经成为网络发展的瓶颈。如何解决好这个问题呢?这就要求我们去研究网络服务质量(QoS)和带宽的管理和控制。另外作为学校这样一个很特殊的群体,由于需要保障教学和科研的需要,必须给予一些重点单位或实验室专用的带宽以避免网络的拥塞和中断。这也是为什么校园网必须增加带宽控制的一个重要原因。 近几年来,Linux内核得到不断的发展和完善,网络功能在不断地增加,其中Linux系统下的TC控制包就是内核新增的专门用来开发带宽控制的软件包,其众多强大的队列算法和分类器可以让我们随心所欲地来设定带宽。本文就是针对校园网等园区网的特点,通过对带宽控制策略地研究,提出一套切实可行的流量分配和带宽控制的方法,利用Linux系统的TC模块来设计完成的。本文前一部分主要是对带宽控制内核和队列算法进行剖析和研究,并在此基础上提出后半部分的设计策略和实现方法。并讨论了有关带宽控制中病毒防治等问题。

【Abstract】 As the fast development and the prevalence of the computer networks technique is going on, there is a great progress in the development of the campus and area network. In recent years, some of the universities, hospitals, corporations etc have established their own local area network(LAN). Especially, the campus network is just the case of them, for its new types of multifarious business, video education, Video-On-Demand, far-distance education, the use of multimedia, and so on. The networking transmission is experiencing a great change, which is from simplex data to multimedia including voice, image and so forth. It gradually becomes a pop trend. Then the problems are put forword, that the network congestion happens easily for the limited bandwidth. And it turns into the bottle-neck of the network development. How should we like to solve it? It is a right way for us to study on the quality of service (QoS) on network and the management and control of the bandwidth. In another hand, in the use of network colleges are a special colony because usually it must protect some departments from the network congestion or interruption by special channel of the bandwidth. It is also an important reason why the traffic control(TC) should be increased.Recently the kernel of Linux is being more and more perfect and its network function turns to be stronger. For an instance, the TC packet expert in traffic control is just the new added item in the kernel of Linux. The numerous and powerful qdisc arithmetics and classifiers offer us to set the bandwidth in our pleasure. Aiming at the characteristics of the campus and area network such as campus network, in this article a set of feasible methods about the bandwidth distribution and traffic control is carried out based on the studies about the traffic control. The design is accomplished with the use of the TC model of the Linux system. Firstly, it is mainly about the parse and study on the kernel of traffic control and the queue arithmetic. But what is more worthy is the design strategy and the implemented methods brought forword in the following. Also, the prevention and cure of the virus about the traffic control is discussed.

  • 【分类号】TP393.01
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】234