

The E-business Model Based on CATV Wide Band the Research and Implement of the Controller & View Layers of Center Platform

【作者】 李量

【导师】 李勃;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 计算机应用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着有线数字电视技术的发展,数字电视网络已被看作是继Internet之后的新一代宽带网络的发展方向,基于数字电视技术的各种应用正在受到越来越广泛的关注和重视,如:基于有线数字电视的条件接收系统、基于双向HFC网络的有线电视增值服务系统等。本文是在研究云南省科技厅信息网络专项资助项目“有线宽带网互动开放服务平台”的基础上,采用J2EE技术构建的一个基于有线数字电视网的分布式电子商务电视超市设计方案中的部分研究成果。 本论文的研究方法及路线是:一、分析当前有线数字电视技术的发展,并探讨有线数字电视技术的发展前景及发展趋势;二、研究当前比较成熟的电子商务模式,并探讨适合于有线数字电视网络发展的电子商务模式;三、综合比较目前比较成熟的系统开发技术,确定选择J2EE技术作为开发系统的基本技术;四、根据有线数字电视网络的特点,开发出能够在有线数字电视网络上运行的电视超市的初步系统。 论文研究的重点为架构电视超市控制层和表示层,核心是J2EE规范的框架的研究,本文采用J2EE技术成功地实现了系统框架的搭建和表示层的实现。 本论文所取得的主要研究成果如下: 一、利用J2EE框架实现了控制层,使控制层具有良好的可扩展性、可维护性和可移植性。 二、在控制层上利用XML技术,使系统可以通过XML配置文件来控制整个程序的流程,实现了模块的可拔插。在表示层上,结合动态标签库技术,使系统的各个模块可以灵活地选用视图框架模板,从而使系统具有灵活统一的页面风格。 本文的研究不仅局限于对控制层和表示层的理论研究,而且在实践的基础上实现了控制层的可扩展性和表示层的灵活性。本文设计的控制层具有良好的可移植性不仅能使用在本系统中,还可以作为其他系统设计和实现的基础。

【Abstract】 With the development of CATV technology, the CATV network has become the new kind of wide band. The applications based on CATV technology is becoming more and more recognized and attended. For example: the CA system based on CATV, the CATV increment service system based on bidirectional HFC. On the basis of a special-endowed network program of Yunnan Technology Bureau-The Interact Open Service Platform of CATV, this paper is a part production of the distributed e-business TV supermarket using J2EE technology based on CATV network.The research methods applied in the paper are as follows:First: To analyze the actuality of the current CATV technologies, and to discuss its’ future and develop tendency. Second: To research the current e-business model, and to discuss the e-business model that fit for CATV network. Third: To compare synthetically with the current technologies of program development, and take the J2EE technology as our basic technology of program development. Forth: According the feature of CATV network, to develop the TV supermarket that can run on the CATV network.The emphasis of this paper is to build the controller layer and view layer of TV supermarket. The core is framework research in J2EE. Two main research results of the paper are as follows.First: Implemented the controller layer which has better scalability, maintainability and reusability using J2EE framework.Second: Using XML in controller layer, which made the controller layer can control the whole flow of the program through the XML deployment files, implemented the modules’ reusability. In view layer, applied the JSTL technology which made the modules of the system can choose view framework templates flexibly, and made the system has flexible and uniform page style.The paper not only researched the controller layer and view layer in theory, but also implemented the scalability of controller layer and the flexibility of view layer. The controller layer with good portability implemented in this system may be the base to develop the distributed systems.

【关键词】 JREEMVC动态标签库控制层表示层
【Key words】 J2EEMVCJSTLcontroller layerview layer
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】64