

The Aesthetic Analyses of Sentimentality in Yishan’s Poetry

【作者】 魏学宝

【导师】 韩经太;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 中国古典文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 翻阅李商隐诗集,很多人往往能够感受到李商隐诗歌的感伤美,不过研究者对此却并不是太重视,对这方面的关注也不是太多。同时感伤话题在中国古典文学研究中可以算作是一个冷门话题,因此好多学者在以感伤为研究对象时,往往会出现概念的混乱与泛化。本文力图通过从一些具体事例和借鉴西方感伤主义来对感伤进行一个明确的界定,使之同各种非乐感情绪、各种其他悲剧审美样态区别开来。在此基础上,关照义山诗歌,通过对“残花”、“落花”系列意象、“杨柳”系列意象、“风雨”系列意象、“鸟虫”系列意象、“夕阳”、“残月”系列意象;“伤春”系列意象的分析,对李商隐诗歌的感伤美作一系统的梳理与评鉴。通过对义山诗歌感伤意象的分析,本文归纳出义山的感伤有着自己的独到特色,这一特色可以用四个方面的三十二个字来说明:真挚、悠长、缠绵、婉转;凄迷、含蓄、朦胧、蕴籍;圆润、雅致、流丽、秀美;绵柔、纤细、轻弱、敏感。当然很多特色也非具体词汇可以描绘清楚,因此本文在初步描述的基础上,根据自己的感受,通过非此非彼的外延的界定力图将义山诗歌感伤美的特色叙述明白。

【Abstract】 The Aesthetic Analyses of Sentimentality in Yishan ’s PoetryWhen we look through Li Shangyin’s poetry anthology, we can taste his sentimentality. But many scholars always neglected that and didn’t take attention enough. The theme of sentiment is not an obvious and important topic in the research of Chinese classic literature. So some scholars always used the conception of sentiment confusedly and extensively. In this dissertation, the author tries to make the conception of sentimentality accurate by some concrete examples and the west theory of sentimentalism, and tell sentimentality from other tragic sensations. And then, the author systematically coordinates and appreciates the aesthetics of sentiment in Li Shangyin’s poetry through analyzing the images of the remnant flower and shatter, willows, wind and rain, birds and worm, the setting sun and the crescent, spring sentimentality. After these analyses, the author concludes four characteristics of Li Shangyin’s sentimentality. The first is sincere , long, exceedingly sentimental, graceful and restrained; The second is sad and sweet , implied , obscurity, containing; The third is mellow, elegant, fluent and beautiful, delicate; The fourth is tender, nicely, gossamer, sensitive. These words cannot describe all the characteristics of course, so these characteristics are only the basement. The author tries best to depict the aesthetic aspects of sentimentality in Yishan’s poetry by personally experience, and then to confirm the extension of some characteristics.The author: Wei Xuebao (the Chinese classic literature)The tutor: Professor Han Jingtai

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】814