

【作者】 葛庆安

【导师】 黄建龙; 陈惠贤;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 进入知识经济时代,世界经济的发展比以往任何时候都依赖于知识的扩散和应用。企业如何应用知识、能否用好知识,关系到将来能否在激烈的市场中生存。 复杂型面零件在工业的各个部门中有着广泛的应用。高精度复杂型面的制造是机械制造业中一项十分复杂且难度很大的工作。以往没有普遍使用的高精度复杂型面的造型原理和方法,在生产中多借助经验和试验,用试着干的办法来近似解决问题,即使对特定的复杂曲面根据具体的条件摸索到一些经验,但在精度上往往难以达到要求。所以,在目前的条件下我国生产的一些具有复杂型面的刀具其成本特别高。为此,我们在复杂刀具设计的系统中引入了基于知识工程的设计理念。 基于知识的工程(KBE)是一种新型的以知识为中心的智能设计方法,基于知识工程的复杂刀具设计与研究改变了传统的参数化CAD设计方法,弥补了传统CAD设计方法的不足。开创了刀具设计智能化方向的一个新途径。 该文结合工厂企业中的实际情况和需要,提出了这种新型的设计方法。首先分析了当前世界和我国的制造业的各项技术的进展情况,认为当前各种技术的发展解决了很多问题,但是还有需引进KBE技术。接着就当今世界KBE的技术的最新发展以及KBE技术内涵进行了详细的介绍,创建了复杂刀具KBE系统的组成框架。同时以铲齿成形铣刀为例,详细阐述了刀具设计中的一些问题。文中就专家系统、知识库、数据库、知识的表示获取以及推理机制和控制策略等KBE关键技术进行了详细的阐述,给出了KBE在该系统中具体的实施路线。同时,开发出了该复杂刀具KBE系统的图形用户界面,并且给出了具体的实例。论文最后总结了本文的不足之处并对这项新兴的技术进行了展望。 该复杂刀具KBE系统能提高刀具设计的水平、质量及效率,降低设计人员的劳动强度,较好地满足了复杂刀具系统集成的需要,具有很高的使用价值和广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Entering the knowledge-economic epoch, the development of the world economy depends more on the diffuse and the application of the knowledge than ever. And how to use the knowledge and use it correctly in a enterprise concerns the enterprise can survive or not in the furious market competition in the future.The complicated profiled parts have been widely used in every industrial sections, for instance , separate gear cam unequally spaced airscrew steam turbine fam unequally spaced lead screw and various exploratory etc. in the section of tools manufacturing ,the complicated profiled is more widely used, for example ,complex cutter. It is a more important and more difficult work in the mechanical manufacturing section that how to design and manufacturing complex tools. There was not universal formative principle and method, solving this problem, practice and test were recurred to, and test and try was also another method. But the methods above can’t accord with the request of precision. And the cost of the design and manufacturing of complex tools was very high. So another new concept -knowledge based engineering(KBE) was introduced into this paper.KBE is a new-style intelligent method which depends on knowledge, and the design and research of the complex cutter based on KBE has changed the traditional method of the parametric CAD design, and has fetched up the shortcomings of CAD. It will start a new method in the intelligent design field.In this paper ,the developments of all kinds of new technologies around the world and in china were analyzed firstly, and the author thought it’s very necessary to introduce the KBE technology. Then many details about the formed cutter were introduced. Next the key technology such as expert system repository database the express and acquisition of knowledge reasoning mechanism and control strategy were detailed illustrated. Next the implementary route was given in this system. At the same time, the graphic user interface was finished and an example was given. At last ,the shortage of this paper was summarized and the prospect of this new technology was probed.Using the method given in this paper, the level of design quality efficiency of formed cutter can enhanced, and it can meet the need of system integrated. And I believe that it will be more widely used in the future.

【关键词】 KBE复杂刀具成形铣刀知识库数据库推理
【Key words】 KBEcomplex cutterformed cutterrepositorydatabasereasoning
  • 【分类号】TG71
  • 【被引频次】4
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