

【作者】 张忠科

【导师】 王希靖;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 水轮机活动导叶的修复效率和精度不高,一直困扰着各大水电站,本文针对这一问题设计了微机直接控制的专供水轮机活动导叶打磨用的机械手的控制器。该控制器可控五个自由度能方便修复各种形状复杂的水轮机活动导叶。本文介绍了水轮机活动导叶打磨机械手的组成及工作原理、硬件及软件结构,重点说明了采用恒压力的位置/力混合控制算法为基础的水轮机打磨机械手的控制实现和水轮机活动导叶3-D图形显示及用数据库实现数据管理同时特别介绍了利用多线程技术实现磨削过程的实时控制过程。 水轮机活动导叶磨削过程中涉及大量的数据,为此采用数据库来实现数据的管理功能。数据库管理部分给出来水轮机活动导叶数据库的组成,数据处理及其数据库管理模块的实现方法。数据库管理模块是利用面向对象编程语言Visual C++在Microsoft公司的Access数据库平台上开发的基于ADO接口的数据管理模块。通过它可实现对导叶各种数据及报警等状态检测数据的方便调用和灵活管理。 水轮机活动导叶原形及修复后形貌的图形再现模块,采用基于开放式绘图界面图形标准OPENGL为基础,能在水轮机活动导叶图形对话框上显示三维图形的功能模块。该方法将面向对象技术,图形学技术,可视化技术等先进技术在水轮机叶片修复软件中综合运用,较好的实现了叶片形状的再现。主要涉及OpenGL简介及其相关操作,模型数据读取及处理,视区、灯光、材质等参数的设置,模型绘制的两种方法等。 Windows操作系统具有出色的多任务、图形用户接口、性能优越的硬件兼容性以及卓越的32位软件环境但因Windows系统是事件驱动的操作系统,事件的产生是随机的,因此程序下一步做什么也是未知的。因此对于Windows系统实时控制具有更加重要的意义。利用中断技术和多线程技术实现了控制系统的实时任务,包括位置控制、插补计算、信号采集等、图形和数据的实时显示、人机交互接口等功能。

【Abstract】 The low efficient and inaccuracy always annoys the great hydraulic power station. This paper presents the constitution of the grinding machine for the repairing hydraulic turbine guide vane with the computer directly controlling and it’s hardware and software. It emphasizes on the controlling method based on the position/force control, and it also includes the 3-D graphic showing and the data management with database .This graphic module is about the showing of the hydraulic turbine blade’ standard and after-repairing graph. The method based on the Open Graphic Language (OpenGL) and the 3-D graph can be showed in the graph dialog. This method combined the Graphic technique, Object-Oriented technique and Visualization technique to reappearance the graph of the hydraulic turbine blade. The brief introduction and operation of the OpenGL the read and process of the model data the setup of the view port light and material, the two ways of the plot and so on.There are many data occurred during the grinding process, so the database is adopted to realize the management of these data. The database management module includes the constitution of the data, the dispose and the realization of the management. This method based on the Microsoft company’s software Access. Used the Objection program language Visual C++ and the ADO interface the hydraulic turbine blade’s database management module is developed. Through it, the convenient transfer and the facility management can be realized to the all kinds of data.Although the windows system has many advantage such the multitask the graphical user interface the hardware compatibility and the Win32 software environment, it has itself shortage. Because the Windows is the event-driven system and the random of the event, it is very hard to know the next task. So the real-time control is very important. The interruption technique and the multithread is used to realize the real-time control. The real-time control includes the module of the position control interpolation calculations signal acquisition the graph and data’s real-time display and human-machine interface.

  • 【分类号】TK730
  • 【下载频次】104